Wednesday, March 18th 2020

Computex 2020 in Jeopardy as Taiwan Bans All Foreign Visitors
The Taiwan (ROC) Government announced a ban on the entry of all foreign visitors into the country until further notice. The ban takes effect from Thursday, March 19, in the wake of the COVID-19 global pandemic that has claimed thousands of lives worldwide. All foreign arrivals already on their way will be placed in a mandatory 14-day quarantine.
Exceptions to the ban include ARC (alien resident certificate) holders, diplomatic passport holders, and businesspersons with special entry permits issued by the government (these are not the same as business visas), although even these persons must subject themselves to the quarantine. The ban is expected to force most commercial airlines to reduce or suspend their services to the country. The travel ban to Taiwan puts Computex 2020 in jeopardy. Although held in June, preparations for the show typically begin as early as April, with foreign exhibitors preparing to import their exhibits, organizing their booths, arranging logistics, etc.
Taiwan News (English)
Exceptions to the ban include ARC (alien resident certificate) holders, diplomatic passport holders, and businesspersons with special entry permits issued by the government (these are not the same as business visas), although even these persons must subject themselves to the quarantine. The ban is expected to force most commercial airlines to reduce or suspend their services to the country. The travel ban to Taiwan puts Computex 2020 in jeopardy. Although held in June, preparations for the show typically begin as early as April, with foreign exhibitors preparing to import their exhibits, organizing their booths, arranging logistics, etc.
57 Comments on Computex 2020 in Jeopardy as Taiwan Bans All Foreign Visitors
good choice for quarantine ...
stop the spread of it NOW it is already very late for everything else!
If you look back it just shows that money rules the world and no one cares for lives/people.... just frustrating that humanity ins't further advanced than this
Start business as usual in a few months and all you get is a repeat of this whole ordeal come Fall.
I'm not sure what news you read, but the US is next in line, infection rate is exploding as we speak. Just you wait... I recognize your thoughts... that was me a few weeks ago when I was skiing in N-Italy on virtually emptied slopes... ;)
These big events are most certainly not controlled.
All of what you're saying still happens. Many get sick, some will die. Even with these measures. Uncontrolled spread means we will be living this for many years.
Keep in mind you're saying all of this in a topic about fully irrelevant COMPUTEX.
And the latter is the reason these big events are and will remain cancelled for the foreseeable future. You may think its an overreaction, the rest of the world really doesn't care. Never did I say we would get rid of it... nobody did.
Its pretty annoying, but I'm moving on. Correct... to which you say this is an overreaction and the overwhelming majority disagrees with you for obvious reasons. Glad we've come full circle. You say this, but Trump proves you wrong on almost a daily basis. He's not only in charge, but also trolling. :roll:
Just to make this clearer for the few who don't seem to / want to understand. This is a reliable count: Deaths per million inhabitants.
Italy, where the healthcare system got overwhelmed, is at 41,4 deaths per million. Spain is rapidly spiralling down into a somewhat similar situation but also has a high relative amount of elderly.
That bunch of countries on the bottom there, where every measure is taken to flatten the peak in healthcare demands... are circling around 2-4 deaths per million.
I think this makes it abundantly clear why Computex is not happening and why that is not 'overreacting' as mentioned. Trade show versus 10x the death count... hmm yeah hard choice indeed.
Now obviously you won't be reading this honesty in international press right now. Its not exactly the nicest thing to say. But just you wait...
And for your take on things, this 'uncertainty' does not excuse you or support your reasoning. Because there isn't an uncertainty there. I call it grasping at straws. Its extremely obvious what the effects are of the differing approaches of different countries and there is a marked difference in effectiveness of each one. Note; the US is already too late and will likely move up towards Spain at the very least.