Wednesday, June 23rd 2021

Microsoft Joins the Very Exclusive $2 Trillion Valuation Club

Microsoft on Tuesday achieved another milestone on its road as a publicly traded company - the $2 trillion valuation milestone, that is. Microsoft may have felt slightly stung when Apple crossed that threshold first in 2020, but slowly and surely sure does pave the way. Microsoft crossed the $2 trillion valuation mark after its share rose by 1.2%. The company is currently having some of the best quarters in its history, with the latest quarter bringing in revenue increases of around $41.7 billion, and a clean, tidy, enormous $15.5 billion in profit during the same time.

Microsoft's shares have increased some 20% YoY already, and the acceleration from its $1 trillion market cap is nothing short of grandiose. The company took 33 years from its IPO (Initial Public Offering) to reach the $1 trillion valuation in 2019 - and it took them less than two years to double that to $2 trillion. COVID, of course, has its microscopic toes in this success, but so does Microsoft's increased investment and returns in gaming, as well as the lift-off of its cloud business.
Source: TechSpot
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21 Comments on Microsoft Joins the Very Exclusive $2 Trillion Valuation Club

Microsoft has made Bill Gates extremely wealthy with a net worth of around 125 billion dollars. Sometimes a person can be so wealthy that it's hard to picture it. If you look at the average house costing $400,000 then Bill Gates could buy 312,000 of them.
Posted on Reply
64KMicrosoft has made Bill Gates extremely wealthy with a net worth of around 125 billion dollars. Sometimes a person can be so wealthy that it's hard to picture it. If you look at the average house costing $400,000 then Bill Gates could buy 312,000 of them.
Imagine if Bill Gates had more shares of the company, like let's say 50%...
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GungarImagine if Bill Gates had more shares of the company, like let's say 50%...
Then he would be the world's first trillionaire.
Posted on Reply
64KMicrosoft has made Bill Gates extremely wealthy with a net worth of around 125 billion dollars. Sometimes a person can be so wealthy that it's hard to picture it. If you look at the average house costing $400,000 then Bill Gates could buy 312,000 of them.
Or let's say a rice grain weight 1 gram and is worth 10000$.

You must pile up 125 tons of rice to match it's wealth. And remember, every grain is worth 10k$...
Posted on Reply
And Nvidia is very close to get at half a trillion valuation.

Tech companies are becoming more and more valuable, as civilization is becoming more and more dependent on technology.
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Fishfaced Nincompoop
64KMicrosoft has made Bill Gates extremely wealthy with a net worth of around 125 billion dollars. Sometimes a person can be so wealthy that it's hard to picture it. If you look at the average house costing $400,000 then Bill Gates could buy 312,000 of them.
Posted on Reply
Sold all my stock of MS couple months ago. They are heading for many lawsuits soon the new Edge intergrations in Windows and the constant things of changing third party programs to there own. Same BS that got them in trouble last time.
Posted on Reply
Lmao that website, "No single human needs or deserves this much wealth."

They needs it to sustain their lifestyle and/or business, also why does he doesn't deserve it? He live and aim for the stars like everybody else, and he win big, very big, really big.
Posted on Reply
Fishfaced Nincompoop
XiGMAKiDLmao that website, "No single human needs or deserves this much wealth."

They needs it to sustain their lifestyle and/or business, also why does he doesn't deserve it? He live and aim for the stars like everybody else, and he win big, very big, really big.
Business money =! personal money. But yeah that statement is probably political, but the flip side is "why does he deserve the wealth of tons of people who aren't working less than him?"
Posted on Reply
FrickBusiness money =! personal money. But yeah that statement is probably political, but the flip side is "why does he deserve the wealth of tons of people who aren't working less than him?"
He struck gold, he deserve it. More effort =! more wealth.
Posted on Reply
Fishfaced Nincompoop
XiGMAKiDHe struck gold, he deserve it. More effort =! more wealth.
And that's basically the entire point.
Posted on Reply
XiGMAKiDLmao that website, "No single human needs or deserves this much wealth."

They needs it to sustain their lifestyle and/or business, also why does he doesn't deserve it? He live and aim for the stars like everybody else, and he win big, very big, really big.
Well namely because he exploited holes in the tax system put in place by the rich and / or benefited from law changes (again, lobbied for by the rich) that have made it so the 0.1% in America pay an effective federal tax rate of less than 1% of their income.

Wealth is not created in a vacuum, it is facilitated by a society. Businesses with access to quality infrastructure, workers, investment, ect are allowed to do so from the benefit of the country they live in. Recognize that any billionaire is in some degree in debt to the country they live in. There are a lot of factors that go into making a billionaire, personal effort is but one. That they pay next to nothing while the working man is barely scrapping by at the current median of 33,000 (approx) USD says enough.

Bill doesn't need that money to maintain his lifestyle. He can throw money around all day like he does with his foundation and still not even come close. It's a well established by economists that concentration of wealth is bad for an economy as billionaires do not spend as large a percentage of their income in general and even less on domestic commodities. One person can only eat so much or drink so much. In general this lowers the number of hands money is exchanged through and thus creates less business activity (and by extension jobs).
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XiGMAKiDHe struck gold, he deserve it. More effort =! more wealth.
Define "effort". You're basically saying one individual put more effort into the company than the rest of the whole and is therefore entitled to more of the wealth, to the point where its just obscene.
Would you say the same thing about the De Beers family & how they made their billions in the diamond industry? What about the rest of the extremely rich who individually have more than enough money to buy one or more small countries?

The thing is, they swallow an elephant and squeeze out a spec of dust for the masses because their whole existence is governed by acquiring more money to obtain more power to suit their own personal needs/wants. When you take it all the way down to bare bones, the difference between Bill Gates & the head of a drug cartel is that Bill did it legally(technically speaking) and without killing a bunch of people in the process. Whether they're using a fountain pen, guns, or both, the end game is the same: acquisition & amassing personal wealth for power.
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Space Lynx
64KMicrosoft has made Bill Gates extremely wealthy with a net worth of around 125 billion dollars. Sometimes a person can be so wealthy that it's hard to picture it. If you look at the average house costing $400,000 then Bill Gates could buy 312,000 of them.
oh did you forget? he already owns more farm land than any other human alive. lol no need to hypothesize.

all that free info data telemetry we are giving them!!! nom nom nom! yummy!! nom nom nom!
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wow just crazy. Basically make digital 0's and 1's like crypto coin.

Entire country of Mongolia worth $2 Billion...........
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Big blue made a very expensive blunder allowing Bill to corner the PC software market. I say hurrah to Bill for capitalizing on an obvious gaffe!
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never understood the MS valuations. I think it's deeply overvalued. The hardware is barely making any $, windows is basically free updates, services are nowhere to be seen. Basically it;s servers and office. Is it worth 2T? Fck no!
Posted on Reply
Space Lynx
ThomasEichorstnever understood the MS valuations. I think it's deeply overvalued. The hardware is barely making any $, windows is basically free updates, services are nowhere to be seen. Basically it;s servers and office. Is it worth 2T? Fck no!
you are forgetting all the telemetry data they get, from every single click you make. that's my guess anyway.
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What's next for Gate's well same as amazon rich dude = divorce, time to split the oyster lol
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This is Microsoft, so I have my doubts. Should "trillion" be understood as 1,000,000,000,000 or is it 1,099,511,627,776?
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Glass Handed Kites
Imagine thinking billionaires EARNED that money.

There are no words to describe how shallow of a thinker you have to be.

These people actually just assumed that all the wages they underpaid, and people they exploited, were Automatically correct.

To the man. to the dollar. To the minute. All... Correct. All of it. ?Because a billionaire says so?

These amoeba never once in their tiny lives stop to consider that maybe, just maybe, the wages that these moguls pay, the taxes they don't pay ( they pay like 0.9 % taxes. the super rich pay far less taxes than a plumber. ), the laws and politicians they buy ( and admit to buying on live televisions like Bloomberg did ), are all proper and good. Nothing to see here folks.

If the human race survives the next 100 years, it will be in spite of the billionaires and in spite of the mindless peons from hell that worship them in a surveille haze.

It will ONLY be because of innovation from our brightest minds, saving us from the mindless hordes that worship the billionaires, like paper gods.
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