Friday, August 3rd 2018

Exposed: AMD Ryzen Threadripper 2990WX, 2950X Get Unboxed
That didn't take long - from the moment we've put our eyes on AMD's premium packaging for their new Threadripper 2 lineup, we're getting images that slowly expose the workings and ritual of unboxing these feats of silicon, engineering, and human ingenuity. The original video has, in the meantime, been taken down, but of course, whatever hits the web, stays in the web, and screenshots abound that give us a taste of what to expect.The unboxed processors are the 16-core Threadripper 2950X, and the sexier, 32-core Threadripper 2990WX. Reviewers received more than the average user ever will with the same dummy processors for display purposes that AMD sent alongside their first generation Threadripper silicon, a mean feat of PR. The Threadripper 2 CPU itself sits inside a plastic tray which looks like a high-tech shuttle from Mass Effect, with added stickers and other little whatnots. One thing is for sure: AMD does know how to pack these things.
Original YouTube Link, via Videocardz
17 Comments on Exposed: AMD Ryzen Threadripper 2990WX, 2950X Get Unboxed
Is it necessary? No of course not.
But does it add something special? Yes it does.
In no other industry could you possibly get away with selling a grands worth of product in a cheap see through plastic clam-shell, so why should cpu manufacturers think it's acceptable?
I'm waiting for the AMD Prestige Line before I buy one though, I expect mine delivered in a Bentley...