Monday, November 9th 2020

Scalping Locust Swarm Takes Out Ryzen 5000 Inventory, Same Fate Awaits Radeon RX 6000

Scalping bots and overpriced re-sales are the new reality of PC hardware launches. The same swarm that wiped out launch inventories of NVIDIA GeForce RTX 30-series graphics cards, now hit AMD Ryzen 5000 series "Zen 3" processor inventories across the US, reports HotHardware. Bots scalped out Ryzen 5000 series inventories using sophisticated scalping services such as Bounce Alerts, and scalpers quickly put their freshly acquired inventory to re-sale on eBay at exorbitant prices, with the likes of an $800 Ryzen 9 5950X being re-sold at over 50% premiums.

ASUS has warned that a similar fate awaits the first inventories of the Radeon RX 6800 XT and RX 6800 graphics cards, given that AMD has marketed these next-gen GPUs to offer performance rivaling those of the GeForce RTX 3080 and RTX 2080 Ti (in effect RTX 3070), respectively. In the weeks leading up to the Ryzen 5000 market release, AMD issued anti-scalping guidelines to its retail partners, to ensure fair sales of hardware to genuine buyers, and to prevent scalping bots. We now know these guidelines were futile.
Source: HotHardware
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104 Comments on Scalping Locust Swarm Takes Out Ryzen 5000 Inventory, Same Fate Awaits Radeon RX 6000

yotano211I'm not saying that scalping is right, there will always be scalpers for anything. During the California gold rush 172 years ago, people sold shovels for many times the regular price to gold miners who wanted to strike it rich.
What people dont know is that is was the merchants selling supplies to the miners who made it rich, selling simple food and other supplies at huge profit margins.
That could also be considered an investment or cost of doing business. Of course, not everyone saw a return but most did see a return on their investment in the tools. With scalping, there is no monetary return.
MelvisScalpers? HA! In this country the PC Stores are the scalpers :laugh:

We are already paying double the price of USA, so.....
I could google this but I want to hear it from the source. Why is it double? Tax? Are the stores taxed and they pass it on to consumers?
Posted on Reply
I backordered the 5900X and, I tell you now, knew this was going to happen as well.

After what happened to RTX 3000, I learnt my lesson and knew that if I didn't order the CPU on release day it will take several months to recover at minimum. Genuinely speaking, I wish there would be better justice for all consumers however I guess people are just that desperate to make a dollar at the cost of the consumer.

In other words, #&*! you scalpers.
Posted on Reply
If the government can force those sites to tax us on sales they can force those sites to prevent blatant retail scalping of good. Lawmakers need to penalize the major enablers of this behavior Amazon, Ebay, ect...for allowing retail price gouging hold them accountable. By doing nothing in effect they are being a accessory to a crime they know the scalping is going to happen and is happening, but they turn a blind eye to preventative measures to it. These companies are big enough to do something actively about it rather than facilitating the injustice behavior.
Posted on Reply
InVasManiIf the government can force those sites to tax us on sales they can force those sites to prevent blatant retail scalping of good. Lawmakers need to penalize the major enablers of this behavior Amazon, Ebay, ect...for allowing retail price gouging hold them accountable. By doing nothing in effect they are being a accessory to a crime they know the scalping is going to happen and is happening, but they turn a blind eye to preventative measures to it. These companies are big enough to do something actively about it rather than facilitating the injustice behavior.
Yeah, its racketeering,.....
Posted on Reply
It seems that volumes were also low.
In Germany only few online Shops got them and there they were gone in a short time.
On eBay a few are selling then as private sellers with higher price some saying that they changed their mind without even breaking the seal. Obviously they are lying as in Germany all online stores offer 14days free return. :slap:

In any case I was not planning to upgrade at the moment. :roll:
I have 3700x already.

On the other hand, I am very interested in 6800XT.
It seems that until I would have read reviews on 18.11, the stock would be gone anyway. :laugh:
So I have time to decide until somewhere in January until stocks of 6800XT will return again. :p

I will never buy from such frauds especially not for much higher price. :mad: I am not desperate and can wait to get it from one of my favorite online stores.
Posted on Reply
ratirtI wouldn't say greed is what drives people buying form scalpers. I think scalpers are driven by greed.
I'm not either, it's the greed of the scalpers at work here.

They know by "Cornering" the market on supply they can largely set their own price. That's why in the US we have anti-trust laws in place, to prevent companies from doing just that. Back when all that was going on you had companies like Standard Oil becoming the only supplier of what they made and sold and in turn, if you didn't pay their price you went without.

This is the same basic thing going on except they aren't making the chips, just controlling a large part of the supply.

This will happen yet again because some people just can't keep the wallet in their pants which is what they are counting on.
Posted on Reply
turbogearIt seems that volumes were also low.
In Germany only few online Shops got them and there they were gone in a short time.
On eBay a few are selling then as private sellers with higher price some saying that they changed their mind without even breaking the seal. Obviously they are lying as in Germany all online stores offer 14days free return. :slap:

In any case I was not planning to upgrade at the moment. :roll:
I have 3700x already.

On the other hand, I am very interested in 6800XT.
It seems that until I would have read reviews on 18.11, the stock would be gone anyway. :laugh:
So I have time to decide until somewhere in January until stocks of 6800XT will return again. :p
Same but next year will do ,I'm not getting scalped that's for sure, I'll wait.
Posted on Reply
50% over msrp? I have another "collectable" hobby, and over the last year it became infested with bots, and everything sells out in 10 minutes, and re-appears on eBay at 200, 300, 400% of original price. I gave up and left that particular collector hobby. With regards to PC sales, you have to take the same stance ... don't feed the resale bots. That's the only way they'll go away. One guy managed to buy ~170 of the item while regular Joes couldn't secure even one. I can only imagine the bot farm that dude has.
watzupkenSell them on brick and motar stores. No scalping bots. Just line up and buy 1 each.
This doesn't work, I can already tell you. Flippers will pay people 20% to stand in line. Because it already happens with other items. And if you try to do it by lottery, same thing, they either make a million accounts and/or bribe others to pitch in for a 20% fee. Also, they will hammer websites on launch day trying to block access for others while their bot farm tries to secure all the sales. It gets real ugly when greed is involved.

I did not even try to buy an nVidia card this year. I will wait for the refresh, and then wait ~9 months for sales to cool off. So I am looking to sit tight with my 2080Ti for a couple years it looks like.
Posted on Reply
bugWe've always had limited supply for pretty much every launch. Usually e-tailers add a "max 1-3 items" per order/buyer in order to curb this. They either didn't do that this time, or scalpers found a way to circumvent that.
Easily bypassed with fake email accounts for multiple accounts to purchase items, then mysteriously they all have the same delivery address.

All this drama could be avoided if a Maximum sale price was set, not a recommended price, then fine anyone selling over that price, OR declare a 12 moratorium on resales, fines applying also.
Posted on Reply
Caring1Easily bypassed with fake email accounts for multiple accounts to purchase items, then mysteriously they all have the same delivery address.
Not really, because it's both time consuming to create the accounts and easily spotted (if you're actually looking).
Caring1All this drama could be avoided if a Maximum sale price was set, not a recommended price, then fine anyone selling over that price, OR declare a 12 moratorium on resales, fines applying also.
Right, so the solution is to infringe on the free market. No, thanks, I've been there, I didn't like what I saw.
Posted on Reply
If nothing is done about this behavior the problem will worsen across all sectors of life. It'll start with people controlling bots and expand with individual buy standard essential goods. It'll be like the toilet paper situation compounded why can't I buy toilet paper well the bots might buy it all to flip that sh*t.
Posted on Reply
InVasManiIf nothing is done about this behavior the problem will worsen across all sectors of life. It'll start with people controlling bots and expand with individual buy standard essential goods. It'll be like the toilet paper situation compounded why can't I buy toilet paper well the bots might buy it all to flip that sh*t.
Don't compare goods that are produced in millions of units a week if not a day in a single country, never mind the fact that it is made in nearly every country of the world, to high-tech, top-of-the-line computer processors.
Posted on Reply
I'm comparing the practice of scalping itself and the impact it can have. It's not just bots by any means, but quite strictly speaking humans can't compete with AI period it's impossible. Ultimately people are behind bots and abusing them. Bots have destroyed game economies for years they'll destroy actual economies just as easily left unchecked.
Posted on Reply
The only true way to stop them is to only sell in person, one to a customer, but of course that cannot happen.
Scalpers probably lost their primary job with economic downturn from covid, now have to scalp full time ;)

People buying from them only enables them. Order from an real store and wait a month or 2 instead of buying from a scalper, once it's no longer profitable it will die out.
tiggerThe only true way to stop them is to only sell in person, one to a customer, but of course that cannot happen.
Could you limit 1 to address or 1 per credit card? (no idea how scalper bots work)

On a side note, I bet Intel fanboys never would have thought an AMD cpu would have sold out to scalpers ;)
Posted on Reply
ratirtI wouldn't say greed is what drives people buying form scalpers. I think scalpers are driven by greed.
BonesI can't disagree with you on most of this, esp about the human nature part but there are ways to deter this too.
I do however disagree with just buying one no matter the price - That's what the scalpers want and as long as that goes on the scalping will continue.

No sales - No scalping profits - No problem.
AnarchoPrimitivif people just have the self control and discipline to abstain from buying from scalpers, it'll stop
I guess you guys have never sold anything online for a living. Scalpers will always be around, esp. if hot items come out. Demand and scalpors will always be around. The day that supply and demand dies is the day when Homo Sapiens species die off.

Its so fun reading what most people have commented on this thread. Its obvious that most people on here have not sold anything online for a full time living.
The person who commented about "racketeering", the definition of racketeering is dishonest and fraudulent business dealings. When I put any price on any item(s) that I sell, I am honest, its up to the customer to pay the price I ask or buy it from another source. I dont steal any items that I have ever sold, I pay my suppliers and people who I get it from. I pay all taxes and have a LLC in the state that I live.

The people who bought lots of toilet paper and disinfectants during height of the covid event actually didnt do anything wrong, it was only after state and local governments started passing laws on certain items that it became illegal. Sure it wasnt morally correct but it was perfectly legal before of any passing laws.
But dont worry, I'm done here. I gotta find the next hot item.
Posted on Reply
happy medium
Just make sure you have way more inventory than scalpers can possibly buy online, unleash the first wave let scalpers buy them up and then flood the market.
Scalpers will be stuck with product that they will have to sell at price or cheaper.
Problem solved.
Posted on Reply
yotano211But dont worry, I'm done here. I gotta find the next hot item.
Good because you talk smack and I have no idea what are you trying to prove here.
Comparing scalpers to a decent people working for the man to make a living? Of course the usual argument covid.
What a bull crap that is.
Posted on Reply
ratirtGood because you talk smack and I have no idea what are you trying to prove here.
Comparing scalpers to a decent people working for the man to make a living? Of course the usual argument covid.
What a bull crap that is.
What!!, sorry I gotta go back to the sailboat, I'll listen to you later.
Posted on Reply
ratirtGood because you talk smack and I have no idea what are you trying to prove here.
Comparing scalpers to a decent people working for the man to make a living? Of course the usual argument covid.
What a bull crap that is.
He's just trying to get your goat mate. Don't fall for it.
Posted on Reply
The answer is simple. Vote with your wallet. I have a 2600k, I need an upgrade too but not that badly. I'm not buying scalped components.
Posted on Reply
hatThe answer is simple. Vote with your wallet. I have a 2600k, I need an upgrade too but not that badly. I'm not buying scalped components.
Quite right,....

Also dealing with credible / reputable retailers and e-tailers affords the buyer some degree of security that you won’t likely get from the questionable corners of the web. In some countries warranty support for some items might have to go through the place of purchase. In which case you’d likely be out of luck buying from some sleazy eBay dealer should something go wrong.
Posted on Reply
Imsochobofrom what I see the amd cpu's are priced at MSRP in australia.
your AUD is worth less than USD, you have 10% gst, a tax which is added often in USA, in arizona that would be 9% or so.

however, there is a lot of australia tax for no reason yes, but double... hardly
Sorry I should clarify, CPU's your right for the most part there pretty close to the right price, might end up paying $50-150 more then we normally would, but when it comes to GPU's and especially the latest from Nvidia, well thats another story! and is indeed double the price. (GTX 3090's where priced at over $3000 each)
xrobwx71I could google this but I want to hear it from the source. Why is it double? Tax? Are the stores taxed and they pass it on to consumers?
Well there is now a new tax on anything coming into Australia but thats not what makes the price of GPU's so darn high! but its the same thing like it was for Video games over here where some triple A titles where double the price of anyone else, so they investigated why this was the case. They asked the companies why is Australians paying so much more then the rest of the world? and there reply was because we can! and that was that! So same thing applies to other things, like GPU's where they can charge whatever the hell they want to us Aussies and we cant do anything about it.
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OctaveanHe's just trying to get your goat mate. Don't fall for it.
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Unreal manufacturers do not nip this behavior in the bud right off the bat or try to mitigate it somehow. I now have bad taste in my mouth re replacing what I have to just get the latest and greatest when it's not needed.
Oh well another year Intel or AMD won't see my $ ! Maybe is silver lining to save our $ vs frivolous spending during a pandemic ! Better suited to give $ to charities under our current circumstances !
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