Monday, June 6th 2016

XIGMATEK Shows Off Fire-proof PSU Cables
XIGMATEK showed off an interesting innovation for those pyrophobics among you. The company innovated fire-proof PSU cables that, in practice, minimize the chance of an overloaded cable heating up enough to melt the cable-insulation, shorting up, and starting a fire. If the insulation can stand fire from a lighter, it can withstand a heated cable. Most modern PSUs do feature overload protection that turns the PSU off in case a cable is overloaded.
16 Comments on XIGMATEK Shows Off Fire-proof PSU Cables
Good thing about this PSU though, in case of a huge house fire, you'll at least still have the PSU cables intact hehe :D
they should just make it standard on their products and use that safety claim in all their marketing.
The quickest way to get the copper wiring out is to burn the insulation off, stripping it by hand, cutting the casing off takes too long.
Desperate people are desperate.
The interest in stealing copper has remained high here, despite all the reconstruction, with theives going to great lengths to secure it.
This is cool, if you want your computer to start on fire, but still have your rubber PSU wire insulation....
It was a huge problem here in civilized sweden. The prices was rushing for a while there, but it has gone down in recent years.