Wednesday, September 25th 2019
Microsoft's Windows 10 is now used on Over 900 Million Devices
Microsoft's corporate vice president of the "Modern Life, Search and Devices" group, Yusuf Mehdi sent out a Tweet today that the company's Windows 10 operating system is now being used on over 900 million devices.
Windows 7, one of the most popular legacy operating systems will reach end-of-support in just a few months, which should definitely drive up Windows 10 adoption rates, too. Let's hope Microsoft takes this milestone as a reason to improve the QA testing of their OS updates, as a lot of users have experienced issues recently.
Windows 7, one of the most popular legacy operating systems will reach end-of-support in just a few months, which should definitely drive up Windows 10 adoption rates, too. Let's hope Microsoft takes this milestone as a reason to improve the QA testing of their OS updates, as a lot of users have experienced issues recently.
37 Comments on Microsoft's Windows 10 is now used on Over 900 Million Devices
Just like Intel and AMD both don't want to support older OSes that almost no one uses with their new hardware. This isn't a Microsoft limitation, it's the hardware vendors' limitation.
Apple has gone off the rails with its obsession with breaking backward compatibility and the OS is just as packed-full of spyware as 10 is. The butterfly Macbook Pro keyboard is awful. I have lost patience with the charging of ridiculous prices for RAM and SSDs.
Linux is missing key software support.
It's a sad time in computing. Duopolies reign in tech and that's not much different than monopoly.
Guys, you said the SAME thing when XP went out of support. Some of you were saying the same thing when 98se was put of life support and XP was first released.
You'll upgrade to 10 eventually. You'll try linux, use it for a few months, find something that you want that doesnt run on linux, and come back. And we'll be hearing the same things when windows 11 comes out in 2029 and people scream "Winblows11 SUCKS, once 10 is out of support IM GOING TO LINUX".
The hardware vendors would, and can, choose to lock their hardware to only work with Windows because they have to field the support calls. When someone tries to install Linux on their HP laptop that originally came with Windows and something stops working correctly, Microsoft isn't getting the calls, HP is. If calls HP because the sound stops working and the laptop has a different OS from what came on it, HP is in a bad position to try to support why sound isn't working. Is something in the OS, is it a hardware issue, did the user pour water down the back of it? It makes HP's job of support harder. And that's why they might choose to lock their computers to only allowing Windows using UEFI's secureboot.
On the other hand, you have AMD and Intel only releasing drivers for Windows 10. Again, this is a cost saving tactic. Why spend money developing and supporting drivers for older OSes that will only see a very small fraction of people using with the new hardware? Despite what we in the forum like to believe, the enthusiast market is very small. And really the only people still building new machines and putting Windows 7 on them are a small percentage of the enthusiasts. I'd say a good 99% of new built computers are loaded with Windows 10, a good 90% without even hesitation. So why would AMD/Intel waste money on driver development and support to make 1% of the market happy?
i got a few W7 for 5-10$ till today, one of them is on my mother computer ... she tried W10 on my laptop at a time and she liked it better than 7 (way easier for her) well a less than 20$ would be welcome but i am not sure because of the configuration :laugh: (a Athlon 5350 8gb RAM and a GT730 which works fine for her web browsing and her light games)