Sunday, February 25th 2007
Two teenagers assault 60-year-old teacher who confiscated one of their iPod's
It seems like sometimes you simply cannot get between a teenager and their iPod. Frank Burd, A 60 year old teacher in Germantown, Pennsylvania, confiscated one of his 14-year-old student's iPod's. The student, infuriated, came back with one of his 11th-grade friends, and proceeded to break Mr.Burd's neck in two places. Fortunately, Mr.Burd's condition is stable and improving. The two delinquents will be charged as adults in court.
Some details have come to light that detail exactly why Mr. Burd took away the iPod. The ignorant freshman had decided to blast his music at maximum volume, for the sake of disrupting class. After several warnings, Mr.Burd took away the iPod with the intent to give it back to him after class. Upon the ending of class, Mr.Burd was assaulted by the freshman and his 11th-grade friend before he had the chance to give back the iPod. The rest of the story is as posted above...Mr.Burd's neck is broken in two places, the two delinquents will be charged as adults, and Mr.Burd's condition continues to improve.
Some details have come to light that detail exactly why Mr. Burd took away the iPod. The ignorant freshman had decided to blast his music at maximum volume, for the sake of disrupting class. After several warnings, Mr.Burd took away the iPod with the intent to give it back to him after class. Upon the ending of class, Mr.Burd was assaulted by the freshman and his 11th-grade friend before he had the chance to give back the iPod. The rest of the story is as posted above...Mr.Burd's neck is broken in two places, the two delinquents will be charged as adults, and Mr.Burd's condition continues to improve.
56 Comments on Two teenagers assault 60-year-old teacher who confiscated one of their iPod's
american way of getting to the point when upset- F*ck off B*tch
british way- piss off u imbecilic bloody hell
No, the teacher did what he should have but these kids weren't disciplined at an early enough age. The really annoying thing is that in the UK if the teacher had touched a hair on their heads, he'd have been sacked for child molestation, abuse, assault and god knows what else they could put on him. Thats the sad thing about the UK nowadays...
The first page of this thread is full of posters who need a re-ed in Human Rights, you guys don't even seem to have gone to school before.
Teachers in my school are not allowed to keep the items they give the item straight back to the student next lesson they have the teacher, next day OR at the end of the period. Stuff like knives will land you with a tackle-down job and a paddy wagon with handcuffs, sending you to the nearest police station.
An IPOD costs a lot of money and may be the student's pride. Losing it wouldn't be that bad compared it being confiscated and NOT returned. The student knows who took it so THUS, this IS the teacher, school and Student's fault.
Some notes to consider:
For the student to react in such a way, the teacher must have really disliked the student and the item was probably not going to be returned, the teacher could have exploited this AND taken the intellectual property (pride) as well as the Serial code. Thus the teacher would have recieved a very expensive item that IS harmless and does not pose a threat to the individuals in the classroom. How far a student progresses in school is mostly up to the student him/herself, if a teacher was to not hand the item back to the student, and if the item was with intellectual property then the teacher could be charged for theft of intellectual and physical property. This could even up the accusitions as the teacher was not injured enough to be completely crippled.
The student may win the court case and be faced with another charge; piracy, yes this is a stab in the dark, noone has thought of this. The student is in an extremely disadvantageous postition, due to the fact that the student had stolen intellectual property, thus making the studen even more likely to be sent to a detention centre/face fines/parole.
Nevertheless if the teacher left the item at home he would face the charges the student would have to face. The medium of these three crimes is described in two words:
Shyska, you saying that offends many, curb your speech. How would confiscating and not returning be good? Its THEFT. Look I would be a teacher honestly if noone got offended for confiscating stuff but THINK. It will not and never solve problems, no matter if your communist or democratic. I know there is public opinion but honestly, I would expect MANY to revolt, so would I, but in the sense of law; I would go full on with suing the teacher.
you bring shit to school, it gets confiscated
you want it back? your parent has to pick it up.
You dont want your parents to know you were on your phone/ipod in class because they will deck you? Looks like you'll be giving up your ipod :roll: :) The UN has to be the largest most powerless piece of shit organisation on the planet lol
hmm maybe a dental plan :)
spraying spit in peoples faces as they say "pisssss off" doesnt help the situation at all
As far as the UN, it is a self righteous piece of shit. Very little of their legislation does anything but make it easier for terrorists (and the like) to get away with what they do. Terrorists don't follow UN rules, but when a UN nation is dealing with known terrorists, lord forbid if they fight fire with fire. They can't even embarrass pows, without the UN coming down on them. Which, I might add, in no way physically hurts them.
These idiots kids will get 10years and probably early parole. I think russia has something good setup there, instead of the sue happy americans.
its not locked people :roll:
Yes, it is a school district wide policy that states that electronic devices are not permitted in Phila public schools - however, most of us who work in this urban area know that kids are going to be kids and will bring these things to school -it's what they decide to do with them when they get to school that makes the difference.
This particular student decided to sit in Franks math class with the music turned up to maxium volume - not in his pocket or bag as some of you have suggested - The student was disruping the class -- Frank asked the student several times to turn the music off. The student refused. Frank asked the student for the Ipod and told the student he could have it back at the end of class. The student left the class. At the end of the period Frank entered the hall where he was blind sided by his student and his 9th grade friend - They knocked Frank down and, as he fell, his head hit the side of the lockers. Frank never had the chance to return the Ipod.
Franks neck was broken in two places and still remains in the hospital. Believe it or not his biggest concern was over who was going to teach his kids while he was recovering . . . and that he wasn't going to have ANOTHER YEAR of PERFECT ATTENDANCE!!!
We should all be supporting Frank and not the out of control behavior of some students.