Monday, January 11th 2016

AMD Slashes Radeon R9 Nano Price
AMD gave its premium small-factor gaming graphics card, the Radeon R9 Nano, its first major price cut. The card now starts at US $499, down from its launch price of $649. At $499, the R9 Nano is priced on par with its similar-performing albeit bigger and noisier sibling based on the "Fiji" silicon, the Radeon R9 Fury. The company's flagship single-GPU card, the R9 Fury X, remains at $599, its price was gradually reduced from its launch price of $649.
The three SKUs appear to be positioned to compete with NVIDIA's GeForce GTX 980, and offer cost-effective alternatives to the $629 GTX 980 Ti. Elsewhere in the lineup, the Radeon R9 390X starts at $379, and has its guns trained on the GTX 980 and GTX 970. Its smaller sibling, the Radeon R9 390 starts at $299.
The three SKUs appear to be positioned to compete with NVIDIA's GeForce GTX 980, and offer cost-effective alternatives to the $629 GTX 980 Ti. Elsewhere in the lineup, the Radeon R9 390X starts at $379, and has its guns trained on the GTX 980 and GTX 970. Its smaller sibling, the Radeon R9 390 starts at $299.
35 Comments on AMD Slashes Radeon R9 Nano Price
Both teams will be releasing some pretty cool stuff come 2nd quarter (we hope) so it doesn't surprise me that RTG are not allowing pics and it doesn't faze me Nvidia use diff chip on a demo board of a product line made for the auto industry.
More importantly to me now, given recent Broadwell-E pricing rumours is how far off Zen is (or isn't). We know AMD RTG can rein in Nvidia but if the CPU side can't steal some Intel thunder, things on that side look a bit bleak.
I'm sure we'll all be squabbling over leaked bullshit benchmarks soon enough but until then, there's nothing to fight about.
But great for rendering - (my interest in them)
and VR -
In Australia the prices are all over the place - from $712 to $1149AUD (as at May 2016)
You can find them for around that in Oz. And getting one locally makes any warranty issues much easier to handle.