Friday, December 7th 2018
Far Cry "New Dawn" Announced, Launching February 15th - New Montana With a Post-Apocalyptic Twist
Ubisoft has announced the latest installment in the Far Cry series. Titled "New Dawn", the new entry will retain the New Montana setting, with a twist: we are now 17 years into the future (with the baseline being the end of Far Cry 5). An apocalyptic event (a global nuclear catastrophe, naturally) has warped humanity's capabilities and way of living, and we'll get to see an all-new, re-skinned New Montana - it seems tons of pink and purple will make a major splash in this post-apocalyptic setting. Think of how Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon swapped over to a red color scheme, and you get the idea.
Overall, the game makes some changes to the overall Far Cry aesthetic. I'm curious to see how much Hope County has changed with the events that happened in-between games, but I'm slightly suspicious of a game within the same setting and with such a short development time - it's sort of a revisit on the Far Cry Primal formula. The new game drops February 15th, 2019.
Overall, the game makes some changes to the overall Far Cry aesthetic. I'm curious to see how much Hope County has changed with the events that happened in-between games, but I'm slightly suspicious of a game within the same setting and with such a short development time - it's sort of a revisit on the Far Cry Primal formula. The new game drops February 15th, 2019.
40 Comments on Far Cry "New Dawn" Announced, Launching February 15th - New Montana With a Post-Apocalyptic Twist
In any case, Postapocalyptic My Little Pony sounds like a much better idea than A Million Shades of Brown and Grey, A Gun-Slinging Cannibal Story that is most postapocalyptic tales. Actually the more I think about it the more fun it sounds.
All these developers may as well just share an office and make one big game together.
Also, They are really pushing occult symbolism like never before now.
Fall over crying.....
Yeah it works for me. :-(
I guess that means we have 2 more games to go based on FC 5 maps. :laugh:
Sure as heck wouldn't buy the DLC that this should be at full price though lol
Far Cry Fallout: Borderlands