Monday, October 8th 2018
Final Season of The Walking Dead to be Finished by Skybound Games
It seems we've reached a final chapter (with two parts still missing) from the odyssey of The Walking Dead's final season. Born of a troubled studio with decreasing revenue even as it increased its staff and IPs, Telltale games has given the reins to the final two episodes in the final season to Skybound Games, a division of Skybound Entertainment - helmed by none other than Robert Kirkman, the original creator of the The Walking Dead franchise.
Skybound Games announced the news via Twitter, right after word of Telltale Games' severance with almost all remaining employees - without any sort of actual severance, as is being reported by numerous outlets. At least Clementine's story will get to a conclusion of sorts - whether proper or as envisioned by the original studio remains to be seen - and perhaps we'll never know. However, Skybound Games has more of a reason to deliver than any other studio that could pick up the game, and as it is, that's more than anyone expected. I'm crying for the second season of The Wolf Among Us, though, titled "The One that Will Never Be".
via ETEknix
Skybound Games announced the news via Twitter, right after word of Telltale Games' severance with almost all remaining employees - without any sort of actual severance, as is being reported by numerous outlets. At least Clementine's story will get to a conclusion of sorts - whether proper or as envisioned by the original studio remains to be seen - and perhaps we'll never know. However, Skybound Games has more of a reason to deliver than any other studio that could pick up the game, and as it is, that's more than anyone expected. I'm crying for the second season of The Wolf Among Us, though, titled "The One that Will Never Be".
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