Tuesday, May 21st 2019

Sapphire Reps Leak Juicy Details on AMD Radeon Navi
A Sapphire product manager and PR director, speaking to the Chinese press spilled the beans on AMD's upcoming Radeon Navi graphics card lineup. It looks like with Navi, AMD is targeting the meat of the serious gamer market, at two specific price points, USD $399 with a "Pro" (cut-down) product, and $499 with an "XT" (fully-fledged) product. AMD has two NVIDIA products in its crosshairs, the GeForce RTX 2070, and the RTX 2060. In the interview, the Sapphire rep mentioned "stronger than 2070", when talking about performance numbers, which we assume is for the Navi XT variant - definitely promising. The $399 Navi "Pro" is probably being designed with a performance target somewhere between the RTX 2060 and RTX 2070, so you typically pay $50 more than you would for an RTX 2060, for noticeably higher performance.
Sapphire also confirmed that AMD's Navi does not have specialized ray-tracing hardware on the silicon, but such technology will debut with "next year's new architecture". They also suggested that AMD is unlikely to scale up Navi for the enthusiast segment, and that the Vega-based Radeon VII will continue to be the company's flagship product. On the topic of Radeon VII custom designs, Sapphire commented that "there is no plans for that". On the other hand, Sapphire is actively working on custom designs for the Navi architecture, and mentioned that "work on a "Toxic" version of Navi is complete, and it is watercooled". Many people have speculated that AMD will unveil Navi at its Computex keynote address on May 27. Sapphire confirmed that date, and also added that the launch will be on 7th of July, 2019.
Zhihu (Blog)
Sapphire also confirmed that AMD's Navi does not have specialized ray-tracing hardware on the silicon, but such technology will debut with "next year's new architecture". They also suggested that AMD is unlikely to scale up Navi for the enthusiast segment, and that the Vega-based Radeon VII will continue to be the company's flagship product. On the topic of Radeon VII custom designs, Sapphire commented that "there is no plans for that". On the other hand, Sapphire is actively working on custom designs for the Navi architecture, and mentioned that "work on a "Toxic" version of Navi is complete, and it is watercooled". Many people have speculated that AMD will unveil Navi at its Computex keynote address on May 27. Sapphire confirmed that date, and also added that the launch will be on 7th of July, 2019.
119 Comments on Sapphire Reps Leak Juicy Details on AMD Radeon Navi
1) Poor AMD, always behind Nvidia. HAHAHAHAHA
2) Why, why AMD don't you produce something better? I want to buy cheaper NVIDIA card.
3) AMD get your FU GPU R&D team in order, stop relying on 7 yo GCN architecture already, do some actual R&D on gaming sagment and offer me something decent to buy.
I've been buying Red team since ATI, but stopped with HD 7870. I'd jump on buying anything Red with decent price/performance ratio and 4K capable. Sadly nothing on horizon, so I had to buy 2nd hand 1080TI for 390 bucks. I'd rather stop gaming than pay $700 to NGreedia for the same price/performance ratio in 4K GPU segment more than 2 years later (the same goes for AMD's Radeon VII). FU both!
The previous driver is R600, meaning it covers all Terascale cards from HD2000 to HD6000.
The only thing I might take away from to Chinese "whatever" translation... was that 7/7/2019 Release? I feel that this all super sketchy, either that or this guy no-longer has job... or AMD had blessed him to spill a bunch of FUD.
With Intel entering the consumer discrete GPU arena next year it might not seem wise to AMD to put too much into RTG. If Intel makes a decent showing then they will surely take some market share away from Nvidia and AMD.
All in good fun ofcourse ;)
But they bought ATI at seemingly the worst possible time and have been trying to recoup from that ever since. It's almost a miracle they kept afloat since.
ATI managed to focus development and compete with most of Nvidia's lineup despite very limited resources. After AMD took over, they shifted too much resources around, focused too much on APUs and custom chips, plus dead end projects like ARM Opterons, project "skybridge" and K12. Then decided to "milk" GCN for far too long.
K8 (and probably Bullldozer) were a done deal by then, but luckily ATI various "islands" cards were up to the task for a while. And when their GPU designs were getting long in the tooth, we got Zen and now everybody looks at the CPU division to keep things afloat.
In short, I would like to emphasize two things:
1. While it may look like, at times, one division or the other was incompetent, it really comes down to 1 or 2 uninspired designs for each division.
2. The whole point of having several product lines is that you expect one line to underperform at times and you don't want to have to close shop when that happens.
3. Remember AMD has done all they've done for more than a decade, while in the red.
Wanted to add this... Imagine if Navi was on a better 12nm (slightly better than what GloFlo got with RX 590), had Navi GCN improvements (incremental), and with all of GDDR6 goodness. And they had all that culminate in Q1 2018. That would have been like 1.5 years after the GTX 1070 in the market, if a Navi got 20% more that the RX590 it could have placed pressure GTX 1070 pricing.
But now Gamers are wanting competative product from from AMD!!! Where is the R&D money for that?? You guys forgetting that, it was AMD's Semi-custom division that keepet AMD alive not CPU or GPU division. If AMD didn't buy ATI back then, we would still running(and still running) cheese Intel cpu with 2-4 Cores.
But can't say AMD shited on "Gamers", as they had/has competative product but couldn't market it properly.
And I am still saying, "Gamers" shited AMD not the other way around.
Take Radeon VII and RTX2080, for example:
- Radeon VII is specced to 1400/1750MHz and 10.7/13.4 TFLOPS at these clocks. In games it opportunistically runs a little above boost, roughly 1775MHz and 13.6 TFLOPS. 1-2% above spec boost.
- RTX2080 is specced to 1515/1710MHz and 8.9/10.1 TFLOPS at these clock. In games it opportunistically runs in the range of 1920MHz, if not higher. This is 11.3 TFLOPS. 12% above spec boost.
There is still a difference but smaller than you would expect from specs alone. This would not be the first time. They were accused of price fixing in 2008, with actual evidence in form of emails. It was settled out of court :)
2560 SP (64 SP for each CU):