Tuesday, February 28th 2017

AMD Announces Long Term Strategic Relationship with Bethesda
Building on the success made with Doom's implementation of Vulkan, and the overall through-the-roof performance levels for that title considering its graphical quality, AMD today announced a long term strategic partnership with Bethesda, a major game publisher ("The Elder Scrolls" series, "Doom," and "Dishonored," etc.) This, according to AMD's Raja Koduri, will see Bethesda optimize its entire library of games (at least the recent ones), for AMD Ryzen 8-core processors, and the upcoming Radeon "Vega" GPU architecture. The first product of this new partnership will be the 2017 release of "Prey," the hotly anticipated survival-horror game.
28 Comments on AMD Announces Long Term Strategic Relationship with Bethesda
This is pretty huge actually.
vulkan has standards, nv probably has to do the same, why should devs be in the dark to guess how to optimize per arch when it's low level? bethesda has said that they wont allow id to be used externally anymore, so it's the same situation as ea with frostbite why wouldnt that be achievable on nv? why are people assuming so much from this news? amd has 'strategic relationships' with other devs & you dont see problems there, only with nv when they have closed source or vendor locked features (although it's not like hairworks has no problems on nv either)
just cause 2 got dx10, ran great on 4870x2, it's TWIWMTBP, the only thing they locked out was the water waves effect, but otherwise it was an optimized pc version
one of the recent dirt games, maybe amd sponsored, runs better on nv or recent nv, same happened to battlefield
frostbite started getting used in non-dice games, bethesda said it's a strategic asset that they want to use, not doom or id specific
Then againBethesda are not much better ... At least they dont rune good IP's .. yet...
But they don't really allow mods... Which is was the whole point of PC gamming.
I absolutely hate the way hardware resources seem to be wasted when rendering, especially CPU power because it's never used to full potential in that horrible old engine with tacked on features. It's moddability and free tools are awesome and most people are very used to using the tools Bethesda Game Studios made available since Morrowind.
Skyrim SE runs better but only on newer hardware, they used DX11 just for the graphics improvements which are small. Older graphics cards especially the previous mid-range have better framerates sticking with Oldrim.
Besides, AMD's software is all opensource as far as I know, meaning Nvidia/Intel can optimize their drivers for AMD software as well. Unlike Nvidia gameworks that won't allow AMD to function well..
I don't see "obscure piece of code injected by AMD" in it either.
Expectations of how low they can go is very different between AMD and nVidia. I literally cannot imagine shit that Huang wouldn't do for profit.
*In case you don't know, I am talking about Elder Scrolls series and Fallout series.