Tuesday, July 27th 2021

AMD Radeon RX 6600 XT & RX 6600 Rumored Pricing Leaked
The AMD Radeon RX 6600 XT is expected to launch on August 11th while the RX 6600 appears set for a release in September/October. The pricing for these cards was predicted to be under 400 USD and according to a recent report from Neowin that would appear to be the case. The report claims that the Radeon RX 6600 XT will come with an MSRP of 349 USD and the Radeon RX 6600 at 299 USD. These prices have not been confirmed but if they are true it would position the RX 6600 XT above the RTX 3060 at 329 USD. The Radeon RX 6600 XT is expected to offer superior raster performance to the RTX 3060 but will come with less video memory and have worse raytracing. These prices are only suggestions and other sources put the retail price for the RX 6600 XT at 588 USD or higher in Europe.
41 Comments on AMD Radeon RX 6600 XT & RX 6600 Rumored Pricing Leaked
If I want to upgrade I want to really upgrade but im not about to pay 900 euro for a medium grade card.
Honestly this is where PC gaming might eventually just die for me personally.
Personally I think it is sad to see those people who are buying scalper or miner cards.
The ideal solution would be for AMD to use their REDEEM backend to distribute one time codes to secure an order at shop.amd. Run the tool, verify that you have an AMD board and cpu and allow user to enter queue based on the unique serial numbers (tie it to board+CPU without variations). Unfortunately AMD does not distribute to all countries, plenty of central/eastern European countries are not supported by their store.
If we can't have the ideal solution then simply have AMD expand its store to allow additional countries. The cards are there, dropped regularly on Thursday between 2PM and 8PM. I don't see why users from Poland, Lithuania, Czech Republic, etc can not purchase hardware there. Poland by itself is a massive market for AMD.
So, uh, I'd rather let AIBs make money on it. Why should it be cheaper than what NV offers?
At this rate I will just use my 570 till it dies, aint paying such prices for a ~mid range card or any card for that matter.
Oh well I'm planning to play Lost Ark later the year and for a longer time probably and that runs just fine on my GPU so whatever.
Here's the reality: AMD/Nvidia dont care if gamers get their bing bing wahoo. You'll either pay for one of their cards, or you'll pay for a console, which uses anvidia ARM chip or AMD silicon anyway. To AMD/Nvidia, they are selling GPUs at bumper crop levels, and have been able to sell every scrap without hesitation. This is fantastic for them. Retailers dont care either. Why would they care if a gamer wants a new GPU to bing bing wahoo when a miner will pay them 2.5X MSRP for the same card, and buy them in bulk?
Gamers have proven, time and time again, that they are willing to spread their wallet WIDE to play their vidya.
I'm actually wondering, though, how they came up with this price scheme. No, I don't give a shit about theories of how they're all greedy bastards and the like. They're fucking for-profit companies, of course they want money. I mean that I'd love to see the numbers and have the wafer cost, the R&D cost, etc.
Scalpers exist because there is "demand" for them, that shows how many "gamers" are addicted and ready to flush their money down the toilet, there is no excuse like "hobby" or "I do whatever I want with my money" when such people are affecting us and the market negatively by succumbing to their impulses.
As a consumer you have the power to bring the price down, by holding the line and only buying after the prices drop! Why would you complain about the pricing and then do this? Seriously? The only thing you are doing is contributing to further price increases for new generation of GPUs. Hold off and wait for the prices to drop.
Your solution basically makes steam members the new scalpers.
just take yourself the "funtime" and lookup the prices of a new RTX2060 in your reach. but dont get depressed, please
in the next few years we wont see any graphicscard near or below MSRP, because the price-distortion by miners buying everything they can
the overall market view on this hardware is not gaming anymore, it is mining plus a few lucky gamers getting near MSRP but the rest gets scalped by the whole industry
________ Your head _______________