Wednesday, February 28th 2007

Blu-ray Surpasses HD DVD

Blu-ray has now sold more disks overall than rival format HD DVD, selling in a ratio of 100:98.71. Blu-ray has been outselling HD DVD for a few months now, but HD DVD had a head start in sales thanks to an earlier launch date, but due to PS3 there are now five times as many Blu-ray players in homes, making Blu-ray is the obvious choice for most consumers. Blu-ray wasn't helped by its high initial price compared to HD DVD, but that has once again been helped by the relatively cheap PS3. There is still confusion in the market for many consumers as some companies stick exclusively to one format, but studios such as Warner and Paramount are willing to sell on both formats, which has helped boost overall sales.
Source: Daily Tech
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9 Comments on Blu-ray Surpasses HD DVD

Semi-Retired Folder
Personally I don't know why some companies are sticking to one format or the other, I think it is stupid to not support both format. Yes, it is more expensive to support both, and both have their advantages/disadvantages, but why cut yourself out of half the market?

I knew Blu-Ray would overtake HD-DVD eventually since it has been outselling HD-DVD.
Posted on Reply
Bird of Prey
How many folks here have said HD DVD will outsell Blu-ray? ::rofl:: Of course the PS3 helps, Blu-Ray is hella high, but HD-DVD, while cheap, doesnt hold the same amount of information. Both have their pluses and minuses I guess.
Posted on Reply
All in all the PS3 is a better deal I think as far as a movie platform. Including its gaming ability.

It costs more to make the 360 as a versatile as the 600$ PS3, by about 50$. I haven't bought the HD-DVD player add-on yet, and I won't until DVDs themselves are no longer the format at all.
Posted on Reply
It'll be interesting to see how it all plays out in the long term. Blu-ray could be the deciding factor for if the PS3 was worth it or not. (sure they may lose some money selling the ps3's but if it makes them the new prime company for a whole new format its more than worth it)
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Thermopylae_480The power of the PS3 at work.
Not really...

the development of blue ray started between 1999-2000, and a successful commercial prototype came 2002 (5 years ago)...Sony (being itself a major studio) was able to sign 7 out 8 movie studios before hand...the only one that they dont have is Universal (they signed a tight contract with HD-DVD, this may hurt them).
HD DVD movies are being released by (1)Warner Home Video, (2)Paramount, (3)Universal, (4)European company Studio Canal and the (5)Weinstein Company (from the founders of Miramax Films). Blu-ray, meanwhile, has support from seven of the eight major studios: Sony Pictures, (1)20th Century Fox, (2)Disney, (3)Warner Home Video, (4)Paramount, (5)Lionsgate and (6)MGM. (7)Warner and Paramount are supporting both formats, and (Disney has made noise about doing the same.
So the reason why could be partially due to the ps3, but it is due to "first come, first serve" and being that Sony is also a movie studio, and you don't want it to have the upper hand on HD content alone.
Posted on Reply
Wile E
Power User
ktrNot really...

the development of blue ray started between 1999-2000, and a successful commercial prototype came 2002 (5 years ago)...Sony (being itself a major studio) was able to sign 7 out 8 movie studios before hand...the only one that they dont have is Universal (they signed a tight contract with HD-DVD, this may hurt them).

So the reason why could be partially due to the ps3, but it is due to "first come, first serve" and being that Sony is also a movie studio, and you don't want it to have the upper hand on HD content alone.
Another reason, imo, is that you see more adds pushing BluRay. You don't actually see many adds for HD-DVD. I think if they initiated a good ad campaign, and a good push in the market, you could see HD-DVD pick up significantly, especially considering how many people already own a 360. $200 for the HD-DVD add-on isn't a bad deal, really. It brings the total cost up to $600, just like PS3, but you don't have to spend all $600 at once, making it more convenient. I don't think the war is anywhere near won, yet.
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Don't consider the consoles (360 or ps3) too significant to the sales of the media.

Blue ray is winning due to there are more studios producing more movies on it verse hd-dvd media.
Posted on Reply
give it a year, 2 max b4 common players play both formats, and common burners burn both formats.

as with the dvd +/- war neither sides going to win, it will endup being a shared market.

personaly i prefer + media as i have better luck with it then - most times and the idea/design of + is smarter to me, others have better luck with - media, sames gonna endup being true for hd/bd, hell one will be cheaper and the other will probbly offer more space or higher burn speeds, who the fuk really cares at this point, burners are 500bucks and media.....i dont even want to think about it.

normal dvd's+ windvd8=steller quility even at 1600x1200 :) (the new decoder ROCKS)
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