Monday, April 16th 2007

K10 details and performance numbers
Fuad has word that the upcoming K10 server processor codenamed Barcelona is 50 percent faster in specfp_rate2000 then Intel's quad core Kentsfield. As the CPU speed was not disclosed it will be near the stated 2.5GHz which applies for its fastest desktop counterpart, the Agena FX. The slowest Agena's will however start at 1.9GHz and will have the 95W TDP for sure.
57 Comments on K10 details and performance numbers
your acting like a spoiled brat..
dont talk to me anymore.. im done with you..
this is the first processor I have ever owned in my life you toolbag lol..
how the hell can i be a fanboy? lmfao.. your a tool dude.. go cry on someones shoulder who cares.. waa friggin waaaa.. cry
your about one step away from a report..
i dont know enough about processors to be fan anything ... why am i even talking to you? lol.. it's painfully apparent your a child.. if your not your in serious need of counseling.. grow up and get over it dude.. waaa friggin waaa.. boo hoo, someone likes intel and u like amd.. fan boy supreme right there.. you are by definition the absolute number one amd fan boy tool.. hip hip horray for you.. you want a cookie now?
how old are u again? lol.. like what 12? seriously your throwing a temper tantrum like a child..
are you editing posts now in the quotes to make it look like i bad mouth amd on other threads? it looks like you are to me and if anyone follows that thread thy'll see i never made any post like that at all.. so your making up lies now about me.. yea, alot of class, believe this he has you know, because he makes up
show me a link to one thread.. just one where i have ever bashed amd in any way what so ever and ill send you 100 dollars.. on my name ill send you 100 dollars if you can find anything with me bashing amd you liar.. your a bold faced liar... again it becomes apparent why i stayed away from forums for so long.. theres always a tool somewhere who thinks he knows something.. wheres those processor core specs you were talking about before with all your "i dont see you quoting specs" talk.. since you love specs so much show em.. or are you doing exactly the same thing you just told people not to do which is "post things with no numbers and act like they have proof" dude thats also by definition hypocritical.. you say "post specs" then you don't post specs.. w/e.. lol..
last time.. no more talking to me for about 5 years or until you grow up.
talk to say things like "intel will pay for duct taping it's chips" lol.. sounds like a bunch of kids writing articles.. i would never even take something worded so pathetically serious.
if this "fraudzilla" wants to talk technical then they should act technical.. and saying "duct taping chips" is not technical.. what is that supposed to mean anyway? lol.. sounds like amd "fan boys" to if i call tech suport i bet they wont say intel duct tapes their I guess thats what "some" people consider a quality report.. you know.. some people, who have severe sight disorders or maybe brain trauma.. :laugh:
ohh their gonna payy.. lol rawwrr. we're gonna get rawwrr.. it's very obvious whoever wrote that article is all for amd and is very immature..
it's odd that your post come off so childish yet you're 30:wtf:
I've posted with respect and I've actually thought about my words, have you? .
wanna take a look at the forum rules and guidline my friend?