Tuesday, February 20th 2007

Clever man mods his car to play to Xbox Live on the road
We've all seen advertisements for in-car game systems, and we've also probably heard of power inverters that allow us to plug our electronics in on the road. However, this clever man has taken this a step further- Xbox Live on the road. Since his town, Mountain View, California, has free wireless internet thanks to Google, he could use it to do all manner of things. By setting up his Xbox 360 to use the towns wireless internet, all he had to do was put in an Xbox 360, an HDTV, and power them using two inverters. He secured the HDTV using zip ties and a mounting bracket. If someone wanted to try this mod from scratch, it would cost $4,000. Someone who already had an HDTV and an Xbox360 would probably spend around $200 ($100 for wifi adapter, $80 for powerful inverter, $20 for zip-ties).
20 Comments on Clever man mods his car to play to Xbox Live on the road
I have unlimited home phone minutes...
combine+Dial up proxy+connecting cell to laptop= INSTA PORTANET!
I'm so smart.
Still thats a little crazy. One time I was watching a baseball game through the window of an RV, that was sweet.
:rolleyes: :wtf:
Thread closed. :nutkick:
if i had the money id get it done "pimp my ride" style ;) flip down hdtv in the ceiling with a 4000w system in the boot, not to mention the pussy on tap :p
Im looking out for a Suzuki Samurai at the moment, gonna fit it with a huge sub! ;)
If the guy put an APPLE in the car, not an XBOX, then while he was stuck in traffic he'd be picking up chicks.