Wednesday, October 31st 2018

Red Dead Redemption 2 Achieves Entertainment's Biggest Opening Weekend of All Time

(Editor's Note: Now isn't this beautiful. We could likely coin a "single player gaming isn't dead" hashtag right out of this one, for sure. What's more impressive is that this particular Rockstar release has only targeted current-gen consoles, leaving out a huge, booming slice of the market - PC Gaming. Let's forget the fact that it isn't all that hard to have a more powerful PC than any of the top consoles on the market today... But well. let's not be salty. here's hoping that Rockstar taps into our own PC gaming market so we can have a shot at Red Dead Redemption 2 as well. Kudos for the company for the apparently amazing world they've built.)

Rockstar Games is proud to announce that the critically acclaimed Red Dead Redemption 2 has achieved the single-biggest opening weekend in the history of entertainment. With over $725 million in worldwide retail sell-through during its first three days, Red Dead Redemption 2 is the second-highest grossing entertainment launch of all time next to Rockstar Games' previously released title, Grand Theft Auto V, which achieved over $1 billion in retail sell-through in three days.
Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) also confirmed that Red Dead Redemption 2 set new records on the PlayStation Network for highest ever pre-orders, highest day one sales and highest sales for the first three days in market. Rockstar Games has partnered with SIE to bring PlayStation 4 players first access to earn select online content in Red Dead Online that is planned to release this November.

Red Dead Redemption 2's list of initial benchmarks include:
  • Biggest opening weekend in retail sell-through across all entertainment releases;
  • Second biggest launch (three days) in retail sell-through across all entertainment releases;
  • Biggest entertainment launch of 2018;
  • Most pre-ordered full game ever on PlayStation Network;
  • Biggest day one full game sales ever on PlayStation Network;
  • Biggest first three days full game sales ever on PlayStation Network.
An epic tale of honor and loyalty set in the dying days of the outlaw age, Red Dead Redemption 2 follows Arthur Morgan and the Van der Linde gang as they rob, steal and fight their way across the rugged heartland of America in order to survive. Following a botched robbery in the western town of Blackwater, the gang is forced to flee and, with federal agents and the best bounty hunters in the nation massing on their heels, deepening internal divisions threaten to tear the gang apart, leaving Arthur to make a choice between his own ideals and loyalty to the gang who raised him.
Told across the deepest and most expansive Rockstar world to date, Red Dead Redemption 2 is Rockstar's first game built from the ground up for new generation hardware, and seamlessly blends gameplay and storytelling in a completely new way to deliver the experience of living as an outlaw in a notorious gang.

Reviews are outstanding:
  • "What Rockstar has delivered in Red Dead Redemption 2 is not just the best game of the year, but the best game of the decade. It does not set a new bar, but rather signals a changing of the guard, a new future for video games, as everything that comes after will be launching in a post-Red Dead Redemption 2 world." - The Hollywood Reporter
  • "This is a game of rare quality; a meticulously polished open world ode to the outlaw era. Looking for one of this generation's very best single-player action experiences? Here's your huckleberry." - 10/10 IGN
  • "This is a story - a collection of stories, really - about the decline of a way of life, as a small gang of outlaws tries ever harder to outrun the inexorable advance of American modernity, as well as the enemies and lawmen they have antagonized along the way...There can be no doubt that this is a landmark game. It is a new high water-mark for lifelike video game worlds..." - 5/5 The Guardian
  • "Red Dead Redemption 2 has undoubtedly raised the bar for narrative open-world games and will likely have a lasting impact on how they are made in the future. It pushes the envelope of what we understand is possible in a video game. It seems that every time we get something new from Rockstar, things inevitably change." - CNET
  • "Red Dead Redemption 2 is Rockstar's best game; a grand, magnificent adventure that's vast yet intimate. It delivers a story full of drama and tragedy, not to mention levity and love, and it compacts it all into the most inventive and compelling missions and moments in Rockstar's history... It's a landmark moment for the open world genre, and for the medium as a whole." - GQ UK
Red Dead Redemption 2 will also include access to Red Dead Online. Red Dead Online is the evolution of the classic multiplayer experience in the original Red Dead Redemption, blending narrative with competitive and cooperative gameplay in fun new ways. Red Dead Online is planned for launch in November 2018, initially as a public beta, with more news to come soon.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is rated M for Mature by the ESRB.
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44 Comments on Red Dead Redemption 2 Achieves Entertainment's Biggest Opening Weekend of All Time

Manu_PTThen maybe they played other game? No offense but comparing RDR2 to The Witcher 3 is a crime. RDR2 is alive on every damn corner, random stuff happens just by walking there, you don´t even need to do side quests or main story to have something happening and is ALWAYS different. You save the same dude twice on side mission and he gonna thank you "thanks again man, you saved me twice now", you walk by house windows and see a couple making love, or you see them doing different stuff.

Instead of just talking you should play the game yourself. RDR2 is clearly a next gen game and superior to most games due to the attention to detail. They push the boundaries and setr a new benchmark.
What made the TW3 the best game ever was the story.

EDIT: It also has ruined gaming for me as everything else has been trash. I always considered myself a graphics whore but now I am a story and attention to details whore. GTAV just had cash grab and pop culture written all over it. Not only that, they are clearly working a cash grab (Rockstar). Waiting for people to buy it for a console and then open it up for PC so a bunch of suckers will buy it again. Just like GTAV. I bought GTAV when it was on sale for $30 and was quite disappointed. Not worth $60.
Posted on Reply
The editorial in this article is completely wrong - PC gaming was way healthier 5 years ago (the true PCMR renaissance). Zen has made PC gaming cheaper in some respects, but in general high end PC gaming is a complete s**tshow compared to 3 years ago. RAM prices have doubled, GPU prices are STILL higher than they were years ago for the SAME PERFORMANCE, and even SSD prices only recently came back down to where they were in 2016. Oh, and have fun downloading Origin, Uplay, Steam, and soon Bethesda's own f***ing software just to play multiple studio's games.

The fact is it takes an RX 570, 8GB of RAM, an SSD, and an R3 CPU to notably beat the base PS4 in performance. That's at least a $350-$400 system. There is a reason the PS4S cannot stay in stock at $250, and is quickly climbing above $300. In 2015-2016 I remember budget PC builds being WAY better...
Manu_PTThen maybe they played other game? No offense but comparing RDR2 to The Witcher 3 is a crime. RDR2 is alive on every damn corner, random stuff happens just by walking there, you don´t even need to do side quests or main story to have something happening and is ALWAYS different. You save the same dude twice on side mission and he gonna thank you "thanks again man, you saved me twice now", you walk by house windows and see a couple making love, or you see them doing different stuff.

Instead of just talking you should play the game yourself. RDR2 is clearly a next gen game and superior to most games due to the attention to detail. They push the boundaries and setr a new benchmark.
I also agree - comparing TW3 to RDR is laughably ignorant. TW gaming series has a horribly shallow story and empty world. RDR2 on the other hand (just like you say) feels like the first real game I have played that is open world.

I would say it has almost the depth and detail of The Last of Us, and yet it is an entire open world. That's crazy! The detail in this huge world is crazy!
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PC Gaming Enthusiast
Manu_PTJust gtfo. Playing games with a controller on a correctly frame paced game at 30fps is not the end of the world
So very classy. Someone doesn’t like consoles and you decided to go all console diva on them. Whatever happened to people have differences of opinions, different likes, etc.

@the54thvoid merely said playing with a controller on a console was not his cup of tea and you get triggered and go all intolerant on him telling him to Get The F**k Out. Like I said, classy, intelligent, and mature.
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Space Lynx
I watched some gameplay of RDR2, saw one of the guys kill a dear with bow and arrow, looked boring to me, he didn't even have to put an arch on his bow and arrow, and he was pretty far away... just aim the little white deer right at the deers head and let loose, no skill at all... such mundane bow and arrow physics make me want to fall asleep, Skyrim on the other hand, it was quite exhilarating using bow and arrow.
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lynx29I watched some gameplay of RDR2, saw one of the guys kill a dear with bow and arrow, looked boring to me, he didn't even have to put an arch on his bow and arrow, and he was pretty far away... just aim the little white deer right at the deers head and let loose, no skill at all... such mundane bow and arrow physics make me want to fall asleep, Skyrim on the other hand, it was quite exhilarating using bow and arrow.
Not to mention Skyrim can be tweaked (although there's only so much to do with all gameplay. But archery is more tweakable than other elements).
Posted on Reply
rtwjunkieSo very classy. Someone doesn’t like consoles and you decided to go all console diva on them. Whatever happened to people have differences of opinions, different likes, etc.

@the54thvoid merely said playing with a controller on a console and you get all intolerant on him telling him to Get The F**k Out. Like I said, classy, intelligent, and mature.
"doesn't like consoles" - what does that even mean?

You don't like games? I play games lol
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Fishfaced Nincompoop
Ubisoft exec: "Imagine if it had lootboxes!"
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PC Gaming Enthusiast
FrickUbisoft exec: "Imagine if it had lootboxes!"
Are you sure you don’t mean EA?
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IGN 10/10 , I give you 0/10 because its not on PC ...
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Well, this thread escalated quickly :D. I personally never liked western-based movies/games/ books. Anything with Native Americans vs Americans, Wild west is not my thing. I do like revolvers though. I just can't comprehend the success of this title.

On topic: console for me these days is android based phone + a cheap gamepad from Ebay/ or OTG cable + PC gamepad. Alternatively a "gaming shell" like with Doogee S70. But I don't think I'd ever buy a console for a TV for a number of reasons.
Posted on Reply
lZKoceWell, this thread escalated quickly :D. I personally never liked western-based movies/games/ books. Anything with Native Americans vs Americans, Wild west is not my thing. I do like revolvers though. I just can't comprehend the success of this title.

On topic: console for me these days is android based phone + a cheap gamepad from Ebay/ or OTG cable + PC gamepad. Alternatively a "gaming shell" like with Doogee S70. But I don't think I'd ever buy a console for a TV for a number of reasons.
That's understandable, but a lot of old Western stories had nothing to with Cowboys vs Indians. Just lawlessness vs law. And entrenched powers vs immigrants seeking better living out in the frontier (only to be disappointed). Even some of the most wildly known stories are still relevant in that sense. Like Billy the Kid was the son of an Irish immigrant from the East coast. He and his mother had a hard young life, and so he made his way West. Only to find that the landowners were corrupt (ironically, they were Irish themselves, but in the West lived like bigwigs and owned the local police). Billy the Kid sided with the Mexican immigrants at the time and some other low paid workers.. but went completely south and had a bloodlust. But at the heart of it, there were a lot of recognizable politics. That movie Young Guns was loosely based on this (the Lincoln County War).

While stories like the Alamo were funnily more about religious freedom. Mexico owned Texas at the time, but allowed settlers. But they completely jumped the shark and started demanding conversion to Catholicism, else you couldn't live there. The Americans who moved in slowly began to revolt, culminating in war. America's federal power finally joined in, simply because of the opportunity for more land. But it was originally about religion.

edit: Sorry for the history lesson. It's just that the West is more about what society is like in it's early stages... when there are no laws (or little law enforcement), and everyone is trying to carve out their niche in the world.
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StrayKATedit: Sorry for the history lesson. It's just that the West is more about what society is like in it's early stages... when there are no laws (or little law enforcement), and everyone is trying to carve out their niche in the world.
And, it is not that fair off from where are today.

On topic: As for RDR1 or 2, I have not played either so I can't comment on either one being game of the decade but it has a tall order to surpass TW3. There were times I woke up in the morning thought about calling up Zoltan and Dandelion and see if they wanted to hit the bar - only to remember it was just a game. RDR2 may have a more alive world but that is not what makes a game. If I want an alive world then I'll put the headphones down and go for a hike. Excellent games are a combination of voices, acting, story telling, world, lore, graphics, game play, and, the most important, personal preference. TW3 was the perfect storm of them all. But frankly, it doesn't matter because if it doesn't come to PC - I'm not playing. I have no use to buy a console for a game or two. Games are just not that important.

Edit: And given the success of GTAV, it will come to PC. For full price. 8 months later. So I will wait again for it to go on sale.
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I have a PS4 (and XOne) myself, but I still wouldn't play this on them, if there's a possible chance it'll make it to PC. I just keep those consoles around for exclusives, but not sure RDR2 will be one of those.
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Now just imagine how great it would be if the consoles didn't have literal Potatoes for processors. I'm planning to pick up both next-gen consoles on the condition that they have Zen cores; not some tweaked, low-clocked tablet-class vegetable core.

Either way I have notoriously narrow tastes when it comes to gaming, and this game doesn't appeal to me in the slightest. Every game that does, I can either play on my PC right now, or get my old Xbox 360 or PS2 back out of the cupboard. :)
Posted on Reply
lZKoceWell, this thread escalated quickly :D. I personally never liked western-based movies/games/ books. Anything with Native Americans vs Americans, Wild west is not my thing. I do like revolvers though. I just can't comprehend the success of this title.

On topic: console for me these days is android based phone + a cheap gamepad from Ebay/ or OTG cable + PC gamepad. Alternatively a "gaming shell" like with Doogee S70. But I don't think I'd ever buy a console for a TV for a number of reasons.
You can't comprehend it because you clearly have no clue about what it is lmao. I mean what are you talking about with "Americans vs Natives?"

I bet you think GTAV is only about stealing cars too... right?
ArbitraryAffectionNow just imagine how great it would be if the consoles didn't have literal Potatoes for processors. I'm planning to pick up both next-gen consoles on the condition that they have Zen cores; not some tweaked, low-clocked tablet-class vegetable core.

Either way I have notoriously narrow tastes when it comes to gaming, and this game doesn't appeal to me in the slightest. Every game that does, I can either play on my PC right now, or get my old Xbox 360 or PS2 back out of the cupboard. :)
The APU in the PS4 is not found in any tablet.... *rolls eyes at ignorance*

Actually, they put the R7 1700 in a couple of laptops - so does that make Zen a "Lowpowered Laptop CPU"?
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ArbitraryAffectionNow just imagine how great it would be if the consoles didn't have literal Potatoes for processors. I'm planning to pick up both next-gen consoles on the condition that they have Zen cores; not some tweaked, low-clocked tablet-class vegetable core.

Either way I have notoriously narrow tastes when it comes to gaming, and this game doesn't appeal to me in the slightest. Every game that does, I can either play on my PC right now, or get my old Xbox 360 or PS2 back out of the cupboard. :)
On the plus side, Western towns weren't very populated anyhow. So that takes some of the load off.

Not sure how much wildlife there is, but it certainly looks pretty, even with that hardware.
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I built my PC to do one thing and that's to play games. That being said, I'm not going to deny myself the pleasure of playing a game because it's not on PC. Games like God of War, Horizon Zero Dawn, The Last of US...etc...etc. Those games are some of the best if not better than anything the PC has to offer. Would i rather them be on the PC? Oh heck yeah but they ain't. Rockstar took a long while before it said anything about GTA V coming to PC. When it did come to PC it was the definitive version. Red Dead Redemption 2 most likely come out on PC but until then, yippee ki yay!
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I think PC gamers have higher expectations and are more demanding than the average consoler, so if Rockstar are avoiding PC, it may be because they know the title/product will disappoint PCers, are are therefore deliberately avoiding negative reviews. A reflection of a lower quality game?
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lemonadesodaI think PC gamers have higher expectations and are more demanding than the average consoler, so if Rockstar are avoiding PC, it may be because they know the title/product will disappoint PCers, are are therefore deliberately avoiding negative reviews. A reflection of a lower quality game?
Unlikely, look at the sales of GTAV. I think they are just waiting to get suckers to buy it for console and PC.
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