Friday, March 23rd 2007

More AMD Price Cuts Coming
DigiTimes is reporting that after Chartered recently confirmed 65nm production for AMD processors is expected to begin soon, AMD ought to announce another massive price cuts for its 90nm CPU product line. According to a report from Merrill Lynch Chia Song Hwee, CEO of Chartered, stated that AMD has completed all of its milestones for its 65nm ramp and production should begin soon. AMD itself announced the transition to 65nm process technology in December of last year. Meanwhile, despite several recent price cuts, inventory for AMD's entry-level 90nm parts remains an issue for the company, according to a recent report from Thomas Weisel Partners. The report indicated that AMD will likely cut related prices 30-35% on average on April 9.
11 Comments on More AMD Price Cuts Coming
Athlon 64 X2 dual-core 5600+ around 43% less
Other X2's down between 20-30%
Athlon FX 62/64 down by 20/25%
Some Semprons down between 37-49%
Athlon 64 4000/3800/3500 down by 9/16/23%
Source: TheInq
'nuff said :rockout:
Im only trying to balance out the AMD fanboy-ism here - with the truth. You have to admit that buying any AMD CPU wich the Core 2 Duo's at 160$ is only something a very biased fanboy would do.
But for enthusiasts (who are filled in this forum) Core2Duo OC Champs FTW!:rockout: .
(You are talking about 473.33Mhz FSB, and the cooling will cost more than your CPU)
Apparently most E6300 and E6400 won't get pass 3.8:respect:
tigger69 has one of the good OCs already. (And is on water cooling)
Nevermind the TPM. You've never heard of Treacherous Computing, have you? Admittedly, I can omit support for it before compiling my kernel, but supporting it with any of my money would be against my principles.