Monday, April 12th 2021

Epic Games Lost $453 Million Running the Epic Games Store in 2019 & 2020
Epic Games lost $181 million and $273 million on the Epic Games Store in 2019 and 2020 respectively according to a recent court filing and expect a loss of $139 million this year. The court filing reveals several interesting details about the Epic Games Store including that Epic doesn't anticipate that the store will turn a profit until 2023 and that the 12% distribution fee charged is sufficient to cover operating costs. Epic Games has spent $444 million on securing exclusive titles for the store in 2020 alone, in this same period players spent $700 million on the store of which $265 million was spent on third-party titles. Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney defended this referring to it as a long-term investment into growing the business. The Epic Games Store currently has 160 million registered users with 56 million monthly active users and it seems like Epic has no plans to slow down.
Scribd (via dsogaming)
38 Comments on Epic Games Lost $453 Million Running the Epic Games Store in 2019 & 2020
so rather leave it than change it is usually better with little changes.
Windows 8 is an prime example that always new interface just wont work :-/
Or do you just mean profits $$ :ohwell:
As for the EGS itself - it was very barebones at first with several annoying missing features. It still has a bunch of things to improve upon but it is a viable platform and it is comparable enough with others. Steam is the incumbent, oldest and most social-networky so maybe not the best comparison yet.
If you were steam user and Epic made their games few $ cheaper, a lot of people would not bother. It takes an effort and Epic bridges that gap via exclusives and free games.
These are not losses. They are potential investments into capturing a market quickly and aggressively.
Bethesda & Steam are more than enough.
There is literally no reason to use Epic Games Store at this point. The user base is based Fortnite and a bunch of free game give-a-ways that attract users to a platform that should be considered in beta. The whole direction of Epic Games is bad right now when you consider the lack of sucess with Epic Games Store and the antitrust lawsuits brought against Apple worldwide have already failed internationally and look certain to fail in the USA. Fortnite popularity is declining massively because in my opinion it was nothing more than a temporary success that other publishers / developers easily picked up and copied as a "segment" of their already immensely popular games.
Look at refund system, library update, community, news feeds.
Sure the store looks the same, but behind the scene it's moving a lot and allows small developers to enter the market.
I don't enjoy the "new UI" from Steam. I will never understand the idea of having so much shit on the screen to trigger a sensation overload is the idea of a good design.
I haven't purchased anything off Steam for almost 2 years now. Any games I have through Steam that I still play and have downloaded I don't even bother to open Steam itself anymore. I just link those games through GoG Galaxy and I let GoG Galaxy open Steam in the background so I don't have to be blinded by all the bling that Valve has been putting on Steam lately.
As for EGS, my younger brother is always telling me of free games they offer that I should get....but I have so many games already that I still haven't gotten around to playing that even free games on EGS don't entice me to sign up with them.
Never installed Fortnite nor came there for the freebies only, started buying games since Borderlands 3 and so far its working just fine.
That being said I do like some of the freebies and already played a few so thats a good extra.
I also have a very old Steam acc, well since Half life 2 was a thing but tbh I never cared about those so called extra features. 'social features and whatever else'
Most of the time I simply buy my games where its cheaper or available, simple as that and EPIC has some good sales with the 10$ coupons on top.