Tuesday, June 16th 2020

AT&T Looking to Sell Warner Bros. Gaming Division

According to a recent report from CNBC AT&T is considering selling the Warner Bros. gaming division for about 4 billion dollars as it seeks to divest assets with total debts nearing 200 billion dollars. Interested parties include Take-Two Interactive, Electronic Arts, and Activision Blizzard according to Industry Insiders. Most Warner Bros. Interactive games are based on Warner-owned intellectual property, such as "Harry Potter," "Game of Thrones" and "The Lego Movie." in addition to several separate franchises such as "Mortal Kombat" and "Scribblenauts". Any deal will likely involve a commercial licensing agreement with AT&T where they can continue to receive revenue from its IP.
Source: CNBC
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13 Comments on AT&T Looking to Sell Warner Bros. Gaming Division

That's an expensive licensing agreement. I don't expect anyone to honestly take AT&T up on it.
Posted on Reply
4 billion for a division that nearly destroyed every franchise it touched?... With a potential prospect of being "hooked" on IP licensing needle?..
They've nearly destroyed Arkham , definitely tarnished Monolith's reputation, doing some weird stuff with MK on Steam, and most importantly - constantly remind that they don't give two flying flocks about their customers.
Most of their infrastructure was rotten before AT&T acquisition, which led to this point where since then they only had one major release.
Posted on Reply
All of my favorite games outside of CoD are made by Warner Bros.
I don't want Activision near WB...ugh wtf.
silentbogodoing some weird stuff with MK on Steam
Such as? Im genuinely curious.
Posted on Reply
CrAsHnBuRnXpSuch as? Im genuinely curious.
Like pulling MK9 and MK11. Also, MK11 release got cancelled in Ukraine (both Steam and PSN). WB's lazy explanation is "due to regional compliance", but what's even more messed up is that local retailers still sell the overstock (both PS4 physical copies and Steam keys), which means that they've got their money's worth, but won't let you play unless you activate it over VPN.
Posted on Reply
When did they do that? Especially with 11 as they just release an expansion for it.
Posted on Reply
CrAsHnBuRnXpWhen did they do that? Especially with 11 as they just release an expansion for it.
In march. It's back, but not in all coutries.
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I wonder if whoever takes over will release a new Lord of the Rings (Mordor) game and will we see a new Batman?
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At least up to Goblet of Fire, EA did the Harry Potter games. I just hope Disney don't gobble this one up, too!
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All of my favorite games outside of CoD are made by Warner Bros.
I don't want Activision near WB...ugh wtf.
Eh... Activision or AT&T? Hmmmm... There's just no upside here. :(
Posted on Reply
kapone32I wonder if whoever takes over will release a new Lord of the Rings (Mordor) game and will we see a new Batman?
Those IPs will have nothing to do with whoever takes over.

New owners will have to work out new deals with Middle-Earth Enterprises and DC Comics (still AT&T).
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PC Gaming Enthusiast
Am I the only one that focused on the assets side of this? They hope to sell for 4 billion, which won’t make a dent in 200 billion in assets. And how, when your business is literally built on tech can you be that far under in this tech-hungry world?
Posted on Reply
rtwjunkieAm I the only one that focused on the assets side of this? They hope to sell for 4 billion, which won’t make a dent in 200 billion in assets. And how, when your business is literally built on tech can you be that far under in this tech-hungry world?
Manpower/Payroll are probably factored in
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