Tuesday, December 22nd 2020

Over 13 Million Gamers Bought Cyberpunk 2077 After Launch and Decided to Keep it: CDPR

CD Projekt Red put out a statement on Tuesday (December 22) in an attempt to allay investor fears over refunds. The company is embattled by investors over its alleged misrepresentation of Cyberpunk 2077 to old-generation console gamers, leading to refunds. The game recently faced an ouster from the PlayStation Store. In its statement, the studio tried to convey that despite the game being open to returns and refunds by console gamers, it has sold over 13 million copies across all platforms since its December 10 launch, as of December 20, 2020. This is an interesting number as it excludes the millions of pre-orders leading up to the launch date; and it excludes all the refund requests received up to December 20. In other words, over 13 million gamers bought Cyberpunk 2077 after launch and decided to keep it (as of December 20). The CDPR statement can be accessed through the source link below.
Source: CD Projekt Red
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63 Comments on Over 13 Million Gamers Bought Cyberpunk 2077 After Launch and Decided to Keep it: CDPR

lexluthermiesterActually, I wasn't going to buy the PSN versions, but I wanted to see what all the complaints were about. This was useful because now I can confidently tell friends and clients/customers not only that it's a good experience, but also how to get that good experience(run the PS4/PS4Pro @720p) for those who already have it and want to run it at it's best.

I could disagree here, but you're right. Dropping down to 720p just to get a game to run well is not an option most people are going to like.
No point running in 720p, only the base console runs it in 720p and it's dynamic so will be above that sometimes, so just leave it in 1080p, not like the game is gonna actually limit the res to 720p just cause the output is set to that either. Also the pro in perf mode runs at 1080p, so really no reason to drop that to 720p, again cause regardless the game will render in 1080p in perf mode. I'd avoid graphics mode though as it's like 1188p and obviously runs worse. PS5 can run the PS4 version at 60fps though.
Posted on Reply
I kinda wish i had not spent 50 quid on it, but will keep it and wait till it is properly fixed before i play through the 30hrs it offers :laugh: If dying light 2 or farcry 6 would have been available i honestly would not have bothered as both of them imo offer a lot more than this does. The only reason it had the hype is the cyberpunk genre, but imo there is still not a game that has utilised the cyberpunk style world and done it justice.
December 21, 2020, 12:50

we must rely on the estimates of the paid version of SteamSpy, according to which production on this digital platform is already owned by over 15.2 million people. For comparison, last Tuesday it was less than 10 million, and last Friday - a little over 11 million.For several days every day the result has increased by an average of a million.

When analyzing SteamSpy's estimates, it is worth remembering that the PC edition is also sold on the Epic Games Store and GOG.com. Especially the latter website should raise the results on PC, as it was the keys to it that were attached to the boxed editions.

Even taking into account the significant drop in the sales dynamics of PS4 and XONE releases and returns, it can be safely assumed that Cyberpunk 2077 has already been in the hands of over 20 million people.

Źródło: www.gry-online.pl/newsroom/cyberpunk-2077-szacunkowa-sprzedaz-doslownie-oszalamia/zd1f02d

Posted on Reply
tiggeropen world my arse, more like open city
Seriously? Quit picking nits.
Posted on Reply
lexluthermiesterSeriously? Quit picking nits.
I'm not even sure that's a valid nit to pick. Night city covers a significanly larger area (almost double) than GTAV's Los Santos Edited; I found a better article that more carefully checked the scale of the world maps. Night City itself is around double the 2D area of Los Santos City and unlike Los Santos, CP2077 is has many more vertical layers and many of the buildings are player-interactive, rather than Los Santos' completely decorative buildings, the vast majority of which cannot be entered or explored by players despite GTA V having a larger dev team and much bigger budget to work with. That's partly down to CDPR's attention to detail and partly because the tools used to make game environments have improved in the last 6 years.

Compared to W3, Night City and the Badlands is truly vast and more three dimensional.
Posted on Reply
Vanguard Beta Tester
Chrispy_I'm not even sure that's a valid nit to pick. Night city covers a significanly larger area (almost double) than GTAV's Los Santos and unlike Los Santos, CP2077 is far more vertical with both taller buildings than GTA V, and more of the buildings can be entered by players.

GTA V, widely regarded as a big open world game is actually pretty flat and made almost entirely of non-interactive, static buildings that do nothing except take up space. Whilst the percentage of buildings in CP2077 that can be entered by players is still pretty small, it definitely feels like 2-3x more than GTA V.
It definitely has a sense of scale.There are so many nooks and crannies, underground areas as much as vertical areas. I’ve found myself lost on foot more than a few times.
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Chrispy_Perhaps things are much worse on PS4, but I don't have access to one. Honestly, for me on XB1S it was pretty consistent. Combat at 20fps is far from ideal but consoles get all the aiming aids given that they've historically been only 30fps and using mushy analogue sticks instead of mice.

I didn't get any horrendous stutters or pauses during action, and whilst I did experience those occasionally, it was only when exiting a building into a densely-populated area right after a scene-change where the game had loaded a new location. Entering a restaurant, for example and leaving it ten minutes later would give me a completely fluid 20fps streetscape. I've yet to encounter a combat situation like that, it's really only been the peaceful exploration phases after a mission or cutscene is done, and the odd stutter is of no impact to the gameplay worth mentioning.
I feel it's only right to post an update to this - My brother-in-law's XB1S copy of CP2077 has been refunded. He said that after playing it for a week he got to missions that started stuttering so badly he became really frustrated with it. I gifted him an old Haswell i5 and found a spare GTX970 to put in it a year ago so he's going to grab it on Steam instead.

This is a guy who played W3 on a GTX 850M at 1366x768 probably under 30fps at all times, so he's no stranger to shitty performance - I guess my brief XB1 experience of CP2077 wasn't enough to paint the whole picture.
Posted on Reply
Chrispy_I'm not even sure that's a valid nit to pick.
Couldn't agree with you more on that point!
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hardcore_gamerThis ain't GTA.
correct, its saint row.
Posted on Reply
lexluthermiesterYes, it's best you refrain yourself...
If only. You're just as delightful and pleasant here as you are on TechSpot. I'd love to be able to enable such a function for you, but alas...
QUANTUMPHYSICSHow do I block you so I neither see your comments nor you see mine?
Is there a simple button for that?
There's always the ignore button. I try and be open-minded and reasonable in my discussions but sometimes I bump into someone here who is just unable to accept independently-verified facts, follow logic and/or is too stubborn/pedantic/irritating to be worth my time. Sometimes two people are just two different to ever reach any kind of agreement and I find it's better to just let it go than keep fighting. You don't get any special reward or recognition from gaining internet points.

FYI none of those descriptions were directed at either of you two.
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Intoxicated Moderator
Reply ban for next OT post involving this silly 'ignore' discussion. Stay on topic, be civil. If that's too difficult, don't post.
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I am one of them. I do not understand the angst that this Game has created. Yes there are bugs (there are always bugs) but does it take away from the enjoyment of the story? I enjoy this Game so much that I am taking my time. As I said in another post I find myself walking around Night City taking in the visuals. At the end of the day it is a Game that has delivered on what it promised. I do believe that because the Game was on everyone's radar from 2019 that the disappointment in some has been realized. I surmise that some people in that time frame contemplated what the Game would be and when it did not fit in that pigeon hole it was deemed a failure.
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