Thursday, April 12th 2007

R600 3DMark06 scores

The Turkish website spilled the beans today. They allegedly tested the R600XT and XTX model on a Conroe 2.93Ghz with 2GB DDR2-800 RAM together with an Intel i975x motherboard. They came up with the following results in 3DMark 06:

Radeon HD 2900 XTX: 12k | GeForce 8800GTX: 10.5k
Radeon HD 2900 XT: 10k | GeForce 8800GTS: 9k

The operating system used was Windows Vista. They used the Catalyst 7.1 (8.33) which seems rather strange, other reviewers report about issues with drivers, so newer ones should be more likely to be used for testing/benchmarking. That could mean the results are not that meaningful at all. Either the scores are made up or there's a little bit of headroom for newer drivers. Decide for yourself...
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92 Comments on R600 3DMark06 scores

LonGunOh I see, so it isn't the card's fault. Well, that's a news! Though knowing in a few months, future release games will still demand an upgrade.
I could see that with the 16x anti-aliasing and HDR the card can offer. but you should be fine for a couple years if you like decent graphics I figure.

just my take I am not too knowledgeable in this field and cant predict what the future will bring :P
Posted on Reply
Gone Fishing
a111087i say r600 will pwn 8800 without a doubt, nevertheless, the most reliable scores will be only after release :)
Not so sure about that, maybe own the 8800GTX but remember, there is a much higher spec model on its way so ATi have tpo play catchup just like AMD are trying to do with C2D and struggling! Once your behind in this game it's very difficult to catch up.

A very interesting year for consumers tho, with competition being or going to be so huge I predict by the end of the year we will be able to get a mid ranged DX10 card for less than the price of aa 1950Pro today and it will probably be 25+% quicker than the 1950pro in DX9 also.
Posted on Reply
a111087i bought 7600gt about 4 month ago, i have amd 3500+ single core, just 1GB ram,keyboard and mouse came together with case, the only good thing is 19" LCD, i don't have income, i purchased table for my pc just yesterday (yes, i had to use boxes for 4 month :ohwell: ), i don't still don't have a chair for my new table, but i still have boxes ;) , lets just hope that the boxes will hold my weight until i will find a job :roll:
Lmao! That almost hit my heart :ohwell: When my next upgrade comes, I'll hook you up with my 8800 for an affordable price. You just need to take care of the CPU and others. Maybe I hook you up with my CPU too lol.. :toast:
Posted on Reply
ChewyI could see that with the 16x anti-aliasing and HDR the card can offer. but you should be fine for a couple years if you like decent graphics I figure.

just my take I am not too knowledgeable in this field and cant predict what the future will bring :P
Gotcha! ;) I don't blame the games for demanding more & more performance. At least if a consumer has what it asks for, he/she will at least experience the difference. Unless a game, which asks for performance but gives crapy results, then I've got nothing to say hehe.
Posted on Reply
Ooooh Nice...

I hope they bring out a GTO type model...

Wonder how much the R600XT is gonna be - 300 ???
Posted on Reply
Tatty_OneNot so sure about that, maybe own the 8800GTX but remember, there is a much higher spec model on its way so ATi have tpo play catchup just like AMD are trying to do with C2D and struggling! Once your behind in this game it's very difficult to catch up.

A very interesting year for consumers tho, with competition being or going to be so huge I predict by the end of the year we will be able to get a mid ranged DX10 card for less than the price of aa 1950Pro today and it will probably be 25+% quicker than the 1950pro in DX9 also.
I agree. X2900xtx will be compared to the "soon to be released" 8900 series. It took AMD/ATI more than 6 months to come out with this card, I hope. So in essence you cannot really compare this card to the 8800gtx. I really have high hope for this X2900xtx 1GB DDR4 card. Bought a crossfire mobo in anticipation but if the 8900 series beat it, I'll be very very disappointed at DAMMIT.:shadedshu
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There is a huge performance difference for me between Catalyst 7.1 and 7.3 (on Vista), very suspicious that they used 7.1
Posted on Reply
CashetiThey took so long because unlike nVIDIA, they didn't rush to be the first ones with DX10.

"Great things take time".
Actually ATI has been behind Nvidia in flagship card releases for a few years now... always a few months behind...
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And they always come out with the better goods :p
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CashetiDon't see why though, seeing as it looks like crap.
How does it look like crap?

Posted on Reply
LonGunLmao! That almost hit my heart :ohwell: When my next upgrade comes, I'll hook you up with my 8800 for an affordable price. You just need to take care of the CPU and others. Maybe I hook you up with my CPU too lol.. :toast:
Wow! that is amazing :D
Posted on Reply
Well the gameplay when I played it sucked badly in my opinion.

And it looked pretty bad outside. I mean I ran it 1280x1024, obviously not maxed, but it should've looked better than it did for the performance it was asking for.
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Deleted member 3
CashetiHAHAHAHA CLASSIC. I knew this would happen, those poor 8800 owners...

Then again it took AMD ages to come up with a card that is only 10% faster in 3dmark according to these scores. During the past months nv has been making a lot of cash, ATI can't get away with asking tons of cash for their product. Now who are the "suckaz"?

Besides that, could you please post less useless replies. You're really just spamming, if you have nothing useful to say don't make countless useless remarks to show that off. A single pointless post per news item is more than enough.
Posted on Reply
"HAHAHAHA CLASSIC. I knew this would happen, those poor 8800 owners..."

why? they have been having a card that has been wooping ati for 6 months. Now some will get R600 that will woop 8800 for max three months... whos loosing the most?

btw, scores are fake.
Posted on Reply
Wile E
Power User
zekrahminatorOverclocking an R600 is like putting a turbocharger on a Ferrari. It's fun, but does it really NEED the extra power?
Are you feeling OK, Zek? Too much is just enough in my book. lol
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My stars went supernova
I would like to see what 3 X2900XTX2 would score.
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CashetiWell the gameplay when I played it sucked badly in my opinion.

And it looked pretty bad outside. I mean I ran it 1280x1024, obviously not maxed, but it should've looked better than it did for the performance it was asking for.
So 'cause your machine made it look and run like crap it sucks?

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Haha no, it ran like a charm. Just didn't like it.
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Heedless Psychic
No screenshots.. nothin. Moving swiftly on then.
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These are the guys who constantly spam the board to promote their tech-blog or something. They don't have any card nor they do any test. As it is their custom, they ripped the numbers from some other source and you managed to carry it to TUP front page. Do not be a fool, I know these guys very well and they are using you. Do not give these spammers front page coverage...

Not believing me? Search the board for messages containing that You'll find 50-60 messages, all spamming for their web site.
Posted on Reply
BastieeehThe Turkish website spilled the beans today. They allegedly tested the R600XT and XTX model on a Conroe 2.93Ghz with 2GB DDR2-800 RAM together with an Intel i975x motherboard. They came up with the following results:

Radeon HD 2900 XTX: 12k | GeForce 8800GTX: 10.5k
Radeon HD 2900 XT: 10k | GeForce 8800GTS: 9k

The operating system used was Windows Vista. They used the Catalyst 7.1 (8.33) which seems rather strange, other reviewers report about issues with drivers, so newer ones should be more likely to be used for testing/benchmarking. That could mean the results are not that meaningful at all. Either the scores are made up or there's a little bit of headroom for newer drivers. Decide for yourself...

Okay, seriously this isnt funny, they didnt even supply their own picture. AIB partners aren't even allowed to show benchmarks. Thus, this is absolutely false. Please stop posting this stuff man :respect: :respect: :respect:

EDIT: What makes it look even more dodgy its the fact that this was released straight after AMD announced it to be a HD 2900XT... 7.1 drivers will never work with the R600. Stop posting this stuff plox.
Posted on Reply
DanTheBanjomanThen again it took AMD ages to come up with a card that is only 10% faster in 3dmark according to these scores. During the past months nv has been making a lot of cash, ATI can't get away with asking tons of cash for their product. Now who are the "suckaz"?

Besides that, could you please post less useless replies. You're really just spamming, if you have nothing useful to say don't make countless useless remarks to show that off. A single pointless post per news item is more than enough.
ATI are going to undercut the competition with their latest offerings...
Posted on Reply
CashetiHaha no, it ran like a charm. Just didn't like it.
You crack me up Stalker is a crazy sweet game it has awesome gameplay and awesome graphics fun story line i mean unless you only like run and gun games its one of the best out

and i also like all the ATI fans going crazy that it beats the 8800 but the 8800 has been out for how long? ATI is falling behind more and more and i bet its going to have just as many problems as the 8800 so i wouldnt say that the 8800 was rushed out.
Posted on Reply
zekrahminatorMy birthday's May 24th, a $500 ATI monster would be an amazing birthday present.

Of course, I'm more reasonable than that, and know that I'll be lucky if I get so much as Halo 2 for Vista :p. Ah well. More pressing matters do call, such as my drivers license. May 22nd I can drive legally without a parent beside me...:rockout:.
My cousins birthday is 24th of may... LOL
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If these numbers are true then I am hugely glad I picked up my 8800 and didn't wait. According to these, we've waited half a year for a 14% increase in 3Dmarks. Oh yay, wow, fantastic.
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