Tuesday, December 22nd 2020

Over 13 Million Gamers Bought Cyberpunk 2077 After Launch and Decided to Keep it: CDPR

CD Projekt Red put out a statement on Tuesday (December 22) in an attempt to allay investor fears over refunds. The company is embattled by investors over its alleged misrepresentation of Cyberpunk 2077 to old-generation console gamers, leading to refunds. The game recently faced an ouster from the PlayStation Store. In its statement, the studio tried to convey that despite the game being open to returns and refunds by console gamers, it has sold over 13 million copies across all platforms since its December 10 launch, as of December 20, 2020. This is an interesting number as it excludes the millions of pre-orders leading up to the launch date; and it excludes all the refund requests received up to December 20. In other words, over 13 million gamers bought Cyberpunk 2077 after launch and decided to keep it (as of December 20). The CDPR statement can be accessed through the source link below.
Source: CD Projekt Red
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63 Comments on Over 13 Million Gamers Bought Cyberpunk 2077 After Launch and Decided to Keep it: CDPR

I'm included in that number. Currently own 4 copies, 2 for PC(GOG) and 2 on PSN(one each for PS4 & PS4Pro). Happy with the purchases. The base PS4 version is the one that runs the worst and it's still playable and enjoyable for 8 year old hardware(that context is important to keep in mind!). I think the negativity was over-reaction which was then blown out of proportion.
Posted on Reply
IMHO CP2077 deserve all the hype it got, at least on PC.
Posted on Reply
I mean I would only return it as a message or something, but its not worth the effort so I would just not play untill its fixed.

But good thing I did not buy it at all yet, lets see if any of hte promises and basic game design is fixed in 1 year.
Posted on Reply
ZoneDymoI mean I would only return it as a message or something, but its not worth the effort so I would just not play untill its fixed.

But good thing I did not buy it at all yet, lets see if any of hte promises and basic game design is fixed in 1 year.
What are you talking about? The game is great now! The latest update fixed any of the glitches I've seen. The invisible gun glitch(which didn't stop you from using said gun), the randomly bendy trees glitch(which also did nothing) and the heads through cars glitch have all been fixed. 1.05 also improved performance somewhat and removed certain limitations to some PC hardware. It also improved RTRT feature performance a measurable amount, to the point were it's not as taxing on GPU's and you can put RT on medium and have playable frame-rates on even lower end hardware.

Yeah, the time to get in is now if you were waiting for issues to get sorted out.
Posted on Reply
lexluthermiesterI'm included in that number. Currently own 4 copies, 2 for PC(GOG) and 2 on PSN(one each for PS4 & PS4Pro). Happy with the purchases. The base PS4 version is the one that runs the worst and it's still playable and enjoyable for 8 year old hardware(that context is important to keep in mind!). I think the negativity was over-reaction which was then blown out of proportion.
You, sir, are a bloody maniac. Bravo!
Posted on Reply
I've spent more than 70hrs in the game. There were some minor bugs but nothing game-breaking. Overall, it's one of the best games I've played this year
Posted on Reply
I've already beaten the game, but almost daily I find myself jumping back in to do more side missions and locate more Legendary items. A little while ago I found Adam Smasher's hidden base and raided a Casino.

This game, is actually nearly PERFECT.

It just didn't work for the console peasants.

It should have NEVER been released for PS4/ Xbox One. It should have been ready as a launch title for PS5/ Xbox SX. As for PC users, you absolutely have to have a Core i7 or i9 with a 2080 or better to run it comfortably in 1080p or 1440p. I have a 3090 with 64GBRAM and SSD. No problems whatsoever here.

The only thing it needs is multiplayer and aircraft to fly like GTA5.
Posted on Reply
MistralYou, sir, are a bloody maniac. Bravo!
Actually, I wasn't going to buy the PSN versions, but I wanted to see what all the complaints were about. This was useful because now I can confidently tell friends and clients/customers not only that it's a good experience, but also how to get that good experience(run the PS4/PS4Pro @720p) for those who already have it and want to run it at it's best.
QUANTUMPHYSICSIt should have NEVER been released for PS4/ Xbox One
I could disagree here, but you're right. Dropping down to 720p just to get a game to run well is not an option most people are going to like.
Posted on Reply
Everyone who played any of the Witcher games on launch day knows how buggy they were, and how awesome they got soon after. All in all, returning a CDPR game on launch day just because it's buggy requires an extremely narrow mindset and some incredible impatience.

Edit: I've said all this from a PC perspective, though.
Posted on Reply
lexluthermiesterI'm included in that number. Currently own 4 copies, 2 for PC(GOG) and 2 on PSN(one each for PS4 & PS4Pro). Happy with the purchases. The base PS4 version is the one that runs the worst and it's still playable and enjoyable for 8 year old hardware(that context is important to keep in mind!). I think the negativity was over-reaction which was then blown out of proportion.
do you actually get that batman car ?
Posted on Reply
I'm also in that number. While personally I didn't find many bugs at all, and none game breaking - I once had to reload a previous save to fix disappearing dialogue - and the game has a lot of annoyances, not the least of which is the fact that on my 1080ti I have to play at a blurry 3840x2160 upscaled from 2560x1440 mess, there's potential in it. Just look at No Man's Sky, the game was regularly fixed and updated after all the launch rage and millennial tears, in fact it's still actively developed and it's a really good game at this point (disclaimer: being a solo gamer with no interest in multiplayer I actually liked the game from day one, but I have to give credit for the amount of work which was put into it later).
Posted on Reply
r.h.pdo you actually get that batman car ?
seriously i like the look of it ! : )
Posted on Reply
Knowing CDPR, they will continue patching the game to make it run better and fewer bugs just like Witcher 3 used to. I play Witcher 3 like a couple of years after it was released.
Posted on Reply
QUANTUMPHYSICSI've already beaten the game, but almost daily I find myself jumping back in to do more side missions and locate more Legendary items. A little while ago I found Adam Smasher's hidden base and raided a Casino.

This game, is actually nearly PERFECT.

It just didn't work for the console peasants.

It should have NEVER been released for PS4/ Xbox One. It should have been ready as a launch title for PS5/ Xbox SX. As for PC users, you absolutely have to have a Core i7 or i9 with a 2080 or better to run it comfortably in 1080p or 1440p. I have a 3090 with 64GBRAM and SSD. No problems whatsoever here.

The only thing it needs is multiplayer and aircraft to fly like GTA5.
Even with all that hardware you are set to find a lot of problems. Plus no One buys a 3090 for gaming, stop flexing on every tech website
Posted on Reply
I love this game and it's a game i'm going to play for along time but i expected even more.

It's lacks on choices a bit. if you skip those timed choices same action happens, expect maybe 2 or 3 times.
Can't change character facial appearance again once you get past initial creation.
Missing car modding visual or handling.

They "might" released it later but they should be on from the start.

On the other hand the character stats, builds, and weapons and mods are totally complex and fun and makes up for some of the lacking.
Posted on Reply
I play the game and if a person on a street sits on an air instead of something, or a gun goes through someones head when he's trying to scratch his head during conversation, yeah it doesn't look real and it's kinda stupid but the game is awesome and most of those has been fixed. CDPR did a great job with the game and for me this one is as good as it can be considering how complex and fast environment they have created. It's the most entertaining game of that kind. They should have not release the game for older consoles. Wanted good but turned out to be crap due to how demanding this one is. This game is a game changer with graphics and it shows where the graphics will be in a year or two from now. That also shows how far behind graphics cards manufacturers are with RayTracing and all the features they claimed are "game changers". This situation will only work better for us. All the attacks and all the feud that runs with the CDPR and that refunds is just an attempt to diminish all the achievements this game and the company itself represent.
Posted on Reply
lexluthermiesterWhat are you talking about? The game is great now! The latest update fixed any of the glitches I've seen. The invisible gun glitch(which didn't stop you from using said gun), the randomly bendy trees glitch(which also did nothing) and the heads through cars glitch have all been fixed. 1.05 also improved performance somewhat and removed certain limitations to some PC hardware. It also improved RTRT feature performance a measurable amount, to the point were it's not as taxing on GPU's and you can put RT on medium and have playable frame-rates on even lower end hardware.

Yeah, the time to get in is now if you were waiting for issues to get sorted out.
Do cops still not use cop cars?
Do cops still just spawn behind you?
Do we still have that annoying super loud ding sound when you do something criminal that catches attention?
Do civilians and cars still just despawn when you dont look at them? (especially when alerted)?
Can we see our own reflections yet?
Is the difficulty upped/improved?
Can we ride the train yet?
Can we moddify our cars yet?

And that is not even adressing what I would want for them to add, like a TON more vehicles and vehicle variation to not kill repetition.
The ability to call in one of those flying cabs/cars to fly you to a destination of your choice in real life
A ton more cyberware (I want that entire collection for shadowrun to be added tbh....and more)
The ability to reduce the hud a lot further then we can now, I hate those healthbars above enemies, just so silly.

ill be honest, I do not care much for the bugs/glitches or performance, for me the main problem is lack of content and overall design choices regarding combat, cyberware, rpg elements, ai behavior.
Posted on Reply
And I'm here laughing that, that many people are beta testers and paying full price to play. At least now they are forced to fix their magic game and improve. Will get it later for about 20 euro, no regrets of waiting.
Posted on Reply
ZoneDymoDo cops still not use cop cars?
Do cops still just spawn behind you?
Do we still have that annoying super loud ding sound when you do something criminal that catches attention?
Do civilians and cars still just despawn when you dont look at them? (especially when alerted)?
Can we see our own reflections yet?
Is the difficulty upped/improved?
Can we ride the train yet?
Can we moddify our cars yet?

And that is not even adressing what I would want for them to add, like a TON more vehicles and vehicle variation to not kill repetition.
The ability to call in one of those flying cabs/cars to fly you to a destination of your choice in real life
A ton more cyberware (I want that entire collection for shadowrun to be added tbh....and more)
The ability to reduce the hud a lot further then we can now, I hate those healthbars above enemies, just so silly.

ill be honest, I do not care much for the bugs/glitches or performance, for me the main problem is lack of content and overall design choices regarding combat, cyberware, rpg elements, ai behavior.
I wouldn't cling to the graphics here, the game is demanding as it is now. If you add more stuff like reflections everywhere where it should be or any other graphics stuff making the game even more realistic you would be playing 1080p with a 3090. There still has to be compromises in the graphics department due to performance constraints.
The rest you've mentioned is a matter of individual preference as for how the game lets you choose what you can do and how it manages your interaction with the environment including layouts or combat. Health bar above enemies is silly for you? I find it useful for example.
The design choice is not a problem, it is a matter of how the creator see this game. I understand you would want this to look different but you can't satisfy everyone since people have different preference and likes about everything.
Posted on Reply
ZoneDymoDo cops still not use cop cars?
Do cops still just spawn behind you?
Do we still have that annoying super loud ding sound when you do something criminal that catches attention?
Do civilians and cars still just despawn when you dont look at them? (especially when alerted)?
I've never seen those issues on my systems so I can't speak about them.
ZoneDymoCan we see our own reflections yet?
Is the difficulty upped/improved?
Personal preference items...
ZoneDymoCan we ride the train yet?
Can we moddify our cars yet?

And that is not even addressing what I would want for them to add, like a TON more vehicles and vehicle variation to not kill repetition.
The ability to call in one of those flying cabs/cars to fly you to a destination of your choice in real life
A ton more cyberware (I want that entire collection for shadowrun to be added tbh....and more)
The ability to reduce the hud a lot further then we can now, I hate those healthbars above enemies, just so silly.

ill be honest, I do not care much for the bugs/glitches or performance, for me the main problem is lack of content and overall design choices regarding combat, cyberware, rpg elements, ai behavior.
Ah, you want full on CyberPunkGTA5. If you want the GTA5 experience, go play GTA5.
Posted on Reply
lexluthermiesterWhat are you talking about? The game is great now! The latest update fixed any of the glitches I've seen. The invisible gun glitch(which didn't stop you from using said gun), the randomly bendy trees glitch(which also did nothing) and the heads through cars glitch have all been fixed. 1.05 also improved performance somewhat and removed certain limitations to some PC hardware. It also improved RTRT feature performance a measurable amount, to the point were it's not as taxing on GPU's and you can put RT on medium and have playable frame-rates on even lower end hardware.

Yeah, the time to get in is now if you were waiting for issues to get sorted out.
I'm also a big fan of the game, but you sound more like you're sticking your head in the sand more than anything. It still has significant issues. Most of what you mention is true, but one thing isn't:
lexluthermiesterThe invisible gun glitch(which didn't stop you from using said gun),
I still get this after 1.05 and it does prevent you from using said gun. The animations still play and NPCs still react as if you shoot but apart from that nothing happens. A minor annoyance, but it's there. I've seen some people get this during a few of the car chase sequences, and in that case, it is gamebreaking and forces you to redo it as you can't swap guns (to fix the bug) and can't shoot, preventing you from progressing.
ZoneDymoDo cops still not use cop cars?
They actually do (rarely) now. Still, the cop system is very busted in the game and going down a block loses them instantly.
ZoneDymoDo cops still just spawn behind you?/Do civilians and cars still just despawn when you dont look at them? (especially when alerted)?
ZoneDymoDo we still have that annoying super loud ding sound when you do something criminal that catches attention?
I don't find that annoying or loud at all. It's very similar to the "!" from MGS.
ZoneDymoCan we see our own reflections yet?/Can we ride the train yet?/Can we moddify our cars yet?
ZoneDymoIs the difficulty upped/improved?
I find the difficulty just fine on Hard
Posted on Reply
Bugs and performance aside, how about their old promise of deeper rpg elements, branching storyline where your actions or decisions greatly effect the game, factions etc.
Also kinda weird you cant ride the train where its the first thing they show in the first game trailer
Posted on Reply
ZoneDymoDo cops still not use cop cars?
Do cops still just spawn behind you?
Do we still have that annoying super loud ding sound when you do something criminal that catches attention?
Do civilians and cars still just despawn when you dont look at them? (especially when alerted)?
Can we see our own reflections yet?
Is the difficulty upped/improved?
Can we ride the train yet?
Can we moddify our cars yet?
This ain't GTA.
Posted on Reply
CDPR has got some positive reputation going now, offering refunds was a good move really. They'll have returning customers for future products.
hardcore_gamerThis ain't GTA.
similar concept
Posted on Reply
It's already one of the most successful launches this year, despite the "disastrous" launch and all the refunds. And the versions for next-gen consoles aren't even out yet. That should safely boost the sales again quite a bit.
Posted on Reply
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