Tuesday, March 23rd 2021

Sony Waves Goodbye to PlayStation 3 As the Console Drops PlayStation Store Support

According to the latest information coming from The Gamer, Sony is in the process of permanently closing the PlayStation Store support for its older consoles. That includes the PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita, and PlayStation Portable. According to the source, "PSP's and PS3's [PSN] stores are to be closed on July 2, while the PS Vita store will stay open until August 27. After those dates, you will no longer be able to purchase digital copies of games or DLC for any of the Sony consoles mentioned above". This is marking an end of an era, as those are the consoles that sold in millions and are very well known in the gaming community.

The official announcement is expected to follow after this, however, we still don't know when Sony will address this officially. It shows that the company is now focusing on more modern consoles and that the 9-year-old PS Vita, 13-year-old PS3, and 16-year-old PSP are considered legacy now. The remaining consoles are the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 4 Pro, and the latest PlayStation 5, which are all going to be supported by the PlayStation Store for a while.
Source: The Gamer
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30 Comments on Sony Waves Goodbye to PlayStation 3 As the Console Drops PlayStation Store Support

This is gaining ground everywhere now, and quite frankly if it's true then Sony are run by morons.

They've just released their first ever digital only console - closing the PS3 store will make people think twice about buying into their new hardware and digital only future. What's the point when somewhere down the line you're left with a brick?

There are many people who still play the PS3, and the store would be used plenty more if Sony allowed discounts on the products. For the past year or two now there's been no price drops and if you want content that's years old you have to pay full price.

Even if this turns out to be bogus, it should make people think twice about buying into the Sony ecosystem, and I say that as a Playstation owner myself. Those incredible exclusives are tempting, but in the grand scheme of things they're out of touch, and Jim Ryan sounds like a bit of a pillock too.
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The Quim ReaperIt really was a steaming POS, the PS3....
Not really. It just had lots of untapped potential that most of the game studio's did'nt knew how to extract.

There's only a few games that really pushed the console to it's edge. Because of that, the next generation(s) where simply a more universal approach lika X86/X64, so that devs could focus on just one platform instead of 3 to 4 back then.
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lexluthermiesterDo not make that assumption. Look at the Wii Shop. Not only can you not buy anymore titles, but you can't redownload anything either. Anything you paid for is gone unless you softmod your Wii and install games by "other" means. This is why I will not buy digital on consoles, you don't really own anything and when the store operator decides to shutdown, you're boned. To me it's legalized theft.

So, you're likely going need to unlock/jailbreak/mod your PS3 going forward.
I need to backup those then for a few harddrives. Just sucks IF I can't access those anymore even I've paid for them. :banghead:
neatfeatguyOnly thing I use my PS3 for any more these days is the few dozen times the kids want to stream something on the upstairs TV from Netflix. I could honestly just bypass the that need and pickup a Roku for the TV.
I use mine mostly as a dvd/bluray player as it does its job fine there. :)
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TPU addict
aah we can just go the local library and download what ever we need. Don't forget to support yours :).

And like some one else said most can be found on GOG these days ?.
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I can understand they don't want to maintain a store that generates no money, but they should have at least make possible to download purchased games. Still, probably the only ones who download games from their servers are people who use CFWs and pirate their games.

But is analogue to games being out of production. And frankly, given how easy is pirating the PS3 nowadays, there is so much drama for the sake of it, welcome to retrogaming guys. Still, they will should provide proper tools for archiving this games in external hdds, confirming they won't have any failure over any network component missing or something like that.
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