Monday, December 18th 2006
PS3 might not hit Europe until September
In an interview with CVG, Phil Harrison - Sony's head of Worldwide Studios - has admitted that he wouldn't guarantee a March launch for the Playstation 3 in Europe. Although Sony quickly issued a statement to say that it would be ready on time, this has still lead to speculation about the console's release date. A launch by April is still likely, however CVG claim that a source has told them the PS3 won't be available in Europe until September 2007 due to component shortages. People needn't worry yet because this is only a rumour, but Phil Harrison's comment would suggest that Sony themselves aren't sure when it will be ready.
48 Comments on PS3 might not hit Europe until September
I have the same psu. Hope it will live longer then 10 months.:D
PS2 emulation looking like crap
Multiplatform games looking better and running at a better framerate on xbox360.
As for the games, I am sure they will improve greatly in the next year. Look at how crappy the original Xbox360 games looked and played. Take almost all the sports games released for it and the original Xbox at the same time. The ones on the 360 looked almost exactly the same, yet had large amounts of content removed. Tiger Wood's Golf had entire golf courses cut from the Xbox360 version. The developers have had over a year to work with the 360 to improve the games, once they have that kind of time with the PS3 the game will look just as good if not better.
Give them all a year on the market before you start to go on about how the games look and play.
That is all I am going to say. Other than it blowing a breaker/fuse in my house, no it didn't take anything else with it when it died. I wasn't even really mad about the power supply going bad, it happens even to the best of companies. I was extemely pissed at how hard it was to RMA and how long it took them to get me a new one.
enough said...
Xbox Premium Bundle=$399
HD-DVD Player=$199
PS3 60GB=$600
Plus you get a bigger hard drive, which "hardcore gamers" will make use of, wireless which again "hardcore gamers" appreciated since many don't like to have network cables strung accross their house, and an HDMI port which give noticeably better picture quality, which is also something "hardcore gameres" like. So yes, it does have extra functionality that even "hardcore gamers" appreciate and use, and the majority of the consumers love the fact that it plays blu-ray discs, "harcore gamers" only make up a very small percentage of PS3 buyers. The PS3 has the blu-ray player in it because game developers want more space on the game discs, the fact that it plays the movies is purely an added bonus. They are very limitted by the DVD standard of the Xbox360, and have voiced their concerns about this several times already. The hi-res textures that the next gen consoles require to look good simply aren't fitting on DVDs. The fact that Microsoft did not include a reader capable of reading larger format discs for games is a huge hadicap in my eyes, and will start to bite them in the but pretty quickly.
Finally, the Playstation 3 has a Bluray player in it, because Sony is pushing their proprietary format as hard as they possibly can. It has nothing to do with developers requesting more capacity. The inclusion of that player is very obviously being reflected on the consumer price.
There was already an article on a supposed 100GB addon to become available from MS.
But honestly, what is the drive being used for, beyond demos and downloadable crap?
The last Sony Executive to leave the building... please turn out the lights!
However, on a PS3 it is used to install game files to. Which greatly decreases load times, something I think every gamer hates. With some games installing 5GB of game files to the hard drive, and just like with PC games they are always on the hard drive, 20GB will run out pretty quickly.
As far as bang for the buck is concerned, with the xbox360, you get more Fun for the buck, then the PS3 has to offer... I'll pay a little bit more to have a lot more fun.
By the way games like Oblivion on xbox360 do take advantage of the HardDrive for cache when it detects that you have a Hard Drive.