Tuesday, June 23rd 2020

Acer Announces Predator X25 Monitor: 25", 1080p, 360 Hz
Acer today announced one of the world's highest refresh-rate monitors in the form of the Predator X25. Joining in the likes of Alienware and ASUS, who have already announced their own 360 Hz in the form of the AW2521H and ROG Swift 360, respectively. The Predator X25's über-high refresh rate will leave players out of any excuses so as to why they weren't able to react in time to a threat.
The 360 Hz refresh rates comes with compromises (resolution is only 1080p), and there will be NVIDIA's G-Sync on-board (but a graphics card and CPU combo that can push those 360 FPS to really make use of this refresh rate... Hmm. That's a tougher deal). Alienware has confirmed their AW2521H monitor uses IPS panel technology, and it would thus seem likely that Acer also makes use of that particular panel technology on the Predator X25. However, we'll have to wait and see. The monitor brings some quality of life technologies, such as ergonomics tilting (25 degrees backward, 5 degrees forward), swivel (30 degrees) and height adjustment (4.7 inches). The monitor also features an RGB lighting on the back of the monitor that can light up according to scenes being rendered or according to music you're playing, there's automatic brightness exposure, and a friendly reminder schedule that pops up a warning for users who have been using the monitor for too long, reminding them to take a little walk. No pricing or release date were available at time of writing.
The 360 Hz refresh rates comes with compromises (resolution is only 1080p), and there will be NVIDIA's G-Sync on-board (but a graphics card and CPU combo that can push those 360 FPS to really make use of this refresh rate... Hmm. That's a tougher deal). Alienware has confirmed their AW2521H monitor uses IPS panel technology, and it would thus seem likely that Acer also makes use of that particular panel technology on the Predator X25. However, we'll have to wait and see. The monitor brings some quality of life technologies, such as ergonomics tilting (25 degrees backward, 5 degrees forward), swivel (30 degrees) and height adjustment (4.7 inches). The monitor also features an RGB lighting on the back of the monitor that can light up according to scenes being rendered or according to music you're playing, there's automatic brightness exposure, and a friendly reminder schedule that pops up a warning for users who have been using the monitor for too long, reminding them to take a little walk. No pricing or release date were available at time of writing.
85 Comments on Acer Announces Predator X25 Monitor: 25", 1080p, 360 Hz
not even talking about controlling your own character cause that's an obvious thing.
I think that more fps will always be better,and given a big enough increment you'll always see and feel that.the problem is somewhere else.it's whether you personally need that framerate.
do I see a fps increase from 45 to 60 ? yes,and I need it too.from 60 to 80 - same.80 to 120 - yes,especially for shooters.now from 120 to let's say 165 - yes I can see it in shooters.the thing is I don't really need it cause 120 already felt super smooth.I'd much,much prefer to play that 120fps with ulmb than lock 170 at 170hz.
High refresh rate gives you smoothness and I agree. No doubt about it.
Maybe you get better with high refresh rate monitor but I'm not convinced. When you suck you just suck. I play 4k 60hz CSO and I don't have that "everyone is cheating opinion".
But saying the visuals(eye candy) are better is just not true. 4k is superior in visuals and detail to 1080p no matter what refresh rate you get on the last one.
But that is not the only thing that adds to better image quality.
You are assuming now that a person has a character flaw for being honest with how they views a game from a refresh rate perspective as to hold your own opinion as full truth, getting killed before it is possible to even humanly react is real when someone has that big of an advantage over you and in CSGO, anything above DMG is hard to increase skill wise, so everything counts.
"I play CSGO" It means nothing, there are players who only play for the bunny hop servers.
It's a strong point and is observed by almost anyone else who has a higher refresh rate monitor also.
I'd like more of both so that I can get into 4k/120
for nowc tho it's 1440p on a 24" to get both the framerates and super sharp image
4k is superior to 1080p in image quality despite 1080p's refresh rate. That is my opinion and as a person who actually have a 1080p Acer VG240Y 144hz (new purchase) I think there is a merit to what I say.
High refresh rate gives you smoothness, damn you can be better if you think that's the case but if all you guys with High refresh rate monitors start convincing people that image quality is better on a 1080p vs 4k now, that's just wrong.
Want quality and a fast panel?, i hit the sweet spot.
Is it the best, no because there are 1MS IPS competitive esports monitors like the one in the OP here, mine is 4ms, but i also gain far superior contrast ratio, 125% sRGB colour & very decent viewing angles.
The advantages are advantages only, 4K is like a cherry on top to me, for some it is what makes image quality... The cherry on top would cost me roughly £2000 in upgrades to fulfil & to find my image preferences, possibly around £2000 or more for the monitor.
We both like image quality, we come at it from different perspectives however.
Also, reading comprehension.
It. Does. Not.
This panel exists for people who buy marketing.
Note how that glowy IPS (I suppose?) is also an Acer Predator. "Gaming" branded. Yay
The vast majority of those special monitors are just crap. What you need is tried and tested, well balanced design, calibrated panel and high production quality. There is indeed more to a panel than resolution, but the most important specs are always hidden to us. Thát is why they put a fat 360HZ on the box. Its the same nonsense as dynamic contrast and a bunch of other trickery. 360hz is achieved through overdrive, most likely, so you shall have ghosting.
and I haven't tried it so I'ma refrain from bashing it.
and where does thinking really fit into this.you either see it or not.
placebo would be an effect where they tell you there's 360hz but in fact it's a 120hz with a 360 sticker.
I want to see my 144hz do a better job than 60hz.I must be delusional then.
Alright then.
Resolution depends on image size, not impressed with 4K.
I doubt this has overdrive, but i guess blur busters can test it.
"Previously, TNs exhibited less input lag than any other panel, but IPS technology has finally caught up. In June 2019, LG announced its new Nano IPS UltraGear monitors with a response time of one millisecond. "
it's always a trade off,always.let people decide what they want to sacrifice and what they want to focus on. yeah IPS weren't slow even a couple of years ago.
it's the bleed and lack of dark color that puts me off.had a mx27aq,couldn't stand how dark colors looked.no IPS for me as long as they cost a premium and deliver crappy darks.
Same link.
and does the 360hz one have smearing and slow pixel response ?
I'm not saying I'm buying it.I'm saying if I had one I'd prolly enjoy it very much. I'm a big fan of picking whatever I want when it comes to a monitor.
picking a cpu/gpu - you get the numbers in a chart.
a monitor - that's only your personal preference.