Tuesday, July 7th 2020

"Zen 3" is On Track and Launching Later This Year: AMD CEO
In a video message posted on her Twitter timeline, AMD CEO Dr Lisa Su confirmed that the company's next-generation "Zen 3" microarchitecture is coming out "later this year." Speaking in context of 7/7 (a year since AMD debuted high-performance CPU- and GPU- architectures on the same day, leveraging 7 nm), and the Ryzen 3000XT series processor announcement, Dr Su stated "As you know with Ryzen, we're always on a journey, a journey to push the highest performance that we can for our users and our fans. So Zen 3 is exactly that. Zen 3 is looking great in the labs, we're on track to launch later this year, and I can't wait to tell you more about it." Watch the video in the source link below.
Dr Lisa Su (Twitter)
55 Comments on "Zen 3" is On Track and Launching Later This Year: AMD CEO
Parents of this generation are clearly on brain killing drugs.
I feel sorry for that one kid in class who has a normal name.
It is Chen or Dzen.
my wallet though... that's a different story
I see no other reason why some more pronounced partners cannot lay waste to TSMC's output which might have happened with the 6nm thingy.
AMD both had access to DUV 7nm and EUV optimised DUV 7nm(6nm) first. Now this is happening all over again for optimised 7nm EUV(5nm)...
Now that is a precedent - AMD is picking high yield output nodes. How TSMC is letting them is beyond me.
but N7P and its successor N6 are kind of cheaper upgrade path with very much common design rules
AMD did plan with the N7 --> N5 hard jump from the beginning
N5 entered risk production in march 2019, so last year
i think we will see Desktop Zen4 (YES Zen4) maybe 7-7-2021 because i think N5 high-perf will enter volume production end 2020 or early 2021
klick on the info tabs, for more info
no clue regarding the CCX size, but Zen3 ups it from 4 to 8 so maybe there is no need for a 12-core CCX with Zen4 ... who knows
and I hear his parents are anti-microcode updaters
End of 2021 for consumers IMHO because these chips are destined for a lot of servers and supercomputer first.(long day meant zen 4 here not 3)
Big push style, I'm worried for Intel.
My bank account not so much. This coronavirus has cost me a good lump of my savings. But I hope i can manage to save up by then zen 3 comes out. So I am ready economic as well. It's time to put X58 to rest after over 11 years on it, I need more horsepower under bonnet and other new features.
Developing a new CPU cost money. Lots of it.
Selling CPU's makes money.
In order to break even, AMD has to sell said CPU for a certain amount of time before moving on.
Judging by AMD's history, anything less than 12 months between launches isn't feasible.
The number of days between the three Ryzen desktop launches (not APU's) so far has been 400+ days, and I don't see any reason for AMD to speed this up given how well the current models are selling.
I have twin Cousin's named Zen and Zane. People should not judge how others choose to live their lives.
They don't cost money except the salaries and the masks, which I am quite sure AMD returns in no time.
Here, you can see an interview with Mark Papermaster who with his own words just confirms the AMD's "milking cows" strategy which I hinted above:www.anandtech.com/show/15268/an-interview-with-amds-cto-mark-papermaster-theres-more-room-at-the-top
Simply said - they know a lot of improvements but decide on political bases which version what improvement will get.
While my sources are thin but they generally say.
amd is the customer when it comes to the consoles, AMD and not sony.
Amd is a guaranteed revenue source on 7nm for Many many years to come, they were a source for many many years prior with Xbox One and Ps4, they were with ATI.
Many of the nodes are co-developed with AMD and AMD patents.
So yes, the partnership is deep.
Furthermore why wouldn't TSMC lets say.. give nvidia capacity over AMD ?
Also, having a strong AMD ensures they get a cut of the pie which Intel had a monopoly on, only AMD can access that market.
If they give Intel it over AMD they will squeeze AMD and Intel will go back to their own manufacturing and ditch TSMC.
So yes it's history partnership with ATI in particular, it's technological partnership and strategic.
CPU's and architectures are incredibly complex systems, and you can never produce the optimal solution on the first past. That's why an architecture will typically only be redeveloped every 3-4 generations, with every other update being an optimisation (at the architectural level, not at the silicon level).
Don't ever leave out your optimisations, copy exactly!
I haven't seen such straight-faced announcements, maybe you have more experience.