Monday, January 11th 2016

AMD Slashes Radeon R9 Nano Price
AMD gave its premium small-factor gaming graphics card, the Radeon R9 Nano, its first major price cut. The card now starts at US $499, down from its launch price of $649. At $499, the R9 Nano is priced on par with its similar-performing albeit bigger and noisier sibling based on the "Fiji" silicon, the Radeon R9 Fury. The company's flagship single-GPU card, the R9 Fury X, remains at $599, its price was gradually reduced from its launch price of $649.
The three SKUs appear to be positioned to compete with NVIDIA's GeForce GTX 980, and offer cost-effective alternatives to the $629 GTX 980 Ti. Elsewhere in the lineup, the Radeon R9 390X starts at $379, and has its guns trained on the GTX 980 and GTX 970. Its smaller sibling, the Radeon R9 390 starts at $299.
The three SKUs appear to be positioned to compete with NVIDIA's GeForce GTX 980, and offer cost-effective alternatives to the $629 GTX 980 Ti. Elsewhere in the lineup, the Radeon R9 390X starts at $379, and has its guns trained on the GTX 980 and GTX 970. Its smaller sibling, the Radeon R9 390 starts at $299.
35 Comments on AMD Slashes Radeon R9 Nano Price
Now the Fury just needs to drop to $449 and were all good.
Definitely has my interest, we shall see if I decide to buy a new card soon or wait until later this year...I'd have no problem going back to AMD for my main PC, the last time I did was an XFX HD5870 that lasted years and is still running for the dude I sold it to, was an excellent experience...and that was a card that didn't OC too far and had no voltage control, but it stayed cool and performed great.
I mean, I guess...
Thanks for the deal, XFX, but uh... check the normal prices.
Also... ASUS sells a white one? HUh?
And yeah... ASUS has some albino Nano furies... but it needs white PCB too... then with the asus white board(forgot the name som sol so (drunk)).
EDIT. Sobranco :D, need to sip more...
Why? Because they figured at least a few people would buy one at egregious pricing I guess?
They could have had relevance for months now if they'd just priced their stack this way from the beginning. It would have made news, made waves, and people would have actually bought more than a few Fury parts versus 980's.
Still don't think it's a release related price drop. Fury X is still sitting close to release price, as is Fury. This seems more like an adjustment to encourage sales in its own right.