Wednesday, May 18th 2016

AMD Releases Radeon Software Crimson Edition
AMD today released its third Radeon Software Crimson Edition update for this month. Version provides a massive 35 percent performance increase for Radeon R9 390 series graphics cards (R9 390, R9 390X) on "Doom" (2016), compared to version 16.5.2, released earlier this month. The change-log does not mention whether this is also applicable to the nearly identical Radeon R9 290 series (R9 290, R9 290X, and R9 295X2). Not much else has changed, which explains the version numbering.DOWNLOAD: AMD Radeon Software Crimson Edition for Windows 10/8.1/7 64-bit | Windows 10/8.1/7 32-bit
69 Comments on AMD Releases Radeon Software Crimson Edition
It is good to have fixed drivers since AMD has good hardware. Well, i am just here waiting for polaris, cause i want 390x performance on a 480x with less power usage.
Best Regards,
Fábio Pisco
i had way more drivers issues (CTD, TDR, textures bug etc.) with nvidia than i had with AMD, and i had less unstable driver with AMD than i had with nvidia.
the only par where nvidia is/was better is/was multigpu support.
regular often botched release, is not better than slow update with way less often botched release
funny ... those enterprise who update on a over regular basis, i.e.:apple nvidia, either brick some of their device, or add more bug than they solve it cripple previous gen card, and those who update slowly like AMD get a major issue once in a while (i.e.: the fan profile issue) and are highly criticized yep AMD need support they do good ... and for now nvidia is trying to fool customer with the founder edition ;)
i would gladly swap my GTX980 for a R9 480 instead of a GTX1080
Any rumors as to when the Vulkan patch is coming for Doom, and if there will be any new features along with it? (fingers crossed for explicit multi-GPU)
On the article, great that the fixed the problems with the game, atleast for that card.
The 7970 is by far the worst, it gets that stupid atikmdag.sys bluescreen on 70% of the computers I try it on.
Remember those times, when 549$ 290X was slower than 699$ 780Ti?
Nvidia is still Lovely, you wanted to say.
As lovely as it gets, I would add:
But on a serious note, these forums are getting worse and worse for blind, one sided idiocy from both morons that think AMD make crap drivers or ones that take great revelry when an older card starts to show some performance loss to the competition.
Such utter, infantile behaviour.
Let's makes TPU great again (to steal a Trumpism) and stop being so feverishly determined to attack one side or the other.
AMD driver releases have been great recently (by most accounts). Not without fault though. My own experience with Nvidia drivers was flawless until 364 branch. And that didn't affect everyone.
Drivers are always going to work for most and bring grief to some, red or green.
It's only the ignorant fanaticism that makes it seem like a huge problem.
I haven't used an Nvidia GFX in years so I can't comment on the quality of their drivers. How do you know Nvidia's drivers are better?
We have no idea what Polaris is at this point. AMD is supposed to give an inside look at Polaris today.
Just kidding bro :)
Samsung 14nm vs TSMC 16nm
The only thing I heard in the context was that Apple used both and TSMC chips were superior, despite being bigger.
Now, that might screw things up for AMD big time. Let me start with that chart being rather useful.
(Barring the fact, it's all CGN in AMD case =)) you see how old kings fare 3 years into market.
But that's not all.
Certain things, need explanation.
Had it been AMD GPUs scoring more, it wouldn't be a problem. (they could optimize drivers more, after all, older cards are on the same architecture, also, CPUs got faster and we know AMD drivers consume more CPU power).
But nope, same nVidia GPUs suddenly scoring LESS in the same games (yep, on TPU too).
And I'm not buying "oh, we changed settings", sorry.
8Gb of RAM being listed in "cons" section is sad too. Challenge accepted.
JK, will put it into "spoiler".
Huh, have not downloaded this one yet and I don't have Doom yet unfortunately. Have to try these drivers when I get home.
NVIDIA about Mantle 2 years ago "Will Not Support It, No Real Benefit Using It"
Nvidia 2 years later "WOW LOOK Vulkan is AMAZING, UR 1K SERIES Running Doom on Vulkan API UP TO 200Fps."
So go change the card matey, the software is not to blame here.
......ah....thats all that trumps has got to say. He has truly taught America to HATE again. The Amd vs Nvdia vs Intel vs common sense is way more fun.... just as infantile mind you but more like sports team rivalries......
end rant:
4.5 for NVIDIA, 4.3 for AMD.