Saturday, January 20th 2007

MySpace will offer spyware for parents

Due to unrelenting pressure from the press, angry parents, and politicians, MySpace is releasing software that will monitor a MySpace user's activities on MySpace. The software, codenamed 'Zephyr', does look a lot like spyware, but will only report MySpace activities to parents, not unlike AOL's Parental Controls. The software would allow parents to see what name, age, and location their children are using on MySpace. 'Zephyr' would run even if the user logged in from a different location, and does not record highly private/sensitive information such as MySpace comments and email. The main reason MySpace is doing this is because a massive amount of USA senators (33) are threatening to take legal action against MySpace if it does not do something to verify the age of it's users. Other popular social networking sites, such as Facebook and Xanga, will not allow anything like 'Zephyr' on their sites, as it is a direct violation of their Terms of Service.
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7 Comments on MySpace will offer spyware for parents

Since when did proper parenting become SPYING?

For the clueless, the responsibilities of proper parenting involves supervising the growth of your children and their behavior. If we had better parenting we would have a lot less crime in this world, less people on welfare, fewer environmental issues and a much better world to live in. Instead we have parents who use the TV or PC as a baby sitter for their kids instead of proper supervision. As a result these impressionable kids learn all kids of bad things to do like drugs, alcohol, sex, crime, etc. Proper parental supervision guides children past these pitfalls of life and molds them into productive, useful citizens instead of Pirates, sex offenders, drug dealers, etc.

Denial doesn't change reality. MySpace and uTube along with many degenerate TV and radio programs contribute to the delinquency of minors who turn into adult garbage in many cases as criminal records substantiate. There is no better time to save a child than when they are so naive and gullible to the online, cable and TV scum that exists today. Ignoring these detrimental online sources increases the ever escalating problems of kids adapting to reality.
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Bob The Fish
I live in Edmonton were the servers are hosted and with all the power and bandwith they use its not hard to tell how big MySpace is. With sue happy americans and parents wiiling to blame a website for there lack of parenting skills and there lack of controll over there children. As with everything else thease days. People just need something else to blame, case and point: I am glad my Mother was smart enuf to learn about the internet and what it can do. I started on the internet when i was 11, my mom realiseing that this needed to be montaired and contorled did what parents should do and because of that my 2 younger brothers and myself were raised to use the net responablely. Its not hard, but parents use the internet and vid games as babysiters so they dont have to take care of there children and then blame the babysiter for whats rong with there kids.

My question is:
Who bought the computer that the child used to surf Myspace?
Who payes for the internet that is used to surf Myspace?
What about the Power?

I wounder if the Judge that will reside over this case will think about these questions...
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i totaly agree with you russianboy.and full of pedo's.
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It should be renamed to "mywasteoftime"
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the only reason I use Myspace is so I can keep in touch with my friends from high school, college and where I used to live. Plus I found 3 of my cousins I havent seen in 10+ years! so its not ALL bad. All my friends on myspace I know in person, I dont just add ppl to see how many friends I can get. Use it with caution and ur fine. and Im no pedophile either:wtf:
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Bird of Prey
My parents never did either, but I was raised by good parents who made sure I didnt get into trouble. I have 5 brothers and 3 sisters, so there is 9 of us all together. some of my family, as they got older and moved out, made their own decisions, as far as drugs, smoking, crime and stuff like that. Some had it rough, my father married 3 times all together. One of my brothers, who OD'd, did so, in part, because he wasnt my fathers son, and my fathers first wife, abandoned him (so my mom raised him, went to court over him, and shit like that). You cant monitor your kids 24/7, not like you want. You do your best and hope that how you parent, treat and discipline them will stay with them, when you are not around. I agree that alot of parents have been using the TV and games to watch their kidS (as in, they are home, but rather not be bothered). But its not all that. People make their own decisions. No matter how good a parent you are, it ultimately comes down to the kid. My niece has completely did a 180. She went to the Kingdom Hall, out in service, preached and stuff. Got into high school. Made some different friends. she couldnt do what they did, so now, shes rebelling. She had a great upbringing, limited from doing alot of stuff that would get her in trouble and down the wrong path. In the end, it came to her to make her decision. Now its one she has to live with. You cant blame the parents for wanting stricter control. And you cant blame alot of us for saying, that some parents, had an alternate method of parenting.
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Wile E
Power User
Taz100420the only reason I use Myspace is so I can keep in touch with my friends from high school, college and where I used to live. Plus I found 3 of my cousins I havent seen in 10+ years! so its not ALL bad. All my friends on myspace I know in person, I dont just add ppl to see how many friends I can get. Use it with caution and ur fine. and Im no pedophile either:wtf:
I agree. The only thing I use it for is keeping in contact with friends and family. I don't add anybody that I don't know in person (Well, except for Dethclock and "Gill the Crab". lol)
Posted on Reply
Mar 6th, 2025 21:43 EST change timezone

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