Wednesday, February 14th 2007

Man memorizes and writes entire Zelda: Twilight Princess script
Anyone who's played Zelda: Twilight Princess knows that it is an extraordinarily long game, filled with a lot of events that contribute to the plot. It also has a ton of dialog, which would be a real pain to memorize, let alone write down. Yet strangely, a man has somehow find the passion and the disturbing amount of spare time to do just that. This man, who prefers to remain anonymous, claims he can "probably recite every line of dialog front and back while burping, and can espouse all the crazy timeline theories that abound and what it all means in the grand scheme of things". In the event that someone may not want to listen to all this/have time to do so, he wrote the script down as a very long text file, which can be grabbed off of Neoseeker.
16 Comments on Man memorizes and writes entire Zelda: Twilight Princess script
oh and his name is bartholmew :laugh: