Saturday, March 17th 2007

Microsoft Announces Three Editions of Halo 3

Microsoft and Bungie have announced the full details behind the highly anticipated Xbox 360 version of Halo 3. There will be three three-edition releases of the game. First the limited Legendary Edition, now priced at $129.99, will provide two bonus discs with the game, the first of which will include both a HD 'Making of Halo 3' documentary and an audio-visual calibration tool "custom designed by the Halo 3 graphics and audio team to make the most of fans' high-definition home theaters. The second disc, exclusive to the Legendary Edition, will include remastered cinematic material from the first two volumes in the Halo series with developer commentary, as well as some exclusive contents. Next the Limited Edition of the game, set at $69.99 will come more modestly packaged in a metal case, and will include the 'Making Of' bonus disc seen in the legendary edition, as well as a Halo fiction and art book which serves as an 'elaborate' guide to the Halo universe with new art and story elements. Finally, a Standard Edition will be made available to consumers for $59.99 that will consist simply of the Halo 3 game with no bonus discs, books, or features. No release date was revealed in the edition information, but Halo 3 is expected to launch in fall of this year.
Source: Gamasutra
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24 Comments on Microsoft Announces Three Editions of Halo 3

is halo3 still in beta or is it completed ?
Posted on Reply
cinematic material? aka red vs blue :p
Posted on Reply
lol, i doubt red vs. blue. probably like cg rendered clips of master chief, extra cutscene clips, etc...
Posted on Reply
malware, you forgot to mention the helmet :D
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Master Chief folds it using his MJOLNIR MARK VI armor suit :D
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Ill "buy" the Limited Legendary Edition when it comes out on the PC in 3 years.
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remember how microsoft said xbox360 and pc useres will be able to play halo "2" online together. when will an xbox360 player play halo 2 when halo 3 is available.
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I see a ship, oh wait, no, yes, uhh, it is sailing on by..............
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Bird of Prey
130 BUCKS FOR A F*****G GAME?!?!??!?!?!??? Are you kidding me? I Dont give a damn what game it is, that is just ludicrous!
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WarEagleAU130 BUCKS FOR A F*****G GAME?!?!??!?!?!??? Are you kidding me? I Dont give a damn what game it is, that is just ludicrous!
and dont forget the cost of the downloadable maps also.
Posted on Reply
jocksteelukand dont forget the cost of the downloadable maps also.
good thing we have dual-layer dvd burners.
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WarEagleAU130 BUCKS FOR A F*****G GAME?!?!??!?!?!??? Are you kidding me? I Dont give a damn what game it is, that is just ludicrous!
So you were actually able to read 3 sentences of the news. Congratulations.

Read again and see what is included in that version.
Posted on Reply
WarEagleAU130 BUCKS FOR A F*****G GAME?!?!??!?!?!??? Are you kidding me? I Dont give a damn what game it is, that is just ludicrous!
You think 130 is a lot? The 100+ games aren't for the faint of heart. Its for the hardcore. Which is why I have one reserved. Can't wait for it to come out.
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Azn Tr14dZ
MurasameYou think 130 is a lot? The 100+ games aren't for the faint of heart. Its for the hardcore. Which is why I have one reserved. Can't wait for it to come out.
I'm just going for the Normal Version ($59.99). Last time I bought a LE Game I didn't touch the "Extras", so it's just normal for me.
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(save caps ^_^)
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My stars went supernova
now priced at $129.99 WTF NEO-GEO games are back!!!!
Posted on Reply
You all know why they do this shit right?

First most people will be outraged that they are charging so much.

Then there will be some calming down.

Then a few will profess to want it.

Then it will be mostly acceptable.

Then most will "come around" to the idea.

Then it is OK, to fuck the consumer up the ass.
Posted on Reply
Hell, I thought about it. OEM games. One 360, one account. But then that would be like a PC game. Where we all get screwed anyway. Ever seen a PC game for rent? Console games now........

All of it is quite silly if you ask me.
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Azn Tr14dZ
I'm sure many will still be buying Halo 3 despite having a high price tag.
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Wile E
Power User
DaMultanow priced at $129.99 WTF NEO-GEO games are back!!!!
I was beginning to think that I was the only one that remembered that system. lol
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How is 59,99 much for a 360 game? I mean, YOU DON'T HAVE TO BUY THE FRIGGIN LIMITED EDITION, so stop complaining...
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kakazzaHow is 59,99 much for a 360 game? I mean, YOU DON'T HAVE TO BUY THE FRIGGIN LIMITED EDITION, so stop complaining...

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Heedless Psychic
$130 for the"legendary" edition... $60 for just the normal edition.. M$ can kindly blow that out their arse, their having a laugh right?
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