Tuesday, December 27th 2022

NVIDIA RTX 4070 Ti Allegedly 5% Faster Than RTX 3090 Ti in OctaneBench

The upcoming NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 Ti graphics cards is allegedly 5% faster than the previous-generation flagship, RTX 3090 Ti, according to leaked OctaneBench numbers. The online submission database of the benchmark has an entry for the RTX 4070 Ti, which is shown scoring 725 points, compared to 688 of the RTX 3090 Ti, and 928 of the RTX 4080. These would put the RTX 4070 Ti at roughly 5% faster than the RTX 3090 Ti, and about 21% slower than the RTX 4080. You begin to see why it would have been a terrible idea to market the RTX 4070 Ti as the "RTX 4080 12 GB," and why the outrage was justified—which will only bear fruit if NVIDIA prices the RTX 4070 Ti lower than the $900 MSRP it had planned for the RTX 4080 12 GB.
Source: VideoCardz
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47 Comments on NVIDIA RTX 4070 Ti Allegedly 5% Faster Than RTX 3090 Ti in OctaneBench

Why don't we compare it with the 4080 or 4090? with the 3090ti! If it was written by Nvidia PR department they wouldn't do a better job.
Posted on Reply
AusWolfx70 being at the level of last gen x80 or x90 for the same price as last gen x70 is normal. x70 being above the level of last gen x90 in both performance and price is not.
yeah its not "normal" as in it now starts a new paradigm, but that is not the end of the world, it just means all the lower numbers previously not even denoted as gaming cards will now inevitably become valid gaming cards.

So the 60 sku takes the place of the previous 70 sku.
the 50 sku replaces the 60
the 40 replaces the 50.

again its all just numbers.
Posted on Reply

I thought everyone agreed that the -cough- 3060/3070ti was the worst card Nvidia ever created...evarrr. haha

We all know that nvidia does their damndest to slot the 70 series on top of last gens best card (gotta create that value marker). Whether it turns out to be true or not...well that's what these reliably reliable leaks are for. To slowwwly set up the narrative. True or not.
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Super Intoxicated Moderator

7900XT also beats the 3090ti. Level at 4k.

and that's the crappy MBA one.

Sure, turn up RT settings and the 7900XT looks worse but the fact is, a well-crafted game with good light maps etc looks pretty damn good. I don't recall using RT in AC: Valhalla and that looked awesome. Last season NV were saying how awesome the Ampere series was for RT. Now they produce new collaborations with companies to showcase Ada (making an ancient game look better but at massive cost to fps) - just to make Ampere look so very yesteryear. You know, those $1600+ 3090ti's which are now basically worthless (at least to Nvidia).

I'll be happy not use RT until it makes a significant difference to the entire game, until then, everybody is a beta-tester for technology that is heading towards path-tracing. And RT does not make the mind-blowing difference people say it does. All it does is give NV an excuse to squeeze more and more and it's incredible that people (for whom PC stuff is meant to be an accesible and fun hobby) are not just accepting it but defending it.

FTR - I think the AMD cards are also priced badly. As for the 4070ti? It looks pretty bad given that on rasterisation (how most games still mainly operate), it'll possibly be worse than last seasons best.
Posted on Reply
ZoneDymoyeah its not "normal" as in it now starts a new paradigm, but that is not the end of the world, it just means all the lower numbers previously not even denoted as gaming cards will now inevitably become valid gaming cards.

So the 60 sku takes the place of the previous 70 sku.
the 50 sku replaces the 60
the 40 replaces the 50.

again its all just numbers.
If those SKUs exist at all - in the 3000 series, they didn't, except for the way overpriced 3050.
Posted on Reply
ZoneDymoI dont really agree, tis just a number, they could make a RTX4090 for 10.000 dollars for all I care.
That just means that we have to go down to some RTX4020 or so in the future to be the gaming card of the people.

And if we could just have companies also forgo putting in effort to make games that actually require/benefit from those super high end cards, then they are nigh pointless.

That was what was so good about the Valve of old, or Blizzard of old, solid visuals but easy to run for all.
While I agree to an extent, the problem with using certain model identifiers is that there are a lot of consumer expectations built on those identifiers.

Just like how we have i3, i5, i7, and i9 consumers expect a certain price and level of performance at certain tiers. While the 4070 and 4070 Ti meet the performance expectations they absolutely do not meet the price expectations. In fact they might not even fit within your typical xx80 class price bracket.

It's just as bad as having two 4080s with vastly different performance, in either case you are using the nomenclature you accustomed customers to over decades to then try and deceive them into spending more on less.

For people like enthusiasts who always do their research it won't matter much because you hopefully know what you are buying. That said it is our job as enthusiasts to ensure that this kind of thing isn't allowed to impact the broader market. This is akin to any other community where experts will sound the alarm on bad or deceptive practices and price hikes. For example, there being two 4080s would not have impacted enthusiast's ability to determine a video card's performance but for a regular person they would likely have purchased the cheaper 4080 and gotten far lower performance then they should have. The only thing lack of action againt these anti-consumer practices does is embolden Nvidia and AMD to make things continuously worse. I could not in good conscious sit idly by while the bulk of the market is getting bilked regardless of whether it impacts me personally.

GN had a recent news video on the topic I believe if you want to see their stance on the issue (although they do not spend as many words on it as I have here).
Posted on Reply
AusWolfIf those SKUs exist at all - in the 3000 series, they didn't, except for the way overpriced 3050.
Well that would be a problem for big N as you knwo for sure AMD and Intel will take that spot, and if most players have those cards then that is the norm around which games are made.
Posted on Reply
Hopefully this card will be DOA, just like the 4080, who nobody its buying it and just gather dust on the shelves.
Posted on Reply
Dirt Chip
erockerSince when do we compare previous generation pricing and not pricing based upon the tier of the card in relation to the rest of the current generation's lineup? I'd say a thousand bucks for a mid-upper tier card is overpriced.
Since sarcasm entered the room.

Those fart like "leak" and the endless 4080-12GB/4070TI saga deserve nothing else.
Posted on Reply
The problem with this generation of cards is, especially Nvidia is acting like the Crypto tax could still be applied. There is no way unless you are rendering to earn back some of the cost. It is clear that a correction is in order and the market needs to get off of the tactics that Nvidia applies.

I have heard of everything from the 4060 to 5090 in "leaks" just since the launch of the 7000 series (it's not even the end of Dec). The fact that they want you to pay through the nose for Nvidia is stupid. This is what makes the 3050 a $500 GPU in Canada, while the 6600 can be as low as $269. Anyone that is going to claim that the 3050 has the advantage of DLSS and Ray Tracing should not be commenting. The narrative has become so flawed that people are trying to use last Generation pricing (when Bitcoin was $65000)when you could make $30-$50 vs $20-35 on AMD a day mining to justify the tax Nvidia is applying. That cannot leave the Elephant in the room that now EVGA have followed XFX in expunging themselves of Nvidia because of nothing more than their business decisions.
Posted on Reply
kapone32The problem with this generation of cards is, especially Nvidia is acting like the Crypto tax could still be applied. There is no way unless you are rendering to earn back some of the cost. It is clear that a correction is in order and the market needs to get off of the tactics that Nvidia applies.

I have heard of everything from the 4060 to 5090 in "leaks" just since the launch of the 7000 series (it's not even the end of Dec). The fact that they want you to pay through the nose for Nvidia is stupid. This is what makes the 3050 a $500 GPU in Canada, while the 6600 can be as low as $269. Anyone that is going to claim that the 3050 has the advantage of DLSS and Ray Tracing should not be commenting. The narrative has become so flawed that people are trying to use last Generation pricing (when Bitcoin was $65000)when you could make $30-$50 vs $20-35 on AMD a day mining to justify the tax Nvidia is applying. That cannot leave the Elephant in the room that now EVGA have followed XFX in expunging themselves of Nvidia because of nothing more than their business decisions.
That 6600 runs X game at 60 FPS. The 3050 can do the same, but with DLSS! Boom! That's one extra graphics option ticked. Eat that, AMD losers! :roll:

Seriously though, how Nvidia manages to sell having to turn on DLSS for decent framerates in the mid-range as something positive is beyond me. Like buying a faster card for less money wasn't an option.
Posted on Reply
BlaezaSo you need Nvidia GPU's to even run this? (No, I didn't just download Octane and then get an NvCuda error, then hastily delete it whilst feeling foolish...o_O)

So who want's a little wager the 4070 Ti will STILL be overpriced and all these "leaks" are false?
No, but I think you get better results with ray-tracing. This could be an explanation why we see only Nvidia GPUs on top.
Posted on Reply
Prima.VeraHopefully this card will be DOA, just like the 4080, who nobody its buying it and just gather dust on the shelves.
That's not really a problem for Nvidia, they want to sell the 3000 series and know they will eventually drop price and sell all 4080's. And in the meantime they still sell a lot of them for that absurd price. That's why they don't care to lower the price. And that's the problem, they know people keep enabling them.
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Steep price for something with a xx70 tag on it.
Posted on Reply
Guckyt 3090Ti performance for 400€ less
In other words, shameless pricing can be "justified" by picking last gen card with shameless pricing.

Bomby569That's not really a problem for Nvidia, they want to sell the 3000 series and know they will eventually drop price and sell all 4080's. And in the meantime they still sell a lot of them for that absurd price. That's why they don't care to lower the price. And that's the problem, they know people keep enabling them.
Given the projected margins of 65%, that "drop the price" is not plan of the plan in the foreseable future.
Posted on Reply
medi01In other words, shameless pricing can be "justified" by picking last gen card with shameless pricing.

Paying 200$ more for a Card that is 50-150% faster compared to last gens 3070Ti for 600$... realisticly faster with DLSS3-FG.
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Faster than 3090Ti... :D

Posted on Reply
medi01Faster than 3090Ti... :D

It is faster. All you have to do is, turn down your graphics settings to low, enable DLSS 3.0 artificial frame generation and swap it with a 4090. :laugh:

Jokes aside, it could be a decent card for a decent price, but we'll have to see if retail agrees.
Posted on Reply
AusWolfIt is faster. All you have to do is, turn
AusWolfturn down your graphics settings
Ah. That's not surprising.

Turning down graphics settings is the first thing I do when getting a "faseter graphic card"... :D :kookoo: :roll:
Posted on Reply
medi01Ah. That's not surprising.

Turning down graphics settings is the first thing I do when getting a "faseter graphic card"... :D :kookoo: :roll:
I mean, if you look at the marketing material:

Of course it's faster if you try it with different in-game settings!
Posted on Reply
AusWolfI mean, if you look at the marketing material:
Ahaha, I'm so sorry, I forgot about that hilarious bit.

So turning down graphics settings is the first thing I do when getting a "3 times faster graphic card" :roll: :D :kookoo:
Posted on Reply
medi01Ahaha, I'm so sorry, I forgot about that hilarious bit.

So turning down graphics settings is the first thing I do when getting a "3 times faster graphic card" :roll: :D :kookoo:
No... it's what you do to make sure your graphics card is 3 times faster. :roll:
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