Saturday, June 15th 2024

ASUS Enhances Customer Support Following Gamers Nexus Investigation

ASUS has had issues with customer support, as reported following last month's investigation by Gamers Nexus. However, they are now promising several fixes. If you've been wrongly denied a warranty repair or charged for unnecessary service, ASUS wants you to email them at "" using a predefined template (see below). It also promises to respond within a week and apologizes for past negative experiences, citing customer feedback as an opportunity for improvement. These cases will be handled directly by ASUS staff.

Getting into a bit more details, after criticism, ASUS executives met with Gamers Nexus staff face to face and agreed to a list of promises.
To recap several of ASUS' firm changes (as provided by Gamers Nexus):
  • ASUS now has a new inbox called "" that they have created specifically to re-process prior RMAs that customers feel were unfairly classified, were misclassified, or charged for a service that should be free
  • ASUS has provided a template to copy and paste into your email to this address. We are showing it on the screen. You can visit to find a copy of this to copy and paste. We do not place third-party ads on our site. The link is below for the template.
  • ASUS has published a timeline for improvements: June 14th, today, is the publication of this email and template. ASUS has promised us an email this month with other changes.
  • ASUS has committed to refunds of service charges for unnecessary repairs which customers felt compelled to accept in order to have a warranted repair covered, such as unrelated or misclassified CID
  • ASUS has committed to refunding shipping charges in scenarios where a warranted repair was part of the RMA. For clarity, if a customer has both an out-of-warranty repair and an in-warranty repair in the same claim, shipping will be covered by ASUS
  • ASUS has committed to refunding labor and taxes related to these aforementioned qualifying disputes
  • ASUS has created a Task Force team to retroactively go back through a long history of customer surveys that were negative to try and fix the issues
  • ASUS has removed the power from the repair centers to claim CID. Now, CID claims must go through ASUS' team. This will remove some of the financial incentive to fail devices. There still is one, but now it won't be motivated as much by speed
  • ASUS is creating a new support center in the US. This will enable customers to choose between a repair of their board or a faster swap with a refurbished board. This solves an issue where refurbs were the only option in some scenarios previously
  • After over a year of refusing to acknowledge the microSD card reader failures on the ROG Ally, ASUS will be posting a formal statement next week about the defect, resulting from this series
  • ASUS will publish a more transparent repair report template in September of 2024
  • ASUS is changing the Advance RMA language to reduce emphasis on physical damage
Here's the email template provided by Asus that you can use when contacting
  • Your Name (as listed in your RMA):
  • RMA Number:
  • Serial Number:
  • RMA application country:
  • Please describe your previous RMA dispute:
  • Supporting Documents (e.g., charged invoice, quotation notification, photos):
  • Additional Feedback (optional):
Sources: ASUS, Gamers Nexus
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118 Comments on ASUS Enhances Customer Support Following Gamers Nexus Investigation

Man so many people hate bashing Asus. Get a grip its just a product lol. If you dont like it, buy another shitty competitor.
Posted on Reply
I really don't believe we have enough competition in the market anymore.
I could always come here to screech about it at any time but it doesn't really help.
We need some of the old names back. Or....ALL of them.
Posted on Reply
R-T-BSo you can't comment on that either, then? Just following the logic.
I don’t even care anymore. I was trying to stand up for them in a land of hate. Good product shitty after sale service. Buy what you want :)
Posted on Reply
DaemonForceI really don't believe we have enough competition in the market anymore.
I could always come here to screech about it at any time but it doesn't really help.
We need some of the old names back. Or....ALL of them.
I miss Soltek and DFI Motherboards
Posted on Reply
CrAsHnBuRnXpMan so many people hate bashing Asus. Get a grip its just a product lol. If you dont like it, buy another shitty competitor.
Well, Asus have built themselves an image of a premium brand. So why not bash them when they resort to shady practices?
Posted on Reply
bugWell, Asus have built themselves an image of a premium brand. So why not bash them when they resort to shady practices?
Because premium products ≠ shady practices. Their products can be quality which results in the premium price. The RMA and warranty support is something else entirely. So if youre going to shit on a company, dont shit on them as a whole. Fling shit where it belongs. Only at customer support.
Posted on Reply
CrAsHnBuRnXpBecause premium products ≠ shady practices. Their products can be quality which results in the premium price. The RMA and warranty support is something else entirely. So if youre going to shit on a company, dont shit on them as a whole. Fling shit where it belongs. Only at customer support.
Not at all. A premium product implies premium customer support.

As a company, Asus expects me to pay more for their products and then looks to cut costs by screwing some customers out of their warranty. I don't hate companies and I don't like people that accuse them of everything and anything. But I will call out those practices.
Posted on Reply
bugNot at all. A premium product implies premium customer support.

As a company, Asus expects me to pay more for their products and then looks to cut costs by screwing some customers out of their warranty. I don't hate companies and I don't like people that accuse them of everything and anything. But I will call out those practices.
They're not a car dealership. They are a manufacturer of PCs and PC components and peripherals. I do not hold a company like Asus in high regard over customer service. But thats mostly because I dont bother with warranties with this sort of thing. Id rather buy new and return the broken one for the sole purposes of 1) I dont like used parts. I dont know what the original owner did to/with it, 2) I dont want to receive a used product that has been refurbished. I did this with a Seagate hard drive YEARS ago. Submitted an RMA for a dead drive and received a lesser hard drive with the bad sectors blocked out and I had a chunk of disk space I couldnt use because of other bad sectors. And 3) I dont want to wait weeks for it to come back to me.

Fuck warranties.
Posted on Reply
CrAsHnBuRnXpThey're not a car dealership. They are a manufacturer of PCs and PC components and peripherals. I do not hold a company like Asus in high regard over customer service. But thats mostly because I dont bother with warranties with this sort of thing. Id rather buy new and return the broken one for the sole purposes of 1) I dont like used parts. I dont know what the original owner did to/with it, 2) I dont want to receive a used product that has been refurbished. I did this with a Seagate hard drive YEARS ago. Submitted an RMA for a dead drive and received a lesser hard drive with the bad sectors blocked out and I had a chunk of disk space I couldnt use because of other bad sectors. And 3) I dont want to wait weeks for it to come back to me.

Fuck warranties.
You do you but dont apply your wasteful and minimum effort MO to the world. Its not only bad taste, its damaging to any consumer brand.

You're simply wrong. Asus deserves every bit of hate they get. And so does any other company dealing with its customers like that. You want to be approached without respect by companies, is what you are saying, and everyone else is a whiner.
CrAsHnBuRnXpBecause premium products ≠ shady practices. Their products can be quality which results in the premium price. The RMA and warranty support is something else entirely. So if youre going to shit on a company, dont shit on them as a whole. Fling shit where it belongs. Only at customer support.
Last I checked I was unable to decide what company handles the aftercare for products I buy.
Posted on Reply
CrAsHnBuRnXpThey're not a car dealership. They are a manufacturer of PCs and PC components and peripherals. I do not hold a company like Asus in high regard over customer service. But thats mostly because I dont bother with warranties with this sort of thing. Id rather buy new and return the broken one for the sole purposes of 1) I dont like used parts. I dont know what the original owner did to/with it, 2) I dont want to receive a used product that has been refurbished. I did this with a Seagate hard drive YEARS ago. Submitted an RMA for a dead drive and received a lesser hard drive with the bad sectors blocked out and I had a chunk of disk space I couldnt use because of other bad sectors. And 3) I dont want to wait weeks for it to come back to me.

Fuck warranties.
Ah, you don't bother with warranties. Well, that changes things, I apologize.
Posted on Reply
CrAsHnBuRnXpThey're not a car dealership. They are a manufacturer of PCs and PC components and peripherals. I do not hold a company like Asus in high regard over customer service. But thats mostly because I dont bother with warranties with this sort of thing. Id rather buy new and return the broken one for the sole purposes of 1) I dont like used parts. I dont know what the original owner did to/with it, 2) I dont want to receive a used product that has been refurbished. I did this with a Seagate hard drive YEARS ago. Submitted an RMA for a dead drive and received a lesser hard drive with the bad sectors blocked out and I had a chunk of disk space I couldnt use because of other bad sectors. And 3) I dont want to wait weeks for it to come back to me.

Fuck warranties.
Been there with Seagate and OCZ before awhile ago, not sure if it's still a problem with seagate or not. They only get away with sending you a lesser unit back with bad sectors because they think they can get away with it. It's only a problem when customers decide to band together to force them to follow the law and make customers whole. That's why it's important that customers fight for good service.
freeagentI don’t even care anymore. I was trying to stand up for them in a land of hate. Good product shitty after sale service. Buy what you want :)
The goal here is to improve their customer service which you acknowledge is bad. A lot of people like myself are old time ASUS users that would like to see them return to form.
CrAsHnBuRnXpMan so many people hate bashing Asus. Get a grip its just a product lol. If you dont like it, buy another shitty competitor.
It's not the product in this case that's the primary quibble, it's the service (although ASUS does have separate product related issues with things like the ROG Alley).

No product or service in the history of mankind has been free of criticism. Things would never improve if they were.
Posted on Reply
Be that as it may then I guess. Ill continue doing what I do and you guys will continue on complaining about companies like Asus. They screw us, I screw them. Sure it's probably wrong, but oh well.

I still feel as though you cant fault the entire company. You need to place blame within the company where it belongs. Not R&D.
Posted on Reply
CrAsHnBuRnXpBe that as it may then I guess. Ill continue doing what I do and you guys will continue on complaining about companies like Asus. They screw us, I screw them. Sure it's probably wrong, but oh well.

I still feel as though you cant fault the entire company. You need to place blame within the company where it belongs. Not R&D.
I'm trying to figure out how you're screwing Asus by avoiding the RMA process when faced with a bad product? You're pissing away your hard earned by avoiding CS and spending more money to replace a bad product? That's an unusual outlook to put it kindly. Yet, at the same time, you call the individuals that did/do try to take advantage of the return process, found it garbage, whiners? At the least, they found the courage to proceed with their RMA. In your case, by avoiding CS and the RMA process, you're doing exactly what Asus hopes EVERY customer does when faced with a defective product. Or maybe, just maybe, I'm deciphering your posts inaccurately?

To the Asus apologists...If Asus products are as infallible as some profess (in this thread particularly) why do so many people require using RMA at all? A great product requires excellence from start to finish. Hence imo, why so many manufacturers fail so frequently at meeting consumer expectations. It's not as if it's a goal that's impossible to attain. Companies and manufacturers do it day after day, year after year. But for some reason in the tech world, juuuust good enough gets a pass far too often.
Posted on Reply
DudeBeFishingWhere are you seeing 259? I'm seeing only 65 boards with DDR5 support on their site. Still a lot, but that includes AMD, Intel, consumer and workstation boards.
I'm not filtering out DDR4. Just off-the-shelf mobos is 219.

I'm sure there are some technical, regional, and legal reasons to have more than what seems necessary. But if the added complexity harms the customer experience, well, Asus is serving itself rather than it's customers.

Posted on Reply
maxflyI'm trying to figure out how you're screwing Asus by avoiding the RMA process when faced with a bad product?
I believe he meant he just returns it for a full refund. Which is valid option, just not available all over the world.
Posted on Reply
CrAsHnBuRnXpBe that as it may then I guess. Ill continue doing what I do and you guys will continue on complaining about companies like Asus. They screw us, I screw them. Sure it's probably wrong, but oh well.

I still feel as though you cant fault the entire company. You need to place blame within the company where it belongs. Not R&D.
I don't think anyone is blaming R&D here, are they? How would we know who in the company made the final decisions on say, the Ally's design, or the implementation of it. Doesn't even have to be R&D, but could very well still be caused by them through delaying on other features and then not getting the time to finish it proper. Or it could be any exec saying 'OK your money has dried up, this is what customers are going to get now'... This rabbit hole is deep.

The bottom line is, as a customer I'm facing Asus the company and not Asus the interchangeable rep who can catch the blame only to never be seen again. So yes, every employee is responsible, but most notably the ones calling the shots, I don't even care who it is or why it happened. As a customer, I'm looking at a product that comes with a warranty and with all sorts of inflated marketing assurances. So I expect what I'm being told something is. Its really that simple and every tiny deviation from that is throwing away your consumer power. If you're just getting a full refund to avoid an RMA process... hey, by all means, you played the system well, but in no way does that change things regarding the above. The principle stands - it is the simple principle of a trade where something is offered and expected. A contract.
Posted on Reply
freeagentI don’t even care anymore. I was trying to stand up for them in a land of hate. Good product shitty after sale service. Buy what you want :)
I mean that's how I feel about GIGABYTE which I am presently using. It's a legit understanding you can have with a company, if not ideal. Wasn't trying to pick on you.
Posted on Reply
maxflyI'm trying to figure out how you're screwing Asus by avoiding the RMA process when faced with a bad product? You're pissing away your hard earned by avoiding CS and spending more money to replace a bad product? That's an unusual outlook to put it kindly. Yet, at the same time, you call the individuals that did/do try to take advantage of the return process, found it garbage, whiners? At the least, they found the courage to proceed with their RMA. In your case, by avoiding CS and the RMA process, you're doing exactly what Asus hopes EVERY customer does when faced with a defective product. Or maybe, just maybe, I'm deciphering your posts inaccurately?
Ill buy a new product, replace the faulty one, and return the defective for a refund. No money lost. I dont have the time or patience to wait for a replacement that in reality is going to end up being a refurbished product.
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