Wednesday, January 18th 2017

Unigine Superposition Benchmark not Good Enough for Steam

Unigine's dazzling-looking Superposition benchmark (which was due for a late 2016 launch but still hasn't made the rounds, having an expected release date on Q1 of the current year) won't be coming to your average PC gaming platform of choice: Steam.

Apparently, the absence of the benchmark on Steam isn't a choice made by Unigine itself; instead, the "Superposition" benchmark has effectively been locked from entering Steam's catalog on account of it not being "suitable" for their Greenlight initiative. And this comes on the toes of the benchmark having recently achieved the status of number one application on Greenlight - not an easy thing to do, considering the amount of applications that vie for that spot.
Unigine is one of the most considered faces of PC benchmarking, with their products always occupying a special spot on any benchmark suite, due to both their ability to bring even the most powerful hardware to its knees, and looking beautiful while doing so. Particularly, their Heaven benchmark was a kind of poster child for tessellation, with its iconic dragon statue receiving marked improvements in rendering results that scaled with the setting.

Superposition, however, will be based on a revamped engine, the Unigine 2 Engine, bringing with it support for DirectX 11, OpenGL 4.5 and later, as well a dedicated VR mode compatible with both trend-setters of the VR world, the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. The Superposition benchmark will also include a GPU cooling stress test, designed to test your graphic card's stability at high operating temperatures, as well as your cooling solutions' ability to tame the operating temperatures on your GPU of choice. The benchmark will also support both Windows and Linux, and like its predecessors, feature scalable settings for your benchmarking enjoyment.
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47 Comments on Unigine Superposition Benchmark not Good Enough for Steam

DX11 and OGL? What year are we in? 2010?
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PC Gaming Enthusiast
xkm1948DX11 and OGL? What year are we in? 2010?
Yeah, I noticed the plethora of DX12 only (or even DX12 also games) released in the last year. :rolleyes:

Posted on Reply
ShurikNSo it has neither Vulkan nor DX12. Nothing will be missed then.
At GDC last year multiple AAA developers were venting how they were forced to implement DX12 into their engine for business reasons without any advantage to game play or performance. AMD benefits because their DX11 driver overhead is large, and AMD and Microsoft together are sponsoring the top developers to adopt DX12. To make the case stronger, sometimes they make DX12 run a subtly lighter workload detectable only by frame analyzers.

I am glad Unigine stayed with DX11. The API is well designed and easy to use. I am an indie developer and I also stayed with DX11. There is zero incentive for me to port to DX12 because I will never beat the performance, efficiency and hardware-specific heuristics that the NVIDIA DX11 driver provides for me. Unless I get a fat check that is, but obviously not going to happen soon, since I have no relationship with Microsoft other than using their API and development environment.
Posted on Reply
The herd mentality is that when someone in power says something is good for them (in our case it's Microsoft), they will actually believe it's good without using even two brain folds to think it through. That's why raving Microsoft fanatics say that Windows 10 is perfect (even though it looks like dog shat, often breaks, has the "customizeability" only rivaled by Apple software) and every game engine must be ported to D3D12. 99% of games out there do not benefit in the slightest from being ported to D3D12, yet if something is announced not to be using the "best" and the "greatest" then we hear mourning and the words of contempt.
Posted on Reply
Perhaps they are working on another when DX12 is more widely used?
Posted on Reply
EarthDogPerhaps they are working on another when DX12 is more widely used?
So in 4 or 5 years...

who knows who cares if its not good enough for steam...

Does it run on linux / steam os.. ?

As for DX12

This list is huge....

I think my main issue with DX12 is windows 10 but thats for another thread.
Posted on Reply
Huge like, putting a baby's hand next your hand to make it look bigger? Oh, there is one more title scheduled to come out. That should make the list huge.

Joking aside, the list is bigger than I thought, I was thinking Vulkan which has like 9 titles, but I wouldn't call it huge. Nor is performance or graphics different or better than most titles.

One more thing.. a year ago, almost to the day. There were a total of 7 there or upcoming. Now there are 16 titles with one upcoming (surely there are more, right?).
Posted on Reply
SlizzoActually, there were some posts in the Gabe Newell AMA from yesterday from other developers that were denied Greenlight despite being the #1 voted software on Greenlight. Also had some of their previous software pulled due to new policies in place. Likely same thing is happening here.

Why does it suck?

I my opinion, the less Steam has to do with anything, the better off everyone is.
Posted on Reply
ShurikNNothing can justify that.
The usage figures for "next-gen" APIs in the actual marketplace can.
Posted on Reply
Olle P
ShurikNSo it has neither Vulkan nor DX12. Nothing will be missed then.
Is it only me that read the announcement differently:
... support for DirectX 11, OpenGL 4.5 and later...
To me the "and later" imply support for DX12, Open GL >4.5 and quite possibly Vulkan as well.
Posted on Reply
rtwjunkie16 released games. o_O You and I have vastly different definitions of "huge".

Many of which had the good work done by the devs in DX11, and DX12 patches only issued later.
People so easily forget how "quickly" we transitioned to DX9, 10 or 11. And those transitions were far easier than moving to DX12.
Posted on Reply
ShurikNIts around 8 years old. You'd figure they'd have that many games.
that's beside the point.....
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Besides at the moment, there is ZERO quality and performance improvements for D3D11vs12
Posted on Reply
Olle P
Prima.VeraBesides at the moment, there is ZERO quality and performance improvements for D3D11vs12
Regarding quality I agree. With performance there's at least room for improvement.
As I've understood it D3D12 is pretty much half a step back towards the times before generic APIs, the "DOS days".
Back then it was up to each programmer to make the graphics and sound work (at all) on the hardware used. When starting a program we had to define the sound card used to get any sound. Graphics was all CPU rendered so that was less of a problem.
Now DX12 provides the programmer with the ability to really optimise the performance of each specific GPU/CPU combination imaginable (using different code for each combo). If the software isn't optimised for your hardware the performance will be lacklustre...
Given the additional effort required by the programmers I don't think DX12 is a general improvement over DX11, at least not for gaming.
Posted on Reply
Somehow this benchmark is fps capping my system to 30 fps in extreme, 60 fps in medium and 120 fps in low .. dont know why ? ..have a X99 system with i7 5820K @4.4Ghz, 16GB DDR4, 1070 GTX Pascal and a 24" 144Hz monitor. but it is capped somehow at 30 fps in extreme ? i have no v-sync. be sure of that. or no other things to cap it :/ ..what's wrong ?
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PC Gaming Enthusiast
Hnykill22Somehow this benchmark is fps capping my system to 30 fps in extreme, 60 fps in medium and 120 fps in low .. dont know why ? ..have a X99 system with i7 5820K @4.4Ghz, 16GB DDR4, 1070 GTX Pascal and a 24" 144Hz monitor. but it is capped somehow at 30 fps in extreme ? i have no v-sync. be sure of that. or no other things to cap it :/ ..what's wrong ?
Have you only hit the presets? That's what I did and I have no associated caps.
Posted on Reply
Also, make sure you don't have RTSS (RivaTuner Statistics Server) running.
Posted on Reply
PC Gaming Enthusiast
SlizzoAlso, make sure you don't have RTSS (RivaTuner Statistics Server) running.
I've had it on with all runs, and with nonnegative affect.
Posted on Reply
rtwjunkieI've had it on with all runs, and with nonnegative affect.
So have I, but I've seen reports here where it caused an issue for another user.
Posted on Reply
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