Tuesday, June 20th 2023

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Patch 6 Released
Electronic Arts and Respawn Entertainment has released the latest patch version 6 for Star Wars Jedi: Survivor that fixes some issues across all platforms, and it should be already available for PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S. Unfortunately, there is no word on DLSS support or any visual improvements with Ray Tracing effects, so hopefully, we'll see these in future updates.
According to the release notes, the new Patch 6 should fix various crashes across all platforms, fix some general game issues like collision improvements, blaster handling, and holomap map data, various mission issues, and brings other "various bug fixes and improvements."Here are the full release notes.
Here are the fixes you can expect with this patch:
According to the release notes, the new Patch 6 should fix various crashes across all platforms, fix some general game issues like collision improvements, blaster handling, and holomap map data, various mission issues, and brings other "various bug fixes and improvements."Here are the full release notes.
Here are the fixes you can expect with this patch:
- Various crash fixes across all platforms
- Fix for bounty hunters not spawning
- Fix for an issue where Caij would become invisible
- Fix for occasional issue where "Find the Gorge's Secret" Rumor could not be completed
- Collision improvements
- Improved blaster handling
- Fixes for Photo Mode
- Wind puzzle on Jedha fixed
- Updates to the holomap map data
- The training dummy on Jedha was sneaking around. It has now been immobilized
- Various bug fixes & Improvements
40 Comments on Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Patch 6 Released
Also I like how they have the patches numbered, that way you know what you have versus what is out; more game development studios should do that.
Off topic, the success of fortnite for epic has had a terrible impact on PC ports using UE4.
Basically Respawn has rolled this turd around in sprinkles and is trying to tell us it's all good now. Well, it's not.
From what I've gathered online (as I haven't bought the game yet), the biggest single subset of PC users are RTX card owners, and they're touting the DLSS mod as the IQ saviour of the game, the lone, solo developer was able to make the mod in a matter of days and vastly improve the IQ for all DLSS capable users. Seems like he's actually a gun and really understands not only how to imp a temporal upscaler, but give it every input it could possibly want and fine tune the results, it's reportedly one of the better DLSS showings today.
Modders doing what AMDon't.
I mean yay they dumbed it down to a single number, so now you don't know if they released different builds within/of patch '6'. It'll work fine until they need a hotfix and then you'll get... 6.1? 7? Or they'll forget numbering it and it'll just be '6' again which is now representative of two different pieces of code :) Doesn't want to, no, but will they succeed ;) This is Todd's baby after all
This is the company that manages to break content by innovating their own business model. GFWL... Xbox game bar... that godawful implementation of UWP for gaming... Different delivery through Store versus elsewhere... We'll see where this ends up :D Though I must admit, it can be worse than MS. IMHO Star Wars has gone the way of Marvel... its too much, I stopped caring, it doesn't feel special, in fact it becomes a parody of itself due to being repeated too often. All I see in Star Wars is a repeat of the same ideas in a different time frame, oh boy they tweaked a few plot lines and gave actors a different costume, amazing.
Magic the Gathering suffers from a similar fate lately. They release way too much, I love the game but I simply stopped caring for its releases anymore, products don't feel special anymore. Less is really more.
In both Marvel and Magic's case... once they need multiverses to keep making sense of all the irregularities you know you've entered ridiculous territory.
Just call it open Beta for preorders or something...
1. XeSS might be better but not nearly enough games support it yet so calling FSR pointless is just wrong, if every game that supported FSR also supported XeSS or could easily with a drop in be added, then you would have a point.
2. If DLSS was just open to all to use, like so many technologies beforehand, then FSR would have never become a thing, it would not be needed....
But big N being big N, it isnt, so FSR is needed...
And FSR is open so DLSS is kinda not needed.
Having 3 technologies all doing the same is just a silly waste of effort, you praise that modder and attack AMD when really you should be attacking Nvidia for not just making it an open standard, this is just arbitrary nonsense and you know that its also just a matter of time before one becomes the standard and we can move on from these (nvidia brought on) shenanigans.
DLSS was only made to make real time ray tracing something actually possible....but the narative has weirdly shifted to DLSS being the selling point....
If RT was the selling point and Nvidia was selling their hardware on the merrit of it being really good at that and pushing for games to atleast support it, that would be fine, then the ball is in AMD and Intel's court to get off their behinds and match the performance.
But...they also just lock out DLSS.
When FSR/Xess matches or even surpasses DLSS, you have to admit, that would make DLSS pointless, like Freesync did to Gsync.
Heck personally I dont think any game should support DLSS and instead devs need to come together and help make FSR or Xess just better and use either one instead.
You can't even get Halo 5 on PC which makes the Master Chief Collection a cruel mockery and expecting PC gamers to buy "1, 2, 3, 4, NOT 5, YOU PEASANTS, please buy 6 though" is arrogant and insulting. If there's any plot worth caring about in Halo Infinite, it's pointless without the missing episode. Would you watch Breaking Bad if you had to skip a season? I think you'd be salty, right?
AMD: -AMD Spokesperson to Wccftech
NVIDIA: -Keita Iida, vice president of developer relations, NVIDIA
One in objective terms without any wiggle-room for foolery on committing to not being anti-competitive on technology, and by the VP of developer relations nonetheless, and another effectively saying nothing about the issue they’re being confronted on. Who cares why it was made (you might, I don't), the point is it's here and it's great, and yeah, it's on AMD and Intel to match them and be open to negate that selling point, it's a legitimate feature, like/accept it or not, it certainly is to many buyers. I don't have to admit anything, but hey if FSR matches or exceeds performance, image quality and a balance of artefacts, all concurrently, I'd certainly view DLSS as less of a selling point, and perhaps entirely mitigated if it held zero advantages whatsoever. And I also don't think Gsync is pointless, it's far less of a selling point now with freesync, yes, but still a premium option on certain premium monitors. This appeals to some buyers. if it was dead/pointless, Nvidia would stop making it. I think Dev's, considering how easy it is to implement all of them once any is done, is give every gamer the options to fine tune their experience to best suit their tastes and hardware.
Perhaps we need to agree to disagree, because I don't see you changing my mind, and I don't see myself changing yours.
How do/did AMD block DLSS?
Namely, all of those who pre-ordering.
I am rarely pre-ordering anything, second last time was with Mass Effect 2, since it was obvious, it will be great
Last time was the System Shock remake which had a demo available pre-release so it was also a low risk move.