Tuesday, January 2nd 2018

AMD Will Fix Adrenalin Driver Game Incompatibility Issues After All

Right in the last corner of 2017, as our collective minds were getting ready to move onto a new year at full warp speed, we covered this bit of news regarding AMD's Adrenalin Driver incompatibility with some older game titles under DX9 ("C&C3 Tiberium Wars," "C&C3 Kane's Wrath," "C&C Red Alert 3," "C&C Red Alert 3 Uprising," "C&C4 Tiberian Twilight," "Battle for Middle Earth 1-2," and "The Witcher Enhanced Edition.") At the time, AMD stated that they were "unlikely to devote any valuable engineering resources to this issue." User backlash ensued, and with the new year comes a new AMD: one that has found the valuable engineering resources needed towards working on a fix for said issues.

Apparently, the problem stemmed from a driver-level incompatibility with SAGE engine games, and AMD's Terry Makedon took to Twitter to make things better for fans of those games, saying that "We will for sure fix this bug with SAGE engine games in an upcoming hotfix." All in all, a good guy move by AMD. For sure, the initial statement might not echo the full sentiment of the entire company on the issue, though it's a fact that it was an AMD employee that started the whole debate. That said, the user backlash certainly goes to show that PC gamers want their systems to always have backwards compatibility with older games - one of the more important differentiating factors between PCs and games consoles.
Sources: Terry Makedon's Twitter, via Overclock 3D
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71 Comments on AMD Will Fix Adrenalin Driver Game Incompatibility Issues After All

Maybe it's the reason why Steam installation makes computer to crash, blue screen.
Posted on Reply
PC Gaming Enthusiast
lexluthermiesterNo, they're fixing it because they're responsible and care about the gaming community
No, no company does that. They fix things because bad press leads to revenue loss. Every decision any for-profit company makes is based on money.

Even charitable events some do are meant to stir favorable reactions they hope will lead to sales, etc.
Posted on Reply
rtwjunkieNo, no company does that. They fix things because bad press leads to revenue loss. Every decision any for-profit company makes is based on money.
Even charitable events some do are meant to stir favorable reactions they hope will lead to sales, etc.
Rubbish! We all know that money talks. That doesn't stop professional people from having a passion for what they do and taking pride in their work. AMD, all of my complaints about them aside, has earned my respect because their actions say loud and clear that they care about their customers. They are willing to put their best foot forward, even if it means a little less money.
Posted on Reply
Vanguard Beta Tester
ReadlightMaybe it's the reason why Steam installation makes computer to crash, blue screen.
Give it up it’s your PC...Millions of people on Steam right now including me :rolleyes: Zero connection with your “issue”
Posted on Reply
ReadlightMaybe it's the reason why Steam installation makes computer to crash, blue screen.
INSTG8RGive it up it’s your PC...Millions of people on Steam right now including me :rolleyes: Zero connection with your “issue”
Agreed. Whatever is causing Steam installations to crash has nothing to do with AMD's drivers as this problem does not affect system stability.
Posted on Reply
PC Gaming Enthusiast
lexluthermiesterRubbish! We all know that money talks. That doesn't stop professional people from having a passion for what they do and taking pride in their work. AMD, all of my complaints about them aside, has earned my respect because their actions say loud and clear that they care about their customers. They are willing to put their best foot forward, even if it means a little less money.
Passion doesn't make money. As a former Fortune 500 company upper-level manager I interfaced with many clients of also Fortune 500 companies.

No matter what they did good in the public arena, the eye was always on whether it had future good impact on revenue and market share.

I like AMD too. Just don't get the idea that they don't care about profit as much as their passion for computers. It's just that they aren't very good at making money, that's all.
Posted on Reply
Vanguard Beta Tester
lexluthermiesterAgreed. Whatever is causing Steam installations to crash has nothing to do with AMD's drivers as this problem does not affect system stability.
He just liked to inject that anywhere he seems to think it applies(which it never does...)
Posted on Reply
lexluthermiesterRubbish! We all know that money talks. That doesn't stop professional people from having a passion for what they do and taking pride in their work. AMD, all of my complaints about them aside, has earned my respect because their actions say loud and clear that they care about their customers. They are willing to put their best foot forward, even if it means a little less money.
Really, AMD will flat out mislead their customers too. Remember when the Fury X was unveiled at E3 about 2 1/2 years ago? Here's what was said about it:

“You’ll be able to overclock this thing like no tomorrow,” AMD CTO Joe Macri said. “This is an overclocker’s dream.”

Review here was a disappointing 10% OC for a gain of 5% in FPS

Posted on Reply
rtwjunkiePassion doesn't make money.
Tell that to Steve Jobs, Bill Gates or Elon Musk. That list could go on. Business is business, and it's about making money. But not exclusively! Do you think I run my PC building thing for money alone? No. I do it because it's a passion and I enjoy it. I care about my clients. Big companies are not all heartless, though greed plays a big factor.
Posted on Reply
PC Gaming Enthusiast
Sure, you SHOULD enjoy what you do. But, in your case, to put it in perspective, let's say that you screw up someone's build, or the customer thinks you do, and they start badmouthing your business and build quality.

Are you going to fix his computer because of your passion, or because you want to halt any future revenue loss based on his/her bad reviews?
Posted on Reply
rtwjunkieSure, you SHOULD enjoy what you do. But, in your case, to put it in perspective, let's say that you screw up someone's build, or the customer thinks you do, and they start badmouthing your business and build quality.

Are you going to fix his computer because of your passion, or because you want to halt any future revenue loss based on his/her bad reviews?
That has and likely will happen again. I have and would fix it because I take pride in my work. There's an idiom that fits perfectly here; "You can please some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time." Is it wise to worry about the people who are inconsolable? Or is it wise to do your best to do what's correct and right and let the cards fall as they may?
Posted on Reply
64K“You’ll be able to overclock this thing like no tomorrow,” AMD CTO Joe Macri said. “This is an overclocker’s dream.”
And for the umteeenth time, that line was in reference to thermal overhead. I was there (it wasn't at E3, but in a pre-release meeting) in L.A in the pool of journalists/reviewers when it was said. There is video of it making the rounds.. I was there.

I can see how it was easily misconstrued, however. ;)
Posted on Reply
"I go fast!1!11!1!"

Will be testing this tomorrow across The Witcher, Command & Conquer 3, Command & Conquer 4, Command & Conquer Red Alert 3, Command & Conquer Red Alert 3: Uprising, Mini Ninjas, The Witcher 2 (might be related), and Sanctum (might be related).
Posted on Reply
FordGT90ConceptWill be testing this tomorrow across The Witcher, Command & Conquer 3, Command & Conquer 4, Command & Conquer Red Alert 3, Command & Conquer Red Alert 3: Uprising, Mini Ninjas, The Witcher 2 (might be related), and Sanctum (might be related).
Damn, that was fast!
Posted on Reply
xkm1948Without media attention i am pretty sure they would simply sweep this issue under the rug and wait for people to forget. So kudos to TPU for keeping the pressure on.

And no, there is no such thing as overreacting. Companies need the pressure from tech media to keep up good work. For example without TPU that Intel ME situation may be long lost in time.
I agree completely. People complain about the complaints like it hurts their ears or something, but then unless they work for AMD, they shouldn't be. It's doing nothing but keeping companies producing a quality product.
Posted on Reply
lexluthermiesterAgreed. Whatever is causing Steam installations to crash has nothing to do with AMD's drivers as this problem does not affect system stability.
Everything was fine whit previous whql, except this one has better response.
Now i haw to find crack for steam purchased game because they don't work in offline when internet limit has been spent. Shit Steam.
Posted on Reply
ReadlightEverything was fine whit previous whql, except this one has better response.
Now i haw to find crack for steam purchased game because they don't work in offline when internet limit has been spent. Shit Steam.
Fair enough. That is why I don't use Steam. Would otherwise be simply awesome. But DRM via online presence, steam client requirements and other crap doesn't stop pirates, it only pisses off the legit users and turns some of them into pirates and is therefore abhorrent. Seriously, how many tears are they expecting us to shed over grabbing a game and running it in a cracked way when they treat us like thieves in the first place? Although, I actually buy the games on Steam, if they're not on GOG, but use the cracked versions. Most of the games in my Steam library are paid for and have never been downloaded.
Posted on Reply
where the hell are my stars
What game doesn't work when you restart steam in offline mode?
Posted on Reply
Vanguard Beta Tester
Will be testing this tomorrow across The Witcher, Command & Conquer 3, Command & Conquer 4, Command & Conquer Red Alert 3, Command & Conquer Red Alert 3: Uprising, Mini Ninjas, The Witcher 2 (might be related), and Sanctum (might be related).
You guys all need to thank @FordGT90Concept for all the work and tests he put in at Vanguard and provided the driver team with this fix that was released...

You never let me down ford!! :toast:
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