Wednesday, October 4th 2017

AMD Ryzen 5 1600 and 1600X CPUs Found With 8 Working Cores

Reports have surfaced around the Web that some users are finding their recently-purchased AMD Ryzen 5 1600 and 1600X CPUs, which normally would have six cores (and 12 threads, with Simultaneous mutlithreading) actually have eight working cores (and 16 threads) out of the box. Unlike AMD's decade-old Phenom series, in which some dual and triple-core processors could be unlocked to fully functioning quad-cores via a BIOS feature offered on some motherboards, these Ryzen CPUs require no special BIOS setting. The processors still run at the stock advertised clock speeds, and retain the 1600's 576kb of L1 cache. But with the extra cores available, the 1600 series processors are basically on par performance-wise with the corresponding Ryzen 7 1800 series CPUs. This is an incredible value for lucky AMD users, as the 1800X retails for nearly twice the price of the 1600X.

And lucky these users are, as reports so far indicate that most, if not all of the unlocked CPUs come from the same batch of silicon, manufactured between September 4th and September 10th in Malaysia. This may indicate a quality control issue at this specific AMD factory. Alternatively, AMD could be bolstering its stock of Ryzen 5 1600 and 1600X CPUs to meet the higher demand of the mid-range chip, by labeling 1700 and 1700X CPUs as 1600 and 1600X respectively. Whatever the reason, it is definitely a welcome surprise to fortunate AMD users. If you have already purchased a Ryzen 5 1600 or 1600X recently, simply checking CPU-Z or looking at your windows task manager will reveal whether you are one of the recipients of an unlocked chip. If you are looking to buy such a CPU however, perhaps second-hand, a Reddit user known as "Rigred" claims he has deciphered the serial numbers corresponding to this batch of processors, allowing prospective buyers to verify that the chip is actually one of the unlocked few.
Sources: WCCFtech, techradar, Rigred
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64 Comments on AMD Ryzen 5 1600 and 1600X CPUs Found With 8 Working Cores

That's a pretty decent silicon lottery win, 2 free cores! :D
Posted on Reply
AMD WTF! 2 core/4 thr more..great news LISA
Posted on Reply
we all humans and we all make mistakes? right ?!

if some one get lucky and get more cores, you will judge amd?

so what you will do you lucky fella who won a million ?
ASOTAMD WTF! 2 core/4 thr more..great news LISA
Posted on Reply
We all need that,not few lucky guys,or shall we not pay equal :)

Mistakes or erros need to be payd ..
Posted on Reply
zo0lykaswe all humans and we all make mistakes? right ?!

if some one get lucky and get more cores, you will judge amd?

so what you will do you lucky fella who won a million ?
Its not good though, it feels like the ones bought a 1800x got stolen. Not the same with lottery ...
Posted on Reply
wolarIts not good though, it feels like the ones bought a 1800x got stolen. Not the same with lottery ...
Not really, I've got two 1800X's and don't feel ripped off at all. Try to be happy for people that luck out, not bitter that you/others didn't :)
Posted on Reply
OMG,if this is true AMD just make fail advertise and some illegal

Is not lottery here is some action mistake in process manufacter
Posted on Reply
Please repeat the Phenom II again.
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Inb4 someone claiming to have been ripped off by AMD because they bought a 1600X of this batch and only got 6C/12T.
Posted on Reply
ASOTOMG,if this is true AMD just make fail advertise and some illegal

Is not lottery here is some action mistake in process manufacter
It's not illegal for a product to exceed specs...
Posted on Reply
Kohl Baas
[Question]: How can someone be ripped off by getting what he was told he will get for the price he was told he has to pay for it?
Posted on Reply
Donow how is in TEXAS but here in Ro/EU false adverstise is illegal..

Edit: IF 10 ppl lucky got 8c/16th that not mean the others are fools,bad lotery, 2017 not 1999 or phenom days )))
Posted on Reply
ASOTDonow how is in TEXAS but here in Ro/EU false adverstise is illegal..
You can always RMA the cpu and get the 6C/12T cpu you wanted... (instead of the 8C/16T you got for that same price).
Posted on Reply
NEVERMIND, u dont get it ))) .... is just mistake in process factory and thats not right and good.

Edit: uuuaaaaaa ty but no need since i dont have one,cheers
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You should see my facepalm right now...
Posted on Reply
Lol the chance to get 2 free cores while AMD tries to clear stock of these segfaulting bins.
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infraredNot really, I've got two 1800X's and don't feel ripped off at all. Try to be happy for people that luck out, not bitter that you/others didn't :)

and I am sure I will never hear 7700k unlocked 1c/2 thread for sure.. if at all that happens, intel will file a complaint asking buyer to pay for he extra core or return it for a stock 7700k as they will lose sleep that they missed out 30$ For that unlocked core
Posted on Reply
I think this is an attempt by AMD to boost Ryzen sales. Budget-oriented buyers love these "Easter eggs". Most AMD fans still talk about the Athlon pencil mod from 17 years ago (see above post), as if it's the Holy Grail. Probably a good move; 1800/1800X sales were crippled by the release of Ryzen 5, this way they sell parts that may otherwise be remaindered at a complete loss. Every little bit helps...
Posted on Reply
ASOTDonow how is in TEXAS but here in Ro/EU false adverstise is illegal..

Edit: IF 10 ppl lucky got 8c/16th that not mean the others are fools,bad lotery, 2017 not 1999 or phenom days )))
Most civilized countries don't see getting more for the same price as "false advertising".

What would constitute false advertising is if AMD sold these chips as 1700/1700X/1800X SKUs, but only enabled 6 of the cores.
Posted on Reply
JMccovery OK!
Posted on Reply

and I am sure I will never hear 7700k unlocked 1c/2 thread for sure.. if at all that happens, intel will file a complaint asking buyer to pay for he extra core or return it for a stock 7700k as they will lose sleep that they missed out 30$ For that unlocked core
Why don't you just enjoy your 1800x, bashing Intel with imagined scenarios won't make your CPU run any better, it just makes you sound like another rabid AMD fan in denial. Seriously, enough already, it doesn't make you sound cool or more informed. Being proud of your build is great, don't water it off with useless crap that just alienates people. Try to take the high road and rise above the average fanboy (both sides should chill out, all this stuff does is make "normal" people think all PC enthusiasts are crazy). You prefer AMD, I like Intel, so what? We all like PCs that perform well for our needs, and we all have plenty of common ground to discuss.
Posted on Reply
Why is this such a hot topic... lol

Nothing new here.
Posted on Reply
Vayra86Why is this such a hot topic... lol

Nothing new here.
I'm constantly asking myself this haha
Posted on Reply
HoodWhy don't you just enjoy your 1800x, bashing Intel with imagined scenarios won't make your CPU run any better, it just makes you sound like another rabid AMD fan in denial. Seriously, enough already, it doesn't make you sound cool or more informed. Being proud of your build is great, don't water it off with useless crap that just alienates people. Try to take the high road and rise above the average fanboy (both sides should chill out, all this stuff does is make "normal" people think all PC enthusiasts are crazy). You prefer AMD, I like Intel, so what? We all like PCs that perform well for our needs, and we all have plenty of common ground to discuss.
Ha, that's funny. Pretending that most PC enthusiasts only buy what best suites their needs. Nope, in reality most PC enthusiasts buy brand first, then performance. If performance was really the end all be all AMD would have sold more graphics cards when it had the technological edge back in the day and same goes for CPUs. Instead we have two companies that have good marketing that rule the markets. Coincidence? I think not.
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