Monday, January 15th 2007

Sony has shipped 1 million PS3s to United States...but people aren't buying

When the Sony PlayStation 3 was released to the United States, people queued for days, and even shot each other over the next generation console from Sony. Sony has managed to ship 1 million PS3s to the United States, however, people just aren't buying them. Some people blame the high price of the console, others blame a rather lackluster collection of launch titles. Whatever the reason is, the PS3 simply isn't doing well right now. While PS3s are filling space on store shelves, the Nintendo Wii has become very successful, due to having reasonably good supply, a low price, an interesting controller, and a great set of launch titles.
Source: Nordic Hardware
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33 Comments on Sony has shipped 1 million PS3s to United States...but people aren't buying

zekrahminatorWhen the Sony PlayStation 3 was released to the United States, people queued for days, and even shot each other over the next generation console from Sony. Sony has managed to ship 1 million PS3s to the United States, however, people just aren't buying them. Some people blame the high price of the console, others blame a rather lackluster collection of launch titles. Whatever the reason is, the PS3 simply isn't doing well right now. While PS3s are filling space on store shelves, the Nintendo Wii has become very successful, due to having reasonably good supply, a low price, an interesting controller, and a great set of launch titles.

Source: Nordic Hardware
Wow, I'd love to know what state/city these guys live in... "PS3s are filling the space on store shelves"???? Haven't seen one on a store shelf since I managed to snag mine, they are constantly sold out everywhere.... where do these people live?
Posted on Reply
error_f0rceWow, I'd love to know what state/city these guys live in... "PS3s are filling the space on store shelves"???? Haven't seen one on a store shelf since I managed to snag mine, they are constantly sold out everywhere.... where do these people live?
The source says Nordic Hardware, maybe if you go to Norway they have lot's of PS3's.... ;). But I'm exaggerating, I'm sure that PS3's are just as hard to find as Wii's. It's just a general figure, there are more Wii's being sold than PS3's, faster.
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zekrahminatorThe source says Nordic Hardware, maybe if you go to Norway they have lot's of PS3's.... ;). But I'm exaggerating, I'm sure that PS3's are just as hard to find as Wii's. It's just a general figure, there are more Wii's being sold than PS3's, faster.
Yeah, which totally makes sense. I would expect them to sell twice as many, because they're half the price. It's like saying, twice as many Toyota's sell as Mercedes Benz... well yeah, they do. I'll still take the Mercedes :cool:

What blows my mind is that the Xbox360 even at $300-400 is outselling more than PS3 & Wii combined!! Now that's impressive!!!

I'm still confused about the article saying Sony shipped over 1M PS3 to US, unless they just sent 600,000 more this month. They barely met their shipping goal for 2006 which, IIRC, was 400,000 units... strange...
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Deleted member 3
error_f0rceIt's like saying, twice as many Toyota's sell as Mercedes Benz... well yeah, they do. I'll still take the Mercedes :cool:
Actually I'd take a Toyota over a Mercedes any day. You don't want to know what status a Mercedes has here. Considering I would rather have a Wii over a PS3 as well I think your comparison is quite accurate.
Posted on Reply
Bird of Prey
True, they did only have about 400,000 at launch day. I dont think it was quite 400,000 more like 386,000 or so. At my local Wal-Mart in Hampton Cove, AL (which is like right next to Gurley and all these rich snobby folks live there) Ive seen like 4 PS3's in the glass display case (20GB versions) and maybe 1 60GB version. I have to admit, 600 bucks is alot to swallow for a new console. I plan to wait a few more months for them to iron out the bugs and perhaps overheating like the 360 had. Also, I cant wait for a year or so for them to decide to drop the price. So around summer or end of summer, Ill have my new puter built and me a PS3 and probably a Wii and DS (unless someone figures out how to make an emulator for it :) ):rockout:
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DanTheBanjomanActually I'd take a Toyota over a Mercedes any day. You don't want to know what status a Mercedes has here. Considering I would rather have a Wii over a PS3 as well I think your comparison is quite accurate.
Ah yes... Europe...
The analogy was geared for people in the US, where a Mercedes is on the more expensive lines of luxury vehicles. I am familiar with the lack luster status of Mercedes over seas where every garbage truck and semi is a Benz :laugh:

The main reason a bought a PS3 was to make it the multi-media centerpiece for our entertainment center. With CD, VCD, DVD, Bluray, wireless internet, SD memory interface, USB, fiber optic sound, HDMI, 60GB hd, 3.2Ghz Cell processor, AAC, MP3, etc, etc etc.... even without any gaming ability it would be well worth the $600... still the cheapest Bluray player...... here's the difference

Wii = a toy
PS3 = a multimedia computer + added benefits of console gameplay
Posted on Reply
error_f0rceWhat blows my mind is that the Xbox360 even at $300-400 is outselling more than PS3 & Wii combined!! Now that's impressive!!!
. . . Not really since every wii and ps3 just launched not too long ago. Plus this is always true with consoles even after launch the first few months are generally slower due to the lack of great titles.
error_f0rceAh yes... Europe...
The analogy was geared for people in the US, where a Mercedes is on the more expensive lines of luxury vehicles. I am familiar with the lack luster status of Mercedes over seas where every garbage truck and semi is a Benz :laugh:

The main reason a bought a PS3 was to make it the multi-media centerpiece for our entertainment center. With CD, VCD, DVD, Bluray, wireless internet, SD memory interface, USB, fiber optic sound, HDMI, 60GB hd, 3.2Ghz Cell processor, AAC, MP3, etc, etc etc.... even without any gaming ability it would be well worth the $600... still the cheapest Bluray player...... here's the difference

Wii = a toy
PS3 = a multimedia computer + added benefits of console gameplay
Wii = a game console
PS3= A decapitated PC

A HD Media center can be easily built for 500-600.
Posted on Reply
I went to NYC one day and I do see a lot of PS3s on store shelves, like when I got to CC and Bestbuy.
No ones wants them.
Hey I dont blame them I dont want them either for 600
Posted on Reply
bruins004I went to NYC one day and I do see a lot of PS3s on store shelves, like when I got to CC and Bestbuy.
No ones wants them.
Hey I dont blame them I dont want them either for 600
yep I'm with you thats far too much for a toy, with no good games on it :P.
Posted on Reply
What sony have done wrong is bar sales to Europe via ebay and other such websites, and still with an uncertain release date and the fact the console will be nearing twice the price of an x360 on release in Europe i doubt will help sales here either.
Posted on Reply
Semi-Retired Folder
zekrahminatorSome people blame the high price of the console, others blame a rather lackluster collection of launch titles.
I blame both and one more. There is really only 2 or 3 titles out for it that I would really want to play. Though the lack of launch titles didn't stop me from buying a PS2 on launch day, in fact I didn't have any PS2 games for my PS2 for about a month after it launched. I think the fact that Blu-Ray isn't taking off is hurting the PS3 sales.

I bought a PS2 on launch and used it as a DVD player because it was the cheapest way to get a DVD player at the time, plus it let me get rid of my PS1. When the PS2 came out DVD players were still in the $650 range, and the PS2 was only $400. Now the PS3 is $600 and you can get a Blu-Ray player for $700(if you look hard enough) and people simply aren't buying the PS3 as a cheap alternative to Blu-Ray players. On top of that people are still not sure who will win the format wars, so they are stand-offish on spending $600 on a player they might not be able to use in a year. There wasn't a format war going on when the PS2 was launched.

I think that if Sony wants to compete and sell consoles they need to lower the price. They have to make people think the console is a good deal, and to do that they need to at least get the price done to $400 for the high end model. It is odd to say, but they shot themselves in the foot by making the better console. They expect people to pay for a bunch of extra features, that many won't use. People aren't sitting in the stores comparing the three consoles feature by feature, they are looking at which one looks more fun, and that is it.

Right now the Xbox and Wii both look more fun, it is as simple as that. They both have the better line-up of games, and they are both cheaper just to get into to play the games. The game support will eventually come, there are some amazing games on the horizon for the PS3, but Sony has other factors going against it that it has to overcome if it want to succeed.
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they had a rack of bout 25 ps3s at my local fry's in san diego just before the new year
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error_f0rceWow, I'd love to know what state/city these guys live in... "PS3s are filling the space on store shelves"???? Haven't seen one on a store shelf since I managed to snag mine, they are constantly sold out everywhere.... where do these people live?
Reno, Nevada. All stores have them in stock.... Good luck finding a Wii tho.
Posted on Reply
Thier out the wazoo here too.

When I went to Walmart to pick up a copy of Lost Planet (awsome game btw) they had like 10 of them.
Posted on Reply
Semi-Retired Folder
error_f0rceWow, I'd love to know what state/city these guys live in... "PS3s are filling the space on store shelves"???? Haven't seen one on a store shelf since I managed to snag mine, they are constantly sold out everywhere.... where do these people live?
It is weird, kind of. I went to the Best Buy in Merrillville, IN(one town over from Gary) and it had about 15 of them, then I went over to the Circuit City across the street and they had another 10-15. Then I drove 10 miles down the road and went to the Circuit City there and they didn't have a single one. What was I looking for you ask? A Wii for my girlfriend of course(so I can take mine back from her apartment, she gets to play with my Wii more than I do:D.).
Posted on Reply
Azn Tr14dZ
error_f0rceWow, I'd love to know what state/city these guys live in... "PS3s are filling the space on store shelves"???? Haven't seen one on a store shelf since I managed to snag mine, they are constantly sold out everywhere.... where do these people live?
Well, I just went to Target yesterday, and 6 Playstation 3's were in stock, and they said a few more were in the back, all 60GB PS3's. My friends also said that Best Buy and EB Games had a few in stock that no one was buying, let alone checking out.

When I was in Target, I didn't see one person in the PS3 area, but there were a few in the Xbox and Nintendo area.

But, in every store I went there wasn't one Wii available anywhere.
Posted on Reply
Just another Wii vs. PS3 thing I'd like to point out. I saw a PS3 commercial a night or two ago. I have yet to see a Wii commercial. Now remind me, which console is the one with little/no sales? ;).
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zekrahminatorJust another Wii vs. PS3 thing I'd like to point out. I saw a PS3 commercial a night or two ago. I have yet to see a Wii commercial. Now remind me, which console is the one with little/no sales? ;).
Cant see I have seen a Wii sale, but I have seen a Red Steel commercial. So I guess that can be considered a Wii commercial
Posted on Reply
Bird of Prey
error_f0rceAh yes... Europe...
The analogy was geared for people in the US, where a Mercedes is on the more expensive lines of luxury vehicles. I am familiar with the lack luster status of Mercedes over seas where every garbage truck and semi is a Benz :laugh:

The main reason a bought a PS3 was to make it the multi-media centerpiece for our entertainment center. With CD, VCD, DVD, Bluray, wireless internet, SD memory interface, USB, fiber optic sound, HDMI, 60GB hd, 3.2Ghz Cell processor, AAC, MP3, etc, etc etc.... even without any gaming ability it would be well worth the $600... still the cheapest Bluray player...... here's the difference

Wii = a toy
PS3 = a multimedia computer + added benefits of console gameplay
Thank you error_force. About time someone stood up for the PS3. Its more than a game console, though its main benefit is that. It is the cheapest Blue-Ray player and its a multimedia console, not just games. Couldnt have said it better myself.
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WarEagleAUThank you error_force. About time someone stood up for the PS3. Its more than a game console, though its main benefit is that. It is the cheapest Blue-Ray player and its a multimedia console, not just games. Couldnt have said it better myself.
I will have one but im going to wait for better games.

I played Resistance fall of man alot on a friends PS3...awsome game but i cant see paying 600 for 1 game ATM.

I love the system its great but so is the 360 imho :rockout:
Posted on Reply
Bird of Prey
newtekie1It is weird, kind of. I went to the Best Buy in Merrillville, IN(one town over from Gary) and it had about 15 of them, then I went over to the Circuit City across the street and they had another 10-15. Then I drove 10 miles down the road and went to the Circuit City there and they didn't have a single one. What was I looking for you ask? A Wii for my girlfriend of course(so I can take mine back from her apartment, she gets to play with my Wii more than I do:D.).
Newtekie, I was born and raised in Hammond, In, which isnt far from merriville or gary. I moved down south in 90 cause of the parents and have been here ever since. Nice to know someone from my old stomping grounds!!
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PS3, in my opinion, is pretty nice, but there are simply too many problems for it right now. Not a lot of consoles out, too expensive, not enough games...Basically, I'm going to remain neutral on the PS3 thing.
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Azn Tr14dZ
The PS3 is the cheapest Blu-Ray Player out right now, and that's pretty nice, but then again there's an HD-DVD Player for the Xbox 360 for just $200, so that's not bad either.
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I played a friends ps3 the other day and i have 3 reasons for buying it and 3 reasons for not.

My favorite games: GranTurismo/Metal Gear Solid/NFS are all on that console.
It uses basically the same controller i started with back in 1994.
Easily upgradeable hard drive and great connectivity.

Controllers feel cheap compared to the dualshock bricks.
Major heat output while gaming. Currently the console is only using 3-5 processors, and very little of its potential graphics power, so heat will increase as games become more demanding.
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Major heat output while gaming. Currently the console is only using 3-5 processors, and very little of its potential graphics power, so heat will increase as games become more demanding.
Who says that's a bad thing, for people who are cheap and don't feel like spending money on things like the heat so they can game, a PS3 sounds like a very pretty space heater :D.
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