Thursday, May 10th 2007

Garriott Speaks about MMO Games - Part Two

I just want to bring to your attention that there is the second part of Richard Garriotts interview online over at This time he speaks about development boundaries mainly related to the difference between the Eastern and Western market and another focus is the risks you are faced with when developing Massively Multiplayer Online Games.
The development time for a big MMO is multiple years, and the teams are very large, so you are investing tens of millions of dollars prior to launch. ... If you fail to not only ship the game but fail to have a hit, the repercussions are substantial.
Don't miss the first part which you can find over here.
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2 Comments on Garriott Speaks about MMO Games - Part Two

Bird of Prey
nice i look forward to checking this out.
Posted on Reply
Yes, I also look forward to maybe click this link and post my future task to raise my Posts/day. :rolleyes:
Posted on Reply
Sep 17th, 2024 08:43 EDT change timezone

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