Thursday, March 15th 2018

AMD Ryzen 5 2600X Accidentally Listed on Amazon
Amazon Germany accidentally listed the upcoming AMD Ryzen 5 2600X six-core processor. According to the listing availability of the chip is scheduled for 19th April. The chip is priced at 248.93€ including taxes, which is in line with the launch SEP prices we saw in the leaked AMD press-deck posted earlier this month. The listing also mentions a handful specifications, such as the chip being based on 12 nm silicon fabrication process, and featuring clock speeds of 3.60 GHz, with 4.25 GHz turbo. Unlike with some of the higher end first-generation Ryzen retail packages, AMD will be including cooling solutions with all models of the 2nd generation Ryzen series. The Ryzen 5 2600X will include a Wraith Spire cooler, characterized by its RGB LED ring, and having a design focus on low-noise operation.
Source: Forums
31 Comments on AMD Ryzen 5 2600X Accidentally Listed on Amazon
Edit: read down :P
1600X is now at $199. This is just 6% higher clocks.
While one can place the 2X00 processors on the "old" X370 boards, one will not take full advantage of the chip, unless pairing it with the new X470 board as well.
Edit: please be aware ryzen 1xxx uses precision boost. I'd assume 95W is std 4.25 boost and precision boost overdrive is for 105W which is selectable on 400 chipset boards where the VRM is guaranteed to deliver it.
I would not be surprised if 300 series chipset will support it too.
Let's wait and see how it really is.
Man April needs to hurry up
Please don't hurt my wallet to hard when it's time.
This is why i said one will only take full advantage of the 2000 series CPUs with 400 series motherboards. As to how much is the difference between the motherboards series for the same 2000 series CPU, i have no idea :(
Check actual performance, not announced clocks.
"This is just 6% higher clocks. "
Yet you still bother me with comments I cannot understand.How do I check the actual performance of something that has not been launched and reviewed yet ?
Reported for irrelevant rambling.
In order to defeat latency issues, the new 400 series chipset would probably be required. (just a guess on my part)