Tuesday, December 7th 2021

NVIDIA: GPU Supply to Improve in the Second Half of 2022
The current global pandemic has brought a lot of issues to the gaming community from all around the world. As there were emerging supply chain problems to deliver the latest hardware, especially GPUs, many consumers were left without a choice to obtain their special hardware at a reasonable price or even get a GPU at all. Those problems are soon going to get resolved, at least on NVIDIA's front. According to NVIDIA CFO's Colette Kress speech at the UBS Global TMT conference on Monday, the supply of NVIDIA graphics cards will improve in the second half of 2022.
"The company as a whole will take the appropriate work to continue to procure more supply," said Mrs. Kress. "We've been able to grow quite well during this year, each quarter, sequentially growing. And we do continue to plan to do that for Q4. So we believe we will be in a better situation in terms of supply when we look at the second half of next year." Another interesting tidbit was that the company has entered longer-term agreements with the supply chain, and that "longer-term can be more than a year." That could indicate that years could take before these agreements finalize and we see the results in better supply capacity, so nothing is certain at this point.
"The company as a whole will take the appropriate work to continue to procure more supply," said Mrs. Kress. "We've been able to grow quite well during this year, each quarter, sequentially growing. And we do continue to plan to do that for Q4. So we believe we will be in a better situation in terms of supply when we look at the second half of next year." Another interesting tidbit was that the company has entered longer-term agreements with the supply chain, and that "longer-term can be more than a year." That could indicate that years could take before these agreements finalize and we see the results in better supply capacity, so nothing is certain at this point.
44 Comments on NVIDIA: GPU Supply to Improve in the Second Half of 2022
There are a great many people who either can not or will not buy a new GPU until prices come down. They're simply unwilling to pay prices that are hyper inflated. Do something about this problem and be snappy about it.
Dear Poor Guy,
Go eat a bag of ****! Why not get twice the profit while we can?
that's eBay only.
I've been looking but can't seem to find a break down of the direct to miners sales volume. I'm interested in seeing those numbers.
edit-- I did find this.
Nvidia: well, shit. But at least we got our special RT tech for those content creators making nice games for PC gam... well, shit. But at least we got the console market where we have a firm grip on our RT pu.... well, shit. I guess I'll be wearing the same leather jacket next year.
*Miners stopped mining as the altcoins all appear shitcoins after all*
Nvidia: hey, we got this leftover stock of Ampere cards... any gamurs left? We'll even sell them through our website at our flashy new halved MSRP!
*Poor guy buys 400 dollar 3070 and rejoins PCMR Reddit*
-signed, the Market, written by Patience.
These 3060 Ti's are almost €1000 and yet when you type in "999" as number of units their system will cut you off at 398, which means they have as many in stock.
And just so it isn't some fixed value:
People aren't stupid unless they have too much money. The market will self correct this, it just takes time. Refer to above post ;)
It's only going to diminish the DIY market, as the pre-builds are very reasonably priced with holiday discount. Sure they are shit in comparison to DIY but at least they have warranty to cover their mediocre build.
I gave away my two GPU to my friends from my builds and have one working build with 2060S. If I need to buy a GPU, I might as well be buying a laptop/pre-build desktop. Retailers can go screw themselves. I will buy from Amazon, simple. Have seen too many a time this kind of price gouging. It was AMD who released the first 1000 USD$ CPU, not Intel. Am literally too old for this crap, and who so ever is priced right will have my business. Gaming is not a priority so high to pay 200% mark up simple, especially when there are options to buy reasonably.
"Due to pandemic" is the excuse to rip the common man off at every point possible.
But as someone abive said, just let them be. When they can't clear the stock in 2 or more years, it will teach them. Sadly, many miners and know-no-better parents are willing to pay top dollar for a half-azzed GPU with 200% markup.
So, choice is clear - sacrifice and suffer for the greater good, or throw a couple thousand bucks at the greedy mofos. Bottom line - you lose both ways.