Tuesday, June 22nd 2021

Cyberpunk 2077 Returns to The PlayStation Store, Optimized for PS4 Pro & PS5
Cyberpunk 2077 was originally released on December 10th for PC, Xbox, and PlayStation as the most anticipated game of 2020. The game launched with a multitude of performance issues and bugs which made the game nearly unplayable on the PlayStation 4 and as such was promptly removed from the store. CD Projekt Red has worked to improve the game's performance with various hotfixes and patches and it appears Sony is happy with this progress as the game has been reinstated on the store after 6 months. The game is now officially recommended to be run on PS4 Pro or PS5 for the optimal experience however the PS4 will continue to be supported.
CD Projekt Red
CD Projekt RedYou can play the game on PlayStation 4 Pro and PlayStation 5. Additionally, a free next gen upgrade will be available for all owners of the PS4 version of Cyberpunk 2077 in the second half of 2021. Users may continue to experience some performance issues with the PS4 edition while we continue to improve stability across all platforms. The PS4 Pro and PS5 versions of the game will provide the best experience on PlayStation.
13 Comments on Cyberpunk 2077 Returns to The PlayStation Store, Optimized for PS4 Pro & PS5
and they let "Life of Black Tiger" in their store.
Unless your OCD compels you to play something the instant it gets released - which is almost always as a paying beta tester of an unfinished game - there is no point in buying a game at launch.
- Don't pre-order games.
- Don't pay to beta test.
The more people do those things, the more the industry will treat you like shit.