Friday, August 4th 2023

Momento Note Launches NFC Notepad, Hopes to Replace Post-it Notes

Momento Note, a leading innovator in the field of digital communication, is thrilled to announce the launch of its groundbreaking product, the Momento Note. This cutting-edge smart note revolutionizes the way we interact with reminders and tasks, taking a timeless tool into the digital era. The yellow sticky note was invented by Dr. Spencer Silver and Art Fry of the esteemed 3M Company in 1980. However, despite advancements in technology, the iconic Post-it Note remained unchanged—until now.

The Momento Note represents a quantum leap in note-taking technology. Leveraging the power of NFC (Near Field Communication), this innovative device transcends the limitations of traditional paper. With the Momento Note, users can store voice recordings, photos, and videos in their reminders, enhancing their organizational capabilities like never before.
Tailored with professionals in mind, the Momento Note is a game-changer for individuals and businesses alike. Whether you're a lawyer, researcher, CEO, or secretary, this remarkable tool offers an efficient and effective way to manage tasks, communications, storage, and inventory management reminders. Simply stick the Momento Note whenever you need a reminder, and others can effortlessly access the information with a quick touch of their smartphone. It's like having a wireless USB stick that connects directly to your phone. These notes are eco-friendly and reusable.

Key Features of the Momento Note:
  • NFC-powered technology for seamless data transfer like USB drives.
  • Integration of voice recordings, photos, and videos.
  • Affordable and reusable hundreds of times, helping save trees and money in the long term.
  • Compatible with NFC-enabled smartphones for instant access to information.
  • Empowers professionals to enhance task management and communications.
"We are thrilled to introduce the Momento Note to the world," said Chi Huynh, CEO of Momento Note. "Our aim was to create a product that enhances productivity, saves time, and transforms reminders into something extraordinary. It's more than just a reminder; it's also a content-delivering device in a sticky note."

Source: Momento Note
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22 Comments on Momento Note Launches NFC Notepad, Hopes to Replace Post-it Notes

Adhesives are far from being "reusable."

And calling this a replacement to post-its is laughable. Written post-it info can be consumed in seconds without any equipment. But let's replace it with something that you need to grab your phone/tablet to interpret. And I don't want to even think about the potential security risks.

Just trying to imagine myself labeling some WIP docs, wasting minutes encoding the labels into these things instead of scribbling them on a post-it in seconds, only to waste more time later trying to figure out wtf each note contains, throwing away the entire point of a bloody note!
Posted on Reply
ShihabAdhesives are far from being "reusable."

And calling this a replacement to post-its is laughable. Written post-it info can be consumed in seconds without any equipment. But let's replace it with something that you need to grab your phone/tablet to interpret. And I don't want to even think about the potential security risks.

Just trying to imagine myself labeling some WIP docs, wasting minutes encoding the labels into these things instead of scribbling them on a post-it in seconds, only to waste more time later trying to figure out wtf each note contains, throwing away the entire point of a bloody note!
Can't wait for 5G, AI powered, blockchain enabled, Web3 post-it notes :rolleyes:

Also the fact that they're saying these are environmentally friendly is laughable. I wonder how much extra manufacturing and waste production is involved to create these NFC post-its instead of regular ones that can use regular old post consumer recycled content and, you know, actually provide some environmental benefit.
Posted on Reply
The security risks are real and too numerous to even bother to start listing, and im lazy, but in addition, this will end up being more wasteful and hazardous to the environment because now each piece of paper has metals and chemicals that were not present with simple post-its. You know it isn't a reinvention or evolution of something if you can immediately spot issues.
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And what happens when they don't want to maintain the required app and such anymore?
Posted on Reply
Tropickblockchain enabled, Web3 post-it notes :rolleyes:
But they are already blockchain and web3 friendly!

Why, think of all the miner malware you can spread using these things! Just stick one with a malicious payload or URL to any random folder or surface in any random organization. :laugh:
Posted on Reply
Double-ClickComing soon, The Wheel 2.0 (better, faster, rounder).
3.0 will be connected, 4.0 AI-powered.
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Fishfaced Nincompoop
The main use for post its/sticky notes is to remember things and to give to others (package size, weight and delivery date in my case), these things sounds like ... emails, I guess, but tied to a physical thing, which I don't see the point of.

I could see the point actually for like marking things in storage, but a) there are so many systems in place for that already and b) paper scraps are vastly simpler.
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NFC epaper i would consider, eg push a note or daily calendar. This? Not
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Double-ClickComing soon, The Wheel 2.0 (better, faster, rounder).
Mythbusters tested them already!

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This grand invention harbors all of the wisdom that SNP exhibited when they cut down 16 million trees to build a wind farm.

E-waste and the disastrous effects of mining the materials required to make these toxic post-it notes aren't nearly important as the good feelings you get for your good intentions.
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How is this better than paper?
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I just wanted a decent E-ink device that didn't cost the price of a mid-end tablet. :)
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Most of that could be done with a little qr code in the corner of the paper.

shameless, factory to e waste landfill product
Posted on Reply
kondaminMost of that could be done with a little qr code in the corner of the paper.

shameless, factory to e waste landfill product
A prime example of the pointless "let's make everything digital - even my breakfast" or the "let's fix what isn't broken just to make it more complicated and expensive" movements.
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I might buy these in about 40ish years when my memory starts to decline lol. Would be super nice then, but I"m sure there will be way better Tech by then.
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In this millenium, a note to self only has value if friends and family can comment on it, and stick emowhatevers to it.
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Without connecting to the internet, this looks like it's just an expensive, environmentally-unfriendly sticky note.

With an internet connection...I don't see why I'd use one of these over any other form of internet-based communication. I'm not sold on this product.
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Oh for ...... sake! Who thought it was a good business case to replace post-it notes by some overcomplicated nonsense? These guys apparently.
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Remnds me of this 'invention classic':
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I think it could be cool if instead of NFC, it just had a epaper display. It would still be far from a replacement to post-it notes but then it could actually have a small niche as personally, I could see a couple of uses for some extremely long lasting epaper displays I can put around the house.
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