Friday, December 7th 2018
Far Cry "New Dawn" Announced, Launching February 15th - New Montana With a Post-Apocalyptic Twist
Ubisoft has announced the latest installment in the Far Cry series. Titled "New Dawn", the new entry will retain the New Montana setting, with a twist: we are now 17 years into the future (with the baseline being the end of Far Cry 5). An apocalyptic event (a global nuclear catastrophe, naturally) has warped humanity's capabilities and way of living, and we'll get to see an all-new, re-skinned New Montana - it seems tons of pink and purple will make a major splash in this post-apocalyptic setting. Think of how Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon swapped over to a red color scheme, and you get the idea.
Overall, the game makes some changes to the overall Far Cry aesthetic. I'm curious to see how much Hope County has changed with the events that happened in-between games, but I'm slightly suspicious of a game within the same setting and with such a short development time - it's sort of a revisit on the Far Cry Primal formula. The new game drops February 15th, 2019.
Overall, the game makes some changes to the overall Far Cry aesthetic. I'm curious to see how much Hope County has changed with the events that happened in-between games, but I'm slightly suspicious of a game within the same setting and with such a short development time - it's sort of a revisit on the Far Cry Primal formula. The new game drops February 15th, 2019.
40 Comments on Far Cry "New Dawn" Announced, Launching February 15th - New Montana With a Post-Apocalyptic Twist
Yes, they also INVENTED Silent Hunter, but does a father killing his son get excused because he made the little guy? Hell no. I have nothing but hate in my heart for this company now.
Sorta sarcastic, sorta serious here...
Lets face it they don't want you to have dedicated servers which are ran by the user and surly not a game that they don't get you to rebuy every year or two.
Like OMG GR you could run a 8 player's + observers make awesome missions and run tournaments.
No wounder i have gone back to audio gear as gaming these days is just pitiful bar a few games which none are UBI.
This reminds me of that. That's awesome! I learned more about uboats in five minutes than I have in my whole life (not really saying much) .... Looks fun as hell though. Kinda reminds me of that old Commandos game from 90's.
I'm pumped for Rage 2, Dying Light 2 and Exodus. That's enough post-apocalyptic games. Ubisoft can't fool me with their candy ass graphics.
But that was before.
When I bought FC5 for a full price....well, I just asked myself, after a month “Why the damn heck I’ve just bought it for 60$???!!!”
I love how Montana looked like ingame, perfect soundtrack....but that’ all. Everything else - pure messed up crap. Especially those plane mechanics.
P.S. yep, waiting for ur next farcry, ubi. On torrents.
So, I still give them my open mind, since I know that sometimes they are actually trying, unlike a number of other publishers.
Far Cry is another franchise that has fallen prey to that eternal Ubisauce, that little easter egg voiceline in FC5 about now NOT having to climb up every radio tower just says it all. We know it, the devs know it, it got old and was way overdone, but when you look at the games, they actually just repackaged the same concept once more and gave it another name. Ubisoft is still pushing the same agenda: give gamers more of what they already know. Far Cry's Blood Dragon still went out OK and Primal wasn't a complete fail, so this spinoff was also bound to happen. Innovation? Nah. New assets? Meh, just spray paint that old junk in a new color. I wonder when this franchise will get its 'reset'. The wacky characters in the games are also getting a bit old to me, the whole cult thing in FC5 was hard to get into. It was never satisfying really to punish the religious nutjobs, simply because they never felt like anything other than random hillbillies with guns. Compare that to Vaas... or even the far less interesting baddies from FC4.
To me, Far Cry is fast losing its appeal and the gameplay is same old. The funky color schemes don't help it either, I can't help but think FC6 will appear on Nintendo Switch or something.
Compare the tone of voice of the very first Assassins' Creed to that of a Watch Dogs 2 or the recent AC's. Its like Ubisoft is talking to an audience that is far less mature these days, it even shows in the writing of the dialogues itself: grown up full English sentences of decent length (old AC) versus short sentences, simple writing (a five year old can understand most of it) and zero spice, moral and ethical/philosophical dilemma is gone, etc. Even FC5 which announced itself with a very spicy theme especially in its time of release dumbed it down to a quirky bunch of nutjobs so far from reality it was never believeable or immersive. Playing it safe...
Its really a big shame to see so much potential in this studio and so many half-decent products come out of it. These days its 'OK' and never really great, the highlights come from the smaller studios funded by Ubi. At the same time this studio is also one of the few remaining ones that's really quite good at doing open world games and they do many of them still, which is immediately also the reason they all feel the same.
I just hope Ubi can reinvent itself like they've shown capable of doing in the past. This new direction for AC was a step in the right direction but still feels RPG-lite without offering a proper framework for it, like so many of these games with RPG elements do. For Far Cry... I think they need to give physics a lot more love. The franchise needs new cool stunts to pull off in the sandbox, more challenging gameplay, and maybe a return of some survival elements like the crappy guns of FC2.