Wednesday, May 11th 2016

Radeon AIB Partners "Frustrated" at AMD

Troubles mount for AMD as its Radeon add-in board (AIB) partners have reportedly expressed frustration at the company's lack of competition for NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 and GTX 1070 graphics cards, and the timing of the company's May 26 unveiling of its Polaris 10 graphics card, which could be missing in action at the 2016 Computex expo. NVIDIA recently launched its GeForce GTX 1080 and GTX 1070 graphics cards, which are impressive on paper, with timely market availability by May 27 (for GTX 1080) and June 10 (for GTX 1070).

AMD hasn't launched a new performance-segment GPU since 2012. The company has been continuously re-branding its big high-end chips as performance-segment chips of future generations, which inevitably lose out on performance/Watt against NVIDIA, which has been launching new performance-segment chips since the GeForce "Kepler" architecture. AMD reportedly hasn't shared any strategy to counter the GTX 1080 and GTX 1070 with its partners, nor has it named a successor to its R9 Fury series. It is, however, pacifying partners with good price-performance gains for its upcoming "Polaris" chips, which should help it win key mid-range and the lower-end of the performance-segment.
Source: NordicHardware
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91 Comments on Radeon AIB Partners "Frustrated" at AMD

Tech Enthusiast & Gamer
I don't think this news is important, what do we (customers) care about "AIB Partners" being "frustrated? All we (should) care about is, if the new cards are good (at their performance/price point) or not.

Also better compare Fury X vs 980 Ti on 1440p, the Fury X only got 4 GB, that will soon not be enough for 4K, besides this being a silly resolution for both cards, because they are simply too slow to drive it properly.
Posted on Reply
EarthDognobody really cares about 4k as so few people have one.
So by your analogy EarthDog
So few people have Lamborghini's = nobody really cares
So few people have Steinway Piano's = nobody really cares
So few people have Stradivarius Violins = nobody really cares
So few people have Rolex Watches - nobody really cares
So few people have Burberry, Cartier, Hugo Boss, Giorgio Armani = nobody really cares

EarthDog because few people have 4K Monitors, by no means makes the Fury X beating the GTX 980 Ti at 4K irrelevant

I submit that your analogy is preposterous, absurd and ludicrous
Posted on Reply
My name is Dave
KananI don't think this news is important, what do we (customers) care about "AIB Partners" being "frustrated? All we (should) care about is, if the new cards are good (at their performance/price point) or not.
Maybe they are frustrated because Polaris is good, but they cannot speak about it... here's hoping.
citrix13I submit that your analogy is preposterous, absurd and ludicrous
...and nobody really cares.


Everyone is entitled to their opinion. You've made your point and stated your opinion already though.

I will say though, those brands you listed, yes the majority doesn't care about, because they don't really add anything to what the majority has access to. Had you brought up something relevant, like Tesla, I wouldn't be able to say that though.

Also ,its the large part of the market that should matter, because if matching the large part of the market is done well, it will lead to higher sales. Right now, the one thing that actually has lots of "normal" people interested, (but not enthusiasts) is VR, but enthusiasts seem to be snubbing VR. I really hope that both AMD and NVidia come up with affordable GPUs that are capable of decent VR so that VR does become the mainstream, and at that point, 4K is meaningless. 4K has had a few years in the market, and few adopters, even in the TV market, because there is little content that is really 4K capable... there is no 4K Blu-ray movies, only players that upscale. 4K is dead, by the time it gains traction, we'll have moved on to either 10k or no monitor at all, and better VR headsets that aren't so bulky. I really hope to see people with bug thick huge necks because of using VR headsets so much. :P
Posted on Reply
EarthDogAt 4K where it matters...?????

You do know that WELL less than 1% of people (from Steam stats) are running 4K monitors, right? So while your results are true for 4k, 'where it really matters' couldn't be more antithetic when looking at the gaming landscape of today and likely the next year or two.

Why don't you take the time to run those numbers again for 1080p, where there is the most use (from steam stats) and see what the story is. I'm sure you will find it a bit different. ;)

Here you

It's well known the AMD Fury cards compare better at higher resolutions. Can't say I'm sure what point you are trying to get across there citrix...
A very small part of the market would even look at a GTX 980 TI/R9 Fury X. So they are niche cards at niche resolutions.

I disagree with him, the 980 TI is a better buy than the Fury X, but buying a 650 dollar GPU is already NOT smart at all.

BTW, VR wont be mainstream either. It will have the same or lesser adoption as 4K. Such is life, guys, get over your extremely small enthusiasts circle.
*Get into the enthusiast literary one, a higher art form than gaming and more important than consumer hardware :)
Posted on Reply
Who are these "partners" exactly ?

and where are the official statements by said "partners"

if this article is nothing more than a translated version of the one posted in the Nordic then its barely worth anything.

FUD spreading at best, paid shill article at worst imo. what a bullcrap

it always amaze me that they never jump so easly to nvidia rumors but they going heywire for whatever negative can be said for amd lol
Posted on Reply
Gone Fishing
raghu78fantastic comment. This website has joined a list of others like hardocp and hardwarecanucks as unofficial Nvidia PR sites.
So news is not news unless it's unbiased? So nothing saying good or bad things about AMD or NVidia (or anyone else) can be news? check the OP again, there is a link to a source, this article is not a viewpoint, it's news. Go check the archives, take a look at the "news" surrounding the memory issues with the GTX 970, take a look at the comments from some NVidia fans accusing the site of being anti NVidia..... what do I deduct? (apart from Fanboy's are never happy :)) ........ it's just news. Editorials of course are different, this is not one of them. Now if we cherry picked what news we did post on this site.... then we could be accused of being Biased and for that exact reason is why personally I don't think we are, after all this site came together, in part because of a long history relating to ATI/AMD hardware and software development for it.
Posted on Reply
citrix13So by your analogy EarthDog
So few people have Lamborghini's = nobody really cares
So few people have Steinway Piano's = nobody really cares
So few people have Stradivarius Violins = nobody really cares
So few people have Rolex Watches - nobody really cares
So few people have Burberry, Cartier, Hugo Boss, Giorgio Armani = nobody really cares

EarthDog because few people have 4K Monitors, by no means makes the Fury X beating the GTX 980 Ti at 4K irrelevant

I submit that your analogy is preposterous, absurd and ludicrous
Pretty much, yes.

You are just as welcome to think my analogy is "preposterous, absurd, and ludicrous", as I believe your assertion that '4K is where it really matters' is "preposterous, absurd, and ludicrous" as well.... It matters to the .01% of users on steam that has it. But what about the other 99.99%/hundreds and hundreds of thousands that don't? It really doesn't matter to to them, the VAST VAST VAST majority that do not use 4K.

Clearly, if you are in that incredibly small group of people, it matters. But to the 99.99% of that are not in it, yeah, we could care less about Lambo, Steinways, Strads, Roleys, etc etc etc... I could care less about things I can't afford. ;)

Thanks for proving my point!!
Posted on Reply
The really bad news is that Nvidia is not launching a mid-low end GPU for the mass market.

Other than that, we have no information on GTX 1080. It's quite possible that it may not be so great...and that could spell even more trouble.

At least AMD is addressing the immediate market requirements.

Good time to buy AMD stock and go long.
Posted on Reply
Are there folks using $650+ Card to do 1080p? o_O

I suppose if you went all in as an early adopter on some G-Sync 144Hz, and has not the brain power to comprehend about pay even more Tribute!
I hope that that's a even smaller than the 1%.
Posted on Reply
CitizenxThe really bad news is that Nvidia is not launching a mid-low end GPU for the mass market.

Other than that, we have no information on GTX 1080. It's quite possible that it may not be so great...and that could spell even more trouble.

At least AMD is addressing the immediate market requirements.

Good time to buy AMD stock and go long.
Nothing has been announced... yet. Don't forget there were 3 separate Pascal GPUs pictured; GP104-400 (likely GTX1080), GP104-200 (likely GTX1070) and GP104-150. We haven't seen anything about that one yet, and it's likely it will be dipping into a lower segment than GTX1080 and 1070.
Posted on Reply
citrix13Let's look at Stock/ Reference GTX 980 Ti vs R9 Fury X at 4K where it matters
I'd suggest recent, more, and balanced data @ 4K.

The reference 980Ti can see a few FpS above a Fury X. Though until a day or so, when 980Ti's tumbled in price Fury X carried perf/$; today with 980Ti ≤$500 that's not the case and seemingly now 980Ti's seen as "lame ducks". It's telling price since 1070's are supposedly so much over them in performance, though priced out between $380-450? Why even consider the 980Ti, other than perhaps 1070's will be still "vapor" come June 10.
Posted on Reply
CasecutterI'd suggest recent, more, and balanced data @ 4K.

The reference 980Ti can see a few FpS above a Fury X. Though until a day or so, when 980Ti's tumbled in price Fury X carried perf/$; today with 980Ti ≤$500 that's not the case and seemingly now 980Ti's seen as "lame ducks". It's telling price since 1070's are supposedly so much over them in performance, though priced out between $380-450? Why even consider the 980Ti, other than perhaps 1070's will be still "vapor" come June 10.
The 1070 wont be much above a 980 TI.
Posted on Reply
CharcharoThe 1070 wont be much above a 980 TI.
And yea, dropping anywhere between $380-450 to receive a decent 2K performance card... in 2016 isn't much.
Posted on Reply
CharcharoThe 1070 wont be much above a 980 TI.
CasecutterAnd yea, dropping anywhere between $380-450 to receive a decent 2K performance card... in 2016 isn't much.
Guru 3d has a story about AMD having issues getting polaris 10 chip which is suposed to give 390/390x performance which i would guess to hit 850mhz reliably. If that card was suposed to take over say 480/480x stack probably 470/470x most likely that looks like could be a big problem. its a rumor and hope that is all it ends up being is a rumor and untrue but.
Posted on Reply
enya64PC gpus are not AMD's bread and butter anymore. Being the inexpensive integrated partner to console manufacturers and other business entities is. They are no longer concerned or financially able to be competitive in any area other than the APU sector. As a gamer it is a little sad, but as long as AMD doesn't official come out saying just that, Intel and Nvidia will be held to decent pricing. I was so proud of my Athlon64 way back when...
unfortunately to be competitive with APUs they have to be financially able and competitive in other areas. CPUs and GPUs. Luckily they are putting out major architectures in both areas this year.
arbiterGuru 3d has a story about AMD having issues getting polaris 10 chip which is suposed to give 390/390x performance which i would guess to hit 850mhz reliably. If that card was suposed to take over say 480/480x stack probably 470/470x most likely that looks like could be a big problem. its a rumor and hope that is all it ends up being is a rumor and untrue but.
AMD already said they were getting their highest clocks yet on a GPU product. But we'll see. It would be weird to have that problem now considering they had the GPUs months ago and would have seen the clock issue.
Posted on Reply
Eteknix - AMD Debunks Recent Negative Rumours
EteknixAs a result, the coverage we previously posted was incorrect and we’ve received clarification from AMD’s Northern Europe PR and Community Manager, Joe Cowell about a number of recent criticisms. Firstly, AMD will be attending Computex and this was never in doubt. It’s important to remember that AMD always lists their attendance for trade shows in a clear and transparent manner. Secondly, there are no production issues whatsoever with Polaris and it’s on schedule. This means our report suggesting AIB partners were unhappy with AMD is completely false and based on incorrect sources. Therefore, we were wrong in disclosing this information and wish to clarify the real truth after receiving an official word from AMD.
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