Monday, April 13th 2020

Crysis Remastered Could be Coming Soon
The Crysis Twitter account today once again became active, after almost four years of inactivity, to post a two-worded tweet - "RECEIVING DATA". The tweet is an indication of something happening and the current industry rumors are pointing to a nonother then a remaster of the beloved title. Yes, we are talking about a remaster of one of the Crysis games, possibly the last entry added in 2013 - the Crysis 3. Originally developed by a German developer Crytek and published by Electronic Arts, the game is powered by CryEngine. The game is being worked on by both teams of EA and Crytek, however, the possible launch of the game is determined by EA, as it has rights to the game still. During the Q2 earnings call, EA's CEO mentioned that they are working delivering "some exciting remasters of fan favorites" for the fiscal year of 2021, so we can expect the game in a timeframe close to us.
It seems like the popular question "but can it run Crysis?" will gain traction again, as the game will likely be a real treat for the eyes. Implementing Crytek's latest CryEngine 5.6, it will feature all the latest bells and whistles of computer graphics. That means that Ray Tracing and support for 4K textures are going to be present. Meant for next-generation hardware of PCs and consoles like PS5 and Xbox Series X, the remastered Crysis game would need a powerful system to run on, however, judging by rumors of next-generation hardware it should be enough to power it without a problem. To see more about CryEngine 5.6, please check out the video below.
It seems like the popular question "but can it run Crysis?" will gain traction again, as the game will likely be a real treat for the eyes. Implementing Crytek's latest CryEngine 5.6, it will feature all the latest bells and whistles of computer graphics. That means that Ray Tracing and support for 4K textures are going to be present. Meant for next-generation hardware of PCs and consoles like PS5 and Xbox Series X, the remastered Crysis game would need a powerful system to run on, however, judging by rumors of next-generation hardware it should be enough to power it without a problem. To see more about CryEngine 5.6, please check out the video below.
54 Comments on Crysis Remastered Could be Coming Soon
Please don't screencap this in case I was wrong
I might need to delete it later. :laugh:
We have been stuck lately with pathetic graphics, we even have some people citing console games in their top most beautiful games...
did i read that correctly? um no remasted Crysis 1. Yea i have crysis 1 and warhead, and crysis 2. After warhead i think they series went down hill honestly, part 2 is good, but its nowhere near good as Crysis 1 and warhead.
Going downmarket for the consoles was a huge mistake.
Problem is: what good is a game barely anyone can run?
STEAM claims the bulk of registered users have a GTX 1060 which tells me that a large amount of their users are on laptops or gaming desktops. Cryptocurrency coincided with the popularity of PUBG and Fortnite so it's very likely a lot of new gaming PC buyers had to put up with low end cards like 1050,Ti, 1060, etc.
A new Crysis designed to please the $K and 8K audience won't run on that stuff and lower sales means less profitability. Please watch the Crysis introspective by Noa Caldwell Gervais on Youtube.
Check these new RE games
A remake could Ruin something, as for those moaning about the aliens, no game since has made a more alien ship interior or appropriate non human style aliens for that matter.
I liked it.
Additional content wouldn't go down bad though either..
I have tried re shade mods on it , probably like many here , but I think the latest cryengine could up both it's performance and IQ to a new level.
I'm surprised no one ever got it's assets setup in later cryengine releases.
That would be kinda nifty.
After some more thought , since the original was and still is made for dual core processor an engine and especially AI upgrade could also be amazing for the game too.
But that demo plus crysis probably equals crysis 3 in assets, scenario terms, not one so this might not be for me.
More than a few engines are used across games and they can be very different from each other.
How many details go into a game, do you have any idea, 10000x things gameplay wise, bug fixes (the stupid run-into-sheet-metal-death bug), cosmetic improvements, infrastructural improvements (proper alt-tab and minimization behavior, mod support, dev console, perf diag graph info), Win7/Win10 support, Vulkan API, better AI, more units on the map, gunplay and animation-to-control responsiveness, difficulty settings, physics improvements, optimization and better multi-threading, audio quality improvements, environmental and map improvements with variety of sounds and background noise and wild animals, water flow in creeks improvements, improved default graphics settings and perhaps remade higher-quality textures, g.i.v.e m.e. a. f.l.y.i.n.g. ****** b.r.e.a.k. m.a.n.. :) :p
And not to read that as if Crysis didn't work right in those areas, but for newer OS those things may need to be probably best rewritten to work really good and stable, the last thing I want is some petty issues that weren't in the original, improvements are possible like EVERYWHERE, why not do them, when you have people WILLING TO PAY 100 DOLLAR BILLS FOR IT, I don't want games for kids anymore, I want real software, I'm willing to pay premium for serious software, the adventure-shooter gameplay style of Crysis approaches something of a strategical and/or tactical simulator, MY FAVOURITE! Yeah ... and probably the Designers and etc ... that's the thing that I'm dreading the most, how much did they put an effort into sticking to the original feeling while making it all it was just better.
I'll probably be modding it to restore the type of style and theme I'm looking for anyway, won't just call it quits that easily. But I liked it a lot more over Unreal Editor or any other engine, because of it's WYSIWYG style of development, it controls just as if you're in a game in ghost-mode, UE4 pretty much adopted this kind of style in the viewport ... but it's still not the same as CryEngine, still have to enable it in options "Camera WASD movement" and many other tools work differently.
I modded a lot of Crysis maps because the Sandbox2 Editor was just so easy to jump into, everything and the layout and GUI just made so much sense at least to me.
I never cared honestly if I had 5 or 10 FPS less or more, I enjoyed the heck out of it, there were almost ZERO annyoances that would spoil the experience, except the speed-mode run-into-sheet-metal-death bug and a few other examples but really by far, another game at the time in terms of stability and bug-free was Call of Duty 4 which I think even outruns Crysis.
Crysis was a gem in an UNFORTUNATE TIME, when there was no VULKAN API, still DX10 draw-call CPU babysitting failtrain and when PC exclusives were slowing down and when the the dirty console pesants built themselfs a whole plantation complete with automatic water irrigation !!!
Its certainly not a mistake as far as business goes. you want your product to be accessible to everyone.
Because publishers are too lazy to split the games off into different branches and optimise them better for each respective platform but still demand you pay them a days wages for one of their games.