Wednesday, February 28th 2007
AMD Plans To Open Cross Fire Architecture To 3rd Party Chipset Manufacturers
HKEPC reports that AMD's Crossfire architecture might become open to 3rd party chipset manufacturers. In the past, several attempts at getting Crossfire working on other chipsets have been made, but this was rather rare.
AMD hopes to open up the Crossfire architecture so that any motherboard with any chipset that features 2 x16 PCIE slots will have the ability to link 2 ATI GPUs via Crossfire. This would theoretically mean that NVIDIA chipsets would support Crossfire, too.
CrossFire has lagged behind in term of marketing share for a long time. Therefore, an open multi-GPU chipset platform would definitely be a wise strategy for AMD.
AMD hopes to open up the Crossfire architecture so that any motherboard with any chipset that features 2 x16 PCIE slots will have the ability to link 2 ATI GPUs via Crossfire. This would theoretically mean that NVIDIA chipsets would support Crossfire, too.
CrossFire has lagged behind in term of marketing share for a long time. Therefore, an open multi-GPU chipset platform would definitely be a wise strategy for AMD.
10 Comments on AMD Plans To Open Cross Fire Architecture To 3rd Party Chipset Manufacturers
this is a good thing, theres really no reasion other then greed to not support multi gpu on any platform, VIA did it, check out multichrome setups, they acctualy work pretty well for a low end solution, also seems to work on ANY board with 2x pci-e 8x/16x slots, via did somehting right that time, tho the perfs worse then amd(ati) or nvidia its still impressive how well they did firt time out of the gate( put nvidia and ati to shame really, stable, works, no massive buggs)
and i wouldnt say that going nvidia chipset+ati card would be best of both worlds, i think it depends on the board, honestly i would rather have the amdti 3200chipset as it runs cooler and has better perf then the nvidia version(also less chipsets involved)
this is what i been hearing a long time tho, amd wants to make everything crossplatform they make, not cutting out any chipset maker or company, when amd does this, guess what, amd will start to push nvidia around even in the multi gpu market, if nvidia dosnt open SLI at least on the AMD platforms they will screw themselves out of alot of sales.
personaly if i was nvidia i would still make intel buy/licence the right to make SLI chipsets themselves tho, since intel is VERY pushy and needs/deserves to pay a price for it(read up on what intel puts companys who want to make chipsets/boards for their chips thru, its crazy)
well im excited that soon we should see GPU as PPU for games and have it working on ANY board we have with enough slots :D
All I can dig up on this by googling refers to the same source.