Tuesday, November 29th 2016
AMD "New Horizon" Event to Preview ZEN Processor Mid-December
AMD's next-generation ZEN processor family is bound for a grand entrance this December, with the company planning a special media event that will be live-streamed to the public. Called "New Horizon," AMD is designing the event to be an "exclusive advanced preview" of the processor ahead of its Q1-2017 scheduled launch. The preview will see eSports and Evil Geniuses legend PPD put "Zen" through its paces, according to its announcement. With this AMD appears to be showing off the chip's advanced gaming capabilities. " If you're serious about gaming, this is an event you do not want to miss," AMD's announcement signs off. The event stream goes live on the 13th of December, at 15:00 CST (21:00 hrs UTC).
29 Comments on AMD "New Horizon" Event to Preview ZEN Processor Mid-December
Zen won't do anything for people that are already planing to buy a sepate gpu (i.e: most people reading this forum).
I don't think the CPU part of the APU will be any better than the current intel offering for gaming, unless there is some sort of price-perf advantage.