Thursday, November 19th 2015
SLI and CrossFire Support "Not Practical" - Batman Arkham Knight Developer
Batman Arkham Knight gamers' woes on the PC platform continue, as a patch that lets the game take advantage of multi-GPU technologies like SLI and CrossFire remains elusive. Responding to a distraught multi-GPU user on Steam Community forums, a developer stated that implementing multi-GPU support presented a too high risk of creating new issues for the gamers, to be "practical." The PC release of Batman Arkham Knight has been riddled with bugs, which caused its publisher to pull the Unreal Engine 3 based game off the shelves to fix those bugs, and a less than successful re-launch that ended up in distribution platform Steam taking refund requests until late-December. The developer, who goes by the username "wb.elder.pliny" stated:
Steam Community
We've been working with our development and graphics driver partners over the last few months to investigate utilizing multi-GPU support within Batman: Arkham Knight. The result was that even the best case estimates for performance improvements turned out to be relatively small given the high risk of creating new issues for all players. As a result we've had to make the difficult decision to stop work on further multi-GPU support. We are disappointed that this was not practical and apologize to those who have been waiting for this feature.
67 Comments on SLI and CrossFire Support "Not Practical" - Batman Arkham Knight Developer
Always makes me laugh when a low budget indie title comes out and has all of those options above and more, makes it so much more enjoyable to sit back and feel like you are playing a game that was indeed intended and made for your native platform.
To me, it's probably a similar issue like the recent release of Call of Duty, but CoD isn't suffering from any major problems as Batman. It's probably just your typical PC Game that has a lot of high level poly-models, purty 4k textures, and all the razzle dazzle particles effect. The GPU can only render so much, and SLI/CrossfireX isn't going to push the performance any better because theirs a lot of other things that aren't being rendered by the GPU. So the CPU has to play catchup. Eye Candies are being rendered by the CPU, and these things can't be rendered by the GPU. If the GPU could render everything, and this putty-cat mean everything, life as a PC enthusiast would be heaven because your FPS would probably stay or exceed the average 60 fps reality-like settings. It's not heaven, so no, it's not going to happen. So performance is crap unless you OC your CPU past 4.0 Ghz. CPU needs more muscle, and a lot of Consumers don't have phat-pockets to go out and purchase a new i7 6950x on the fly, put an EK waterblock with a decent rad on it, OC that bad-boy past 4.4GHz, and enjoy the eye-candy on Ultra Settings. So the average consumer cry that the game is performing horribly bad. Multi-gpu performance isn't helping because I enabled it in the client. There are dual GPUs or two single GPUs in my case, and my FPS isn't hitting high numbers. This probably describes the current situation with a small degree of error, but who is actually calculating standard deviations... 2 Sigmas ftw.
Most likely, it isn't UE's fault. I don't believe it's an error on the coding. If it is, then the twinky-loving, ugg-wearing programmers working under WB or whoever, is making everyone look bad... Must have gotten UE certified at a Chinese sweat-shop? This has been pretty par practice for PC Gaming Development for the past 3 to 6 years... Announce a game, get a team to develop it, push that hype by advertising it, say it's blessed by AMD or Intel or NVidia, mention who producing it and what they produced in the past, and release it. On their end, they will watch it fill their pockets while its get full, have their A-team or B-team tech support/programmers to fix it or just let it burn. Remember that developers get their money from the vendors, and they are under contract to sell it at a certain price. The vendors in turn get their money from the consumers and make a little profit off of it. If business projections show that the vendor are going to exceed their supply in a short time, the vendors reorder more, or the problem could be fixed just by digital downloading the products for big bucks and eliminate the limited supply aspect of the scenario.
-Mass Effect 2 & 3 both still have problems with HUD, sometimes it freezes and you can't use powers or change them with some other power for shortcut
-Mass Effect 1 gameplay is seriously flawed, when you hit someone or if you are hit with biotic power you start flying through the room or are being dragged through the floor...
-Splinter Cell Blacklist still crashes after 20-30 minutes on a lot of AMD and Nvidia systems
I am sure there is a lot of other bugs in other games and some of them like in Blacklist are game-breaking. But there is no public outcry or refunds being available.
Nobody set the limit of how the games should perform and how many bugs are allowed but it looks like some games like Blacklist which quits on me after 23-26 minutes get away with it.
It's a good thing I don't pay for this crap.
No clipping or deleting the door is pointless b/c the Fing MORONS tied VATS enabling to the animation sequence.
If you cheat through, then you have to manually enable VATS with a command everytime you 1st load, every time you die and sometimes when reloading.
It's a pile of crap like every other from these jackasses. They should be dissolved.
The modders will fix what they can. That should be Bethesda's slogan.
New Vegas was really a joke. If you traveled in a cerain area of the desert near the beginning of the game it would freeze every time. That common bug was NEVER fixed.
There's not much hope for this game. 1.2 patch is a joke. For fuck's sake, it has the same mouse Y sensitivity screw up that was patched in Skyrim. Not one of these assholes even bothered to play the game. It's obvious. You have to disable mouse accel, fix Y axis and fix various display issues in the THREE ini files!
Their heads should be on pikes, but they're lauded as great devs. Quit buying this shit.
At least blizzard games work after waiting umpteen years for a release.
More than enough problems with this pile all over the internet.